“I’m Gotham’s Reckoning” New “The Dark Knight Rises” Trailer

The Dark Knight Rises Teaser Poster from thedarkknightrises.com. Courtesy: Warner Brothers Entertainment

  The new The Dark Knight Rises trailer is like a geek seduction. It’s starts as a slow burn and builds into an action packed, awe-inspiring climax. Bane’s voice is menacing and cleared up. Catwoman is sleek and sexy but she’s still a lethal femme fatale and we get to see Anne Hathaway attack and deliver what might be the next best line after “we’ve got a Hulk.” See for yourself – enjoy.

Thanks to Warner Brothers. By Editor

Batman & Catwoman Cover

courtesy Entertainment Weekly

  Prepare to howl and purr for the Bat & the Cat! Take a look at Christian Bale and Anne Hathaway as Batman and Catwoman on the upcoming cover of Entertainment Weekly’s Summer Preview issue.

  From the upcoming story it looks like director Christopher Nolan treated Selina Kyle as a camp-free world-class criminal in The Dark Knight Rises.

  “She has a very strong way of protecting herself and those she cares about, which implies an underlying darkness.” Hathaway says she prepared for the role by reading the comics and studying the moves of Hedy Lamarr and Jean Harlow, the two screen legends that inspired the original conception of the comic book villainess.”

  For more of the story here’s the EW link and here’s my picks for great Catwoman stories you might enjoy.

“The Dark Knight Rises” Producer on Bane and Catwoman

The Dark Knight Rises teaser poster courtesy Warner Brothers

  Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy ends with the introduction of new foes in Gotham City. 

 Producer Emma Thomas (AKA Mrs. Christopher Nolan) spoke with Total Film about the addition of Bane and what Tom Hardy brings to The Dark Knight Rises.

  “Tom made a massive physical transformation for the role… It really is an intense performance,” Thomas said, “He finally feels like a match for Batman – both physically and mentally.”

  “Christian Bale and Tom Hardy are both such fiercely committed actors that pitching them as adversaries works incredibly well – they have such a great chemistry on camera.”

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. Image Courtesy Screen Rant

  And on Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman, Thomas teased. “It’s completely new,” she says, “and it’s a really interesting role. You never quite know where you are with her.”

  Does this mean we will not see the love/hate relationship between Bruce and Selena?

The Dark Knight Rises July 1st.


Huntress Preview

The Huntress #5 courtesy DC Comics

  Batman’s world is filled with dangerous, resourceful women including Catwoman, Batwoman, Batgirl, Talia Al Ghul but one avenging angel I love is getting front burner status.

  The Huntress is currently starring in her own mini-series seeking justice and stalking a mobster in Italy. Helena is the daughter of a murdered mob boss who vows revenge. