Christopher Nolan On Directing James Bond

The Dark Knight Rises Teaser Poster from Courtesy: Warner Brothers Entertainment

  What will The Dark Knight Rises director Christopher Nolan pick for his next project after the Batman finale? Nolan has expressed interest in directing a James Bond film. The director has said the big action sequence at the snowbound fortress in Inception was inspired by On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.

  In a new interview Empire Online with The Playlist Nolan says he’s serious but cautious about a potential 007 film.

  “It would have to be the right situation and the right time in their cycle of things.”

  I have to agree with the editors that say Nolan’s comment suggest he would only like to take on the job if he got to make a fresh start, including casting a new Bond. Craig is lined up for more films so a potential Nolan helmed 007 movie may be more than a decade away.


   Daniel Craig recruited Oscar winner Sam Mendes to direct the upcoming Bond film Skyfall so it’s not a stretch to see an acclaimed filmmaker work on 007. And never underestimate producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson shaking things up. The change from Pierce Brosnan to Daniel Craig was a shock and look how it’s working. After the Daniel Craig era closes an innovative director like Nolan might be just what the franchise needs.

By Editor


Dark Knight Rises Star Admits to Almost Losing the Script!


The Dark Knight Rises teaser poster courtesy Warner Brothers

  The plot of The Dark Knight Rises is one of Hollywood’s best kept secrets. Gary Oldman reveals he almost lost his script for the final Batman film.

“I was in a panic for 20 minutes,” Oldman told the BBC. “I thought, ‘where the hell have I put it?'”

“It had my name on it,” he added. “They would have killed me”. The script surfaced in his hotel room.

“I’d gone out for dinner,” he explained, “and I had put it in the room between the mattress and the bed, because I couldn’t scrunch it into the safe.

“I was half-thinking about something else and shoved it there.”

The actor who plays Commissioner Jim Gordon went on to describe how director Christopher Nolan and Warner Brothers protected the script.

“When he [Nolan] gives the script out, it doesn’t have the ending. Characters sometimes change, or their names change. And you have to go to the studio to read it.”

 All the secrets are revealed when The Dark Knight Rises opens this summer. Thanks to Baird Warnick for the story suggestion!

Batman Composer Defends Nolan Secrecy

The Dark Knight Rises teaser poster courtesy Warner Brothers

  Oscar-winning composer Hans Zimmer is defending Director Christopher Nolan’s secrecy surrounding the final Batman film.

 “There’s always this thing [that people say], ‘Oh, Chris is so secretive.’ Well, I think that there are two elements to this. One is, I think, to be able to do really good work, you have to have the chance to fail in privacy. And if everybody’s watching you on the Internet, I think it stifles creativity. And I think ‘Dark Knight’ is the perfect example of this idea. Everybody knew we were making a Batman movie. But until it came out they didn’t know it was going to be that sort of a Batman movie,” Zimmer told Hero Complex.

  “And isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? We’re supposed to go and surprise you. And part of the experience has to be a surprise. It feels a little bit like we’re working very hard at protecting part of what is great about movies — the surprise. Because it seems like the world doesn’t want you to do that anymore. They want to know everything, they want to know about the stars and [this and that] immediately. And it’s not important to us. To us, really, the thing is the writing and the script and the ideas and the journey, and making it into something really good,” he adds.

  For the entire interview here’s the link. Well said and without the secrecy we wouldn’t have so much fun speculating!

The Dark Knight Rises Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Joseph Gordon-Levitt on the set of The Dark Knight Rises courtesy Jose Perez Splash News

  Joseph Gordon-Levitt hints that The Dark Knight Rises will explore the themes similar to the Occupy Wall Street movement. The actor plays Officer John Blake and talked with Sundance Channel’s Sunfiltered.

  Christopher Nolan has said A Tale of Two Cities was an element of inspiration for the film. Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle whispers to Bruce Wayne in the trailer “You and your friends better batten down the hatches because when it hits, you’re all going to wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.”

