Consequences of Avengers vs. X-Men

  Kieron Gillen and Tom Raney explore the moments after the conclusion of Avengers vs. X-Men #12. Marvel shared the cover and first look inside AvX: Consequences #1.

  Because these images could be viewed as giving away who survives the conflict, especially the cover, I’m going to give you this before you scroll down:












Cyclops is on the cover of All-New X-Men #1 so we can assume he survives the final chapter of AvX. The hook is how they heck are they going to get the Dark Phoenix Force out of him!

AvX: Consequences #1 courtesy Marvel

Wolverine and Storm are shown (arguing in the Blackbird?) over what to do with Scott after his actions.

AvX: Consequences #1 courtesy Marvel

Finally Abigail Brand of SWORD is seen talking with Magneto – over the fate of the Phoenix entity?

AvX: Consequences #1 courtesy Marvel

AvX: Consequences #1 arrives October 10.

By Editor

Death of an Icon in Avengers vs. X-Men #11

Avengers vs. X-Men #11 courtesy


















  Avengers vs. X-Men #11 is an epic and heartbreaking chapter that brings the complicated lives of Scott Summers, Professor Charles Xavier and in a way Jean Grey full circle. I don’t mean to offend any religious sensibilities with my next point. Professor X, Cyclops and the Phoenix Force are the mutant father, son and cosmic spirit.

  Cyclops has been driven his entire life. Driven to lead by Professor X. Driven to extreme measures to save his fellow mutants. Now the Phoenix Force has driven Scott to nearly destroy the woman he loves and kill his mentor.

  Brian Michael Bendis tells why this story led to the Professor’s death. 

 “When I joined the X-Men office I was quite surprised what a polarizing figure Charles Xavier had become among the editors, creators, and readers. Maybe it’s because he’s bald but I never have a problem with him. Analyzing it, it is clear that the franchise just simply outgrew him. All of the characters had moved on to a place where Charles himself wasn’t really needed anymore. I don’t think anyone did it on purpose; it was just one of those organic storytelling things.

   I spent a lot of time championing his place in Avengers Vs. X-Men only to find that I was really one of the only [people] who cared how he felt about the whole thing. After one of our retreat days a small group of us got together and the question was brought up that maybe he would be more interesting dead post-AvX than he was in life pre-AvX.

  Knowing what my plans were post AvX [with ALL-NEW X-MEN], the death of Charles Xavier made every scene I have coming up for the next year more passionate, more interesting and more controversial. I was very happy that we voted to whack the man.

  A small group of us getting together to decide to murder Charles Xavier is all sounding very Godfather-ish. [Laughs]

Avengers vs. X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

  Bendis reveals the consequences of this death.

“Charles Xavier is a founding father of the pro-mutant movement. If there is a mutant living by that manifesto, he or she is living a manifesto invented by Charles Xavier. The other mutants all around the Marvel Universe will have very strong feelings about his death. Some will try to carry on his message, others will decide that the dream is dead, and others will never forget Scott Summers for what he has done and will do everything in their power to make every day of his life a nightmare.”

 Bendis is not just a writer. He’s a fan. Bendis explains how it feels to kill an icon in such a dramatic confrontation?

  “It felt very Shakespearean. I don’t always write in a very Shakespearean way but as I was putting the final touches on the scene and then when I saw the pencils I was quite surprised how large the tragedy truly felt. Not only does Cyclops, who is arguably not in control of his own actions, [to] murder his father, for lack of a better word, but he does it in front of every major player in the Marvel Universe. This isn’t some rumor that’s been spread around. Everyone saw him do it. Scott knows what he has done.

  And then I was struck with the feeling that as the new writer of X-Men I was walking into the franchise as the man who murdered Charles Xavier, gave Wolverine his memories back, and decimated the mutant population without even being on an X-Men book. And then I thought I may need to unplug my computer once and for all. [Laughs]

  How does a lifelong X-Men fan like myself feel? I write this review while it’s still pretty raw.

  This book is brilliant. Even as I saw what was building I still felt the shock and awe as each powerful moment happened.

  Captain America’s plea and the Hulk’s answer – perfection.

  Olivier Coipel has drawn one of the most beauitful images of Rogue ever created.

  The cover promised a massive fight but I love how Emma and Scott’s conflict slowly burned into that shocking moment when Cyclops seized Emma’s share of the force.

  I’m so impressed that Bendis used Bobby as the voice against Scott instead of Logan, again.

  “This is what it felt like for Jean” was the moment that just nailed me in the heart.  As a guy who still might cry while reading the original Dark Phoenix Saga seeing Scott possessed by the entity was as scary and saddening.

  The nightmare comes full circle: Scott is now the Dark Phoenix.

By Editor

AvX Should Be Called Operation: Hate Cyclops?

Avengers vs X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel


  Avengers vs. X-Men could be retitled Operation: Hate Cyclops. When AvX was first announced I was on fully on board with Cyclops and the mutants. I posted “Cyke Is Right!” on my blog and all over rallying my fellow X-Men fans. X-Men were my first comic book and I’ve always identified with them. Captain America and the Avengers were yanking away the one Hope the mutants had to save their species.

The architects of AvX turned the greatest hero and leader in comic books into an arrogant, power mad egomaniac. The Marvel masterminds even did the unthinkable – turn me against Scott! I’ve actually rooting for the Avengers. Cyke was right. Now I’m not so sure.

AvX is a dark and critical chapter in Scott’s life. The man Professor Xavier chose to lead the mutants has never had it easy. He’s been put in incredible scenarios against impossible odds and faced tragedy after tragedy. His fellow mutants have constantly been under attack and he’s been forced to make tough calls without a single Avenger coming to his aid. That’s what I love about him.

Scott Summers must always been in control. Holding back his optic blasts is a symbol of the life Scott has been forced to lead. Professor Xavier made him team leader. Cyke pushed himself to be a better leader while the other X-Men got to laugh and escape from training at Harry’s Hideaway. Scott is always living in the Danger Room.

Scott has lost Jean, Madelyne, Nathan. Cyke has hold firm despite insults from Wolverine and wavering support from longtime friends. He’s a better X-Man than any mutant…including Logan.

Avengers vs. X-Men #11 courtesy

This week’s AvX #11 sees the Phoenix possessed Cyclops and Emma Frost turn on each other because there can be only one.  AvX appears to be the end of a powerhouse Marvel romance. Grant Morrison slowly separated Scott and Jean and paired Cyke with the reformed Emma Frost during his New X-Men run. Joss Whedon united Scott and Emma as the mutant power couple in his Astonishing X-Men epic. As much as I love Jean, Emma is the one true woman for Scott.

The Phoenix Force is now divided between Scott and Emma. Scott has been transformed into arrogant cosmic level zealot. The God-like power of the Phoenix Force has twisted Scott’s intense dedication to save his race. Emma’s behavior is now dangerously similar to the Dark Phoenix. The reformed White Queen has always kept her ruthless streak and it’s been necessary and easy for her to slip back into the role of a villain (Dark Reign & Dark X-Men Saga) to use it for the sake of saving the mutants.

I kept hoping Scott and Emma’s extreme and ruthless behavior was a result of having slivers of The Void (The Sentry’s evil alter ego) in their minds. It was these two mutants who sacrificed to trap the Void when the Avengers couldn’t stop him. I wanted some excuse so it would be easy to redeem Scott and Emma for their actions. Alas, I can blame the Phoenix Force but isn’t the entity just feeding off and empowering the emotions and motivations existing in my favorite Marvel power couple?

Avengers vs. X-Men made me side against Scott and Emma. This week’s chapter is teasing a fatality. Will Cyclops destroy his lover or his father figure and mentor? Can Scott live with it if he does kill Emma or the Professor?

Every hero falls. Every fan loves redemption. I hope Scott and Emma survive AvX to rise to greatness again in the Marvel NOW.

By Editor

All-New X-Men Reveals Emma Frost, Cyclops, Magneto, Magik!

All-New X-Men courtesy Marvel

  Marvel revealed a third variant by Stuart Immonen for the upcoming All-New X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis. The third cover image revealed at Fan Expo Canada shows Cyclops, Emma Frost, Magneto, Magik and a young man in glasses (no idea here). 

  All-New X-Men will see the original five X-Men from the past suddenly in our present day. A second cover revealed Storm, Wolverine, Kitty Pryde, Beast, Iceman and a mystery woman Bendis say is not Rachel Summers.

All-New X-Men courtesy Marvel

  This new cover makes us assume Scott, Emma, Erik and Illyana will survive Avengers vs. X-Men and be part of the new Marvel NOW! X-Men relaunch. AvX#11 has teases a death: there can be only one. Scott and Emma are currently the only host of the Phoenix Force.

  I still hold on to my theory that if you have an Uncanny Avengers…there can be a team of Avenging X-Men. I hope this cover means Emma (good or evil) will live on in the Marvel Now!

 All-New X-Men debuts with 2 issues this November.

Thanks to Comics Newsarama for the images.

By Editor

AvX Death and Consequences?

AvX Consequences #1 courtesy

  We know it wasn’t going to have a happy ending for everybody? Marvel is now teasing AvX Consequences by Kieron Gillen. Senior Editor Nick Lowe tells  “It deals with the effects of AvX on both the X-side and the A-side!” and that he could not comment further “without spoiling AvX!”

 “It is pretty hardcore. If you like what Kieron’s doing on ‘Uncanny,’ this book will blow your mind,” Lowe continued.

“‘AvX’ ends with a bang, it’s going to be very controversial,” says Editor in Chief Axel Alonso. “A lot of you will be very pissed at us, a lot of you will be clapping,” he said, mentioning one team will deal with the question of new leadership.

  Does this mean the death of Cyclops? Cyke was seen on the Joe Quesada Marvel NOW! promo art but that doesn’t mean it’s the current Scott Summers. Gillen has been writing the flagship X-book for a while and there’s no mention yet of his role in the Marvel NOW! revamp. With Havok taking a leadership rile on the Uncanny Avengers, Uncanny X-Men ending to make way for All-New X-Men starring the original five students of Xavier and no word on the future of Scott and Emma could this signal the end of Cyclops?

I’ve been playing with the idea of Emma Frost’s Avenging X-Men. This is just speculation but let me know what you think? Do you want to see Cyke killed at the end of AvX?

A Geek’s Dream: Emma Frost & Her Avenging X-Men?

  Disclaimer: This is just the raving speculation of an excited geek!


Astonishing X-Men #18 courtesy Marvel

  I love Jean Grey in every carnation (original, copy, post cocoon, dead, resurrected, etc) but Emma Frost was the best thing to happen to Scott Summers and the X-Men. Grant Morrison wedged Cyclops and Jean apart during his New X-Men run. Joss Whedon brought them together in Astonishing X-Men. Matt Fraction and Kieron Gillen developed Emma into a ruthless heroine capable of throwing one-liners as sharp as her diamond hard skin. Emma has kept secrets within secrets that come back to haunt her (Sebastian Shaw.) Now the Phoenix is ripping her away from Cyclops.

 The former White Queen’s road to redemption is one of my favorite character arcs in comic book history. Emma switched her allegiance to the X-Men and pledged her love to Scott but it was always too easy for her to fall back into her ruthless ways (Dark X-Men) to accomplish her goals. Kieron Gillen has ramped up the sexual tension between Emma and Namor. The Phoenix Force is attracted to, feeding off of and fueling the sparks between the former lovers. That passion is about to explode future chapters of Avengers vs. X-Men. It was only a matter of time but I think the Emma/Scott era is about to be over.

Avengers vs X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

  This week’s Marvel NOW! announcement of an Uncanny Avengers title featuring Children of the Atom and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes will include Cyclops. The original Jean Grey is arriving from the past to star in an All-New X-Men. I can see Emma not fitting in with this new world order and thus the Avenging X-Men will be born.

  Emma Frost – mutant leader who isn’t quick to mend fences with the Avengers and still believes only mutants will truly be dedicated to protecting fellow mutants.

  Magneto – the Red Skull is reborn with an anti-mutant agenda. The legacy of the holocaust and the Nazi symbolism surrounding the Red Skull will ignite Erik’s painful past and make him pledge his allegiance with Frost.

  Storm – rival queens may find a reason to unite in the post AvX world? Ororo and T’Challa’s marriage may be over and she distrusts Cyclops and Wolverine. 

  Frenzy – it will be easy for Magneto’s former Acolyte to rejoin him plus Joanna and Emma may be sharing bitter heartbreak caused by Cyclops.

  Again, this is just speculation. Only Marvel knows the post AvX fate of Emma Frost I just know the Marvel Universe is sexier and edgier with her in it.

By Editor


Avengers Vs. X-Men: Adam Kubert’s Phoenix Five


Avengers Vs. X-Men #8 courtesy

  If you were the side of the X-Men before AvX…are you still? I have to ask myself given Scott’s actions. Cyclops has now declared “No More Avengers.” The X-Men will become hero hunters and Avengers will be imprisoned in upcoming chapters. revealed Adam Kubert’s variant cover for Avengers Vs. X-Men #8 showcasing the fiery and regal Phoenix Five (Cyclops, Emma Frost, Colossus, Magik, Namor.) Scott is holding Captain America’s shield.

  Here’s the description for the issue:

  “The chase comes to a head in Wakanda, as the sovereign nation becomes the target of an out-of-control Namor! Will the onslaught of the powered-up Sub-Mariner overwhelm the Avengers? The answer – and a shocking truth about the X-Men – is revealed”

  Avengers Vs. X-Men #8 by Brian Michael Bendis and Adam Kubert arrives July 18th.

  Some of my AvX theories are blown now. I had suspected the overzealous Cyclops was under the influence of the Void but wouldn’t the Phoenix have burned that out of him? It’s ironic the future the X-Men wanted to avoid (Days of Future Past) is now the present but they are the hunters instead of Sentinels. 

By Editor

Avengers vs X-Men Infinite Comic


Avengers vs X-Men Infinite courtesy

Marvel revealed the next Marvel Infinite Comic will come with Avengers vs X-Men #6 this June. Mark Waid, Yves ‘Balak’ Bigerel and Carlos Barberi will bring a story featuring Cyclops and how he sees the world.

Here’s how you can find the next Avengers Vs. X-Men Infinite Comic in one of three ways:

1. Free with the redemption of a code found in print copies of AVENGERS VS X-MEN #6

2. Free with a purchase of the digital copy of AVENGERS VS X-MEN #6 on the Marvel Comics app and the Marvel Digital Comics Shop

3. Available for $1.99, also on the Marvel Comics app and the Marvel Digital Comics Shop

For more of the story and more preview images here’s the link.

Since this story is apparently focusing on Cyclops we may learn what led up to the “No More Avengers” event?

By Editor.