Happy Holidays With an X-Men Tradition

X-Men #109 courtesy Marvel.com

Every holiday season I love sharing this special Christmas issue of the X-Men.


X-Men #109 was dubbed a 100 page monster issue featuring a new story by Chris Claremont plus 3 classic tales set around the holidays.


While the previous stories are all action packed with Sentinels, a demon stalking Kitty and Gladiator versus Cannonball above New York City, the main story is very moving and reminds us how Chris Claremont filled his stories with heart and humor. Continue reading Happy Holidays With an X-Men Tradition

An X-Men Christmas

X-Men #109 courtesy Marvel.com

Tis the season so I wanted to share a special Christmas issue of the X-Men.

   X-Men #109 was dubbed a 100 page monster issue featuring a new story by Chris Claremont plus 3 classic tales set around the holidays. While the previous stories are all action packed with Sentinels, a demon stalking Kitty and Gladiator versus Cannonball, the main story is very moving and reminds us how Chris Claremont poured a lot of heart into the team he wrote so many years.

   “Ceremonies” shows the X-Men family in a snowball fight, ice skating, enjoying a date, breaking up, giving each other comfort. Comics always deliver action, thrills and battles but once in a while, a change of pace issue like this one makes you remember why you’re cheering for the X-Men to win.

I may not be posting as much as you’re used to this week because I’m spending time with family but I will be back up to full speed after the holiday. Thanks for visiting and supporting Comics Blend. As you unite with friends and family I wish you safe travels and a happy holiday.

By Editor

Doctor Who Christmas Wish List

Matt Smith as The Doctor courtesy BBC America

As we celebrate the Christmas episode of Doctor Who I was inspired to make a wish list for second half of the season in 2013. The Snowmen will introduce the Doctor’s new companion: Clara Oswin (Jenna-Louise Coleman) and bring some humor back after the heartbreaking end of The Angels Take Manhattan.

The Return of Madame Vastra, Jenny and Strax! Check these off! The Doctor’s allies appear in the holiday episode.

Neil Gaiman Returns! The Sandman creator wrote one of the most emotional episodes of all time. The writer of The Doctor’s Wife is working on script for the upcoming second season starring…

Cybermen! Those sinister cyborgs will return in an episode penned by Gaiman.

Torchwood! Can you imagine Captain Jack Harkness hitting on Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor? I’m curious if there is an organization like Torchwood now. It was fun to meet Kate Stewart in The Power of Three. Kate is following in her father’s (Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart) footsteps with UNIT.

The Doctor faces Brian Williams! Will the Time Lord break the news of Amy and Rory’s fate to Rory’s dad? Moffat would write a heart ripping scene I know Matt Smith and Mark Williams would play the hell out of

Zygons! My favorite aliens of the series! The Tom Baker storyline Terror of the Zygons creeped me out because it involved the Loch Ness Monster but when I saw the Zygons for the first time it gave me childhood nightmares. I thought sure we might see one in The Pandorica Opens. Fingers crossed for the return of those creep suction cup crustacean looking bastards!

Queen Nerfertiti and John Riddell! Riann Steele and Rupert Graves played the Egyptian Queen and big game hunter who joined the Doctor in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. How about the Doctor, Riddell, Clara and her Majesty united for an adventure in ancient Egypt that brings back Sutekh, another villain from the Tom Baker days in Pyramids of Mars.

Doctor Who in Seattle!  Why should New York City and Utah have all the fun? Emerald City Whovians like me would love to have the Doctor come to the home of the Space Needle – maybe it’s a real spaceship waiting to blast off or a Tardis?

That’s my wish list but I trust in Steven Moffat! Happy Holidays to my fellow Whovians around the globe!

By Editor