Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #1 courtesy Marvel
Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #1 courtesy Marvel

On the final day of San Diego Comic Con Marvel announced more new comics about an X-Man’s final days on Earth.


From the Next Big Thing panel:


Death of Wolverine writer Charles Soule said Reed Richards will advise Logan to stop popping the claws now that the healing factor is gone.


The writer said each issue had a different tone but the ending is epic, “appropriate and emotional” for Logan. Soule said he put “this is tough to write” in the notes of his script. Continue reading DEATH OF WOLVERINE: THE WEAPON X PROGRAM


Death of Wolverine #3 courtesy Marvel
Death of Wolverine #3 courtesy Marvel

Given their connection, we knew Kitty Pryde would appear in the Death of Wolverine storyline


Kitty has been Logan’s sidekick, fellow X-Man and most recently co-headmaster of the Jean Grey School.


As Marvel revealed the cover for Death of Wolverine #3 it looks like Kitty will play a critical role in Logan’s final adventure. Continue reading KITTY PRYDE In DEATH OF WOLVERINE


Death of Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel
Death of Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel

This week’s Wolverine #10 is the next chapter of Logan’s final adventures in his solo book by Paul Cornell. Then in September Death of Wolverine #1 by Charles Soule and Steve McNiven reveals the final battle of the once-immortal mutant.


Soule explains how McNiven’s cover for Logan’s final story pays homage to the X-Man’s previous epic stories. Continue reading DEATH OF WOLVERINE Cover to Cover


She-Hulk #5 courtesy Marvel
She-Hulk #5 courtesy Marvel

She-Hulk & Hellcat.


A geek dream.


The super strong, smart and sexy She-Hulk is the star of an acclaimed new solo series by Charles Soule (Inhuman, Thunderbolts, Superman/Wonder Woman) focusing on her career as a super attorney.


A strong, sexy retro hero is part of a new mystery as Jennifer and Hellcat must “uncover secrets of the Blue File- a conspiracy that touches the Marvel Universe” in She-Hulk #5 this week. Continue reading SHE-HULK Is Raising HELLCAT


Superman: Doomed #1 courtesy DC Comics
Superman: Doomed #1 courtesy DC Comics

Superman vs. Doomsday – the battle begins this week in Superman: Doomed #1.


The Man of Steel takes on the Monster of Krypton for the first time in The New 52 but this fight is sure to bring up memories and comparisons to one of the greatest epics of comic book history.


Doomsday beat Kal El to death in the classic storyline The Death of Superman. Clark came back but the image of Lois holding a broken, beaten icon will never burn away from some fans.


Now Superman is DOOMED in a crossover event by Scott Lobdell, Greg Pak and Charles Soule that pits Clark against the powerhouse The New 52 continuity. To stop Doomsday, Superman may become  a monster to defeat one. What will mean to the super romance between Clark and Diana?


Here’s the breakdown of the big event kicking off this week from DC Comics with new art from the Action and Superman/Wonder Woman: Continue reading SUPERMAN Is DOOMED

INHUMAN #1 Review

Inhuman #1 courtesy Marvel
Inhuman #1 courtesy Marvel

Inhuman #1 is here. It’s well worth the wait.

If you’re coming in brand new or you’re an old school fan of Black Bolt and Medusa like myself you will be amazed by this gorgeous, fast paced first issue. Charles Soule and Joe Madureira create a compelling, kinetic story of new heroes and villains.


Here’s what you need to know:


Aliens (Kree) came to ancient Earth to experiment on humans – creating a new race. Inhumans had strange powers and appearances and lived in seclusion. Black Bolt and Medusa ruled a floating city of Inhumans and often fought with and against Avengers and the Fantastic Four. Continue reading INHUMAN #1 Review

Top Comic Book Picks for April 2, 2014

Action Comics #30 courtesy DC Comics
Action Comics #30 courtesy DC Comics

Action Comics #30 Superman Doomed begins here! In the aftermath of Forever Evil – Superman is the villain, Lex Luthor is the hero? As if Clark didn’t have it bad enough – Doomsday is coming! Who’s bringing the Kryptonian monster to Earth?


Detective Comics #30 Batman and Harvey Bullock in a race to find a killer, the 52 debut of two obscure Bat-villains and more as a brand new team takes on the book the launched the Dark Knight. Continue reading Top Comic Book Picks for April 2, 2014