 The trailer shows protests in the streets of Gotham City. The cast and crew were filming as the real protests were happening. Fans assume the spirit of that movement is a theme of the final Batman film. 

  “Yup! I know. You saw it, man. The trailer isn’t misleading and Nolan’s not the type of guy to create a trailer that will sell you something other than what the movie is,” Gordon-Levitt said.

For more of Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s interview click here.

Nightwing: The Lost Year courtesy DC Comics

  Back to Geek Dreaming – I’m still curious if Gordon-Levitt’s John Blake will more than just a police officer. Some fans speculated he could become Nightwing. If the film does follow the Knightfall storyline with Bane breaking Batman, I can picture Joseph Gordon-Levitt as the character taking up mantle of protecting Gotham City.

  I know Dick Grayson is Robin first but Nightwing’s vibe and costume are so much cooler.

  Joseph Gordon-Levitt starred in the excellent romantic indie comedy 500 Days of Summer directed by Marc Webb – who’s directing the Spidey reboot, The Amazing Spider-Man.

By Editor

Dark Knight Rises Covers EW


courtesy Entertainment Weekly

This image gave me a geeky chill! Christian Bale as Batman on the upcoming issue of Entertainment Weekly! The feature will include a new Christopher Nolan interview. The online tease features what some Batfans might consider at spoiler so just in case….




– Nolan tells EW that the last chapter of his cinematic saga explores the ramifications of The Dark Knight’s chilling climax, in which Batman and super-cop Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) hatch a conspiracy to cover up the sins of Gotham City’s so-called “white knight,” the late Harvey Dent, a.k.a. Two-Face (Aaron Eckhart). Nolan also discusses the potential political subtext of Rises.

I posted earlier that I was curious about why Bane was holding a photo of Harvey Dent in the Empire Magazine story…maybe we’ll receive a new clue to that puzzle this week.

Batman’s Villain Problem

I eagerly awaited The Dark Knight Rises IMAX prologue and new trailer. They looked stunning but the only critique was not being able to understand what Bane was saying.

The Dark Knight Rises teaser poster courtesy Warner Brothers

  Batfans are speaking out and Warner Brothers appears to be listening. According to Heat Vision of The Hollywood Reporter the studio is asking Christopher Nolan to alter the sound so audiences can better understand the main villain more clearly. The director responded that he will alter the sound slightly.

  Bane wears a mask because he’s inhaling a drug that gives him super strength. In the comics the drug is called Venom.

  Opinion – While I admit it was difficult to understand Bane in the prologue and trailer – there’s no question about the physical presence of Tom Hardy. Even in a mask, the actor exudes menace. Batfans- have faith in Nolan.

Christopher Nolan on Leaving Batman and Batmania

The Dark Knight Rises teaser poster courtesy Warner Brothers

 Christopher Nolan is talking about leaving Batman behind.

 “…you definitely get a lump in your throat thinking that, ‘OK, this is the last time we’re going to be doing this.’ It’s been quite a journey. Hopefully, reflecting that journey – by all of us who made the films – in the three films together will make it so there they have a real span to them, some real heft” the Director tells Los Angeles Times Hero Complex.

After a recent press screening of The Dark Knight Rises, Nolan says he welcomes the Batman fan mania for what it represents.

“It reminds you that it’s an honor to work on something that means so much to people.”

Nolan Talks Bane

The Dark Knight Rises teaser poster courtesy Warner Brothers

Director Christopher Nolan reveals why he chose Bane as Batman’s foe for The Dark Knight Rises to The Los Angeles Times.

“With Bane, the physicality is the thing. With a good villain you need an archetype, you know, you need the extreme of some type of villainy. The Joker is obviously a particular archetype of diabolical, chaotic anarchy and has a devilish sense of humor. Bane, to me, is something we haven’t dealt with in the films. We wanted to do something very different in this film. He’s a primarily physical villain, he’s a classic movie monster in a way — but with a terrific brain. I think he’s a fascinating character. I think people are going to get a kick out of what we’ve done with him” says Nolan.