The cosmic climax of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, mutation of the X-Men franchise, a Batman villain’s origin – 2019 will be an epic year of endings, new beginnings and minds blowing. New heroes opening doors and super sequels will hit cinemas this year.

courtesy Marvel

Let’s begin our guide to 2019 biggest movies with a comic book movie not based on an actual comic book: Continue reading COMIC BOOK MOVIES of 2019

Comic Book Movies of 2018 Guide

Updated 1/11/18

Superheroes will rule 2018. The Marvel Cinematic Universe reaches a major milestone and new beginning. The X-Men franchise mutates with New Mutants – literally – jumping to the big screen. A DC comics legend will make a big splash in cinemas – and it won’t be a storyline punchline.

Black Panther courtesy Marvel

Here are 8 must see comic book movies of 2018: Continue reading Comic Book Movies of 2018 Guide


Ant-Man #1 courtesy Marvel
Ant-Man #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel makes room for an Ant-Man sequel while pushing other Phase Three movies back.

The Carol Corps will have to wait a little longer for Carol Danvers to soar in a Captain Marvel movie and the Wasp becomes the first Marvel heroine to get in the title of a film.

Ant-Man and The Wasp is the official follow-up set for July 6, 2018 and the studio announced new dates for other heroes.

Here’s the revised superhero movie timeline. Continue reading SUPERHERO MOVIE LINEUP with MARVEL Phase Three Changes

My Comic Book Movie Oscars

The Cast of X-Men: First Class courtesy

Best Film: X-Men: First Class


Best Actor: Michael Fassbender as Erik Lensherr/Magneto


Best Actress: Jennifer Lawrence as Raven Darkholme/Mystique


Best Supporting Actor: Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy/Beast


Best Supporting Actress: Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter


Best Director: Matthew Vaughn X-Men: First Class


Best Villain: Tom Hiddleston/Loki


Best Script: X-Men: First Class

Captain America: The First Avenger courtesy


Most Inspiring Moment: Captain America bringing back Bucky and his unit back!


Best Special Effect: Asgard and the Bifrost


Best Human Special Effect: Chris Hemsworth (male) January Jones(female)


Best Costumes: Thor


Best Decision to Change a Costume for the Big Screen: Captain America


Gone Too Soon: Darwin, X-Men: First Class


Coolest Comic Book to Movie Makeover: Azazel (Jason Flemying) X-Men: First Class

Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes in Captain America: The First Avenger courtesy


Coolest Male Character I Hope to See in a Sequel: Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)


Coolest Female Character I Hope to See More of in a Sequel: Lady Sif (Jaime Alexander)


Most Perfect Casting: Chris Evans (Steve Rogers) and Hugo Weaving (Red Skull)


Best Mix of Marvel Mythology in one movie while still keeping it accessible: Captain America: The First Avenger


Honorary Award: James McAvoy as Professor Charles Xavier. Michael Fassbender received most of the praise but he had the more demanding role. Everyone roots for the anti-hero. Xavier was the optimistic, steady yin to Erik’s passionate, revenge driven yang.  Xavier is the mentor to the other characters and McAvoy was the rock for the rest of the cast.

Tom Hiddleston as Loki & Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Thor courtesy Marvel


Honorary Award: Kenneth Branaugh! I had serious doubts about making Norse Gods, Asgard, and the Nine Realms accessible and enjoyable but he pulled it off beautifully. His Shakespearean background was perfect to infuse the Odin, Thor, Loki conflict with power and drama.

  A stellar year for Marvel superhero fans at the box-office. Great action, inspiration, and emotion. Thanks to all the creators and actors who accepted the challenge of bringing our heroes to the big screen.


X-Men: First Class Screenwriter Talks Sequel

Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy from X-Men: First Class courtesy

  Jane Goldman is screenwriter and queen of comic book geek friendly films. She’s featured in Entertainment Weekly because her new film The Woman in Black starring Daniel Radcliffe opens February 3rd. I was fascinated to learn the greek cred connections Goldman shares.

  With director Matthew Vaughn, she gave us Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class. The Goldman-Vaughn partnership started with an adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s Stardust. He’s a family friend who recommended Goldman to Vaughn. Her husband is British television presenter Jonathan Ross, who is collaborating with Bryan Hitch on an upcoming comic book series, America’s Got Powers. Goldman wrote the short film James Bond Supports International Women’s Day.

 With Kick-Ass based on Mark Millar’s comic and X-Men: First Class -Goldman has become the female member of a male dominated clique of superhero-film makers. 

“The only moment I became aware of being the only woman in a meeting is when actresses are being discussed,” she told EW, “If someone’s critical of how a woman looks, they turn to me and apologize.”

Goldman told EW she and Matthew Vaughn enjoyed a “huge amount of freedom” on the reboot. And her response to a Vaughn directed sequel, “I’m there.”

I’ve posted my hope that a X-Men: First Class sequel will introduce Magneto’s children: Polaris, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver.

I loved Kick-Ass, Stardust and X-Men: First Class – all very different movies from the comic book genre that worked – a sure sign that the Goldman/Vaughn partnership is magic.