Wolverine’s History Back to Haunt Him

Wolverine #301 courtesy Marvel.com

  Wolverine #301 arrives today. Part Two of Jason Aaron’s final arc sees a new Silver Samurai facing Logan. New writer Cullen Bunn is looking ahead to his first storyline on Wolverine’s solo title.

  “If I were thinking about what I have planned in terms of a series of images, a number of things come to mind: Wolverine stalking through the stark hallways of an abandoned mental institution… having a conversation with a dead man… fighting for his life against both human and inhuman horrors on the grounds of a crumbling old mansion… having his guts ripped out and spread across a forest floor… meeting with a 150-year-old detective… battling alien hybrids alongside the daughter of a famous monster hunter… scaling a castle wall with his claws…


Wolverine #304 courtesy Marvel

I have a lot of action and high adventure planned, but I’m also excited to explore Wolverine as a character, too. He has a long and unusual history, and everything that has happened to him has helped to shape who he is… or who he thinks he is,” Bunn told Comics Newsarama.

 “My first arc deals with some characters Jason introduced during his time with Wolverine. While I’ll be introducing some new story elements along the way, I’d be remiss if I ignored some of the fertile ground Jason left behind. In this first arc, I took some of the elements he created and started building and expanding them, and the resulting story should be a lot of fun. It’s important that I make my mark by telling Wolverine stories only I can tell, but I also want to make sure I honor and build upon the great stuff Jason did.”

  Artist Paul Pelletier joins Bunn on Wolverine #304 this April. The duo is part of the team behind Fear Itself: The Fearless. Issue #9 of that limited series arrives today too.

  For Cullen Bunn’s entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.

Wolverine’s New Writer

Wolverine #305 cover by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel.com

  Cullen Bunn is taking over Wolverine’s solo book after Jason Aaron’s 3 year run. I’m a huge fan of his work starring Valkyrie in Fear Itself: The Fearless. The latest issue of that series featured a bloody brawl between Logan and Crossbones.

  “Of all the Marvel characters I’ve worked with, Wolverine’s definitely the most ‘down and dirty,’” Bunn said today on Marvel.com. “His physical confrontations are up close, personal, and bloody. He’s more visceral. I think Wolverine’s a character most of us want to be like. His ‘code’ is pretty appealing. He stands up for what he believes in. He owns up to his mistakes and he tries to make amends. His friends can count on him when the chips are down.

Fear Itself: The Fearless #7 courtesy Marvel.com

   “He doesn’t start trouble unless there’s no other choice. He doesn’t flinch—and he doesn’t take crap from anyone.”

 In his first arc Bunn said he’s bringing a nasty villain from Jason Aaron’s run back to plague Logan. 

 Cullen Bunn and Paul Pelletier take over with Wolverine #305 For the complete interview here’s the Marvel.com link.


Wolverine by Cheung!

Wolverine #305 cover by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel.com

  Jim Cheung is one of my favorite artists! I have a stunning sketch of Mystique he drew for me, an autographed The Heroic Age poster, an autographed Young Avengers promo poster and countless autographed issues.

I think I’ll have a new book for Cheung to sign if I’m lucky enough to meet him again.

  Cheung is wrapping up the epic Avengers: The Children’s Crusade and is jumping to provide a cover for Wolverine. In Marvel’s April solicitations you can find his cover to Wolverine #305. Cullen Bunn and Paul Pelletier take over the creative team of Logan’s solo book.

For a gallery of covers visit Comics Newsarama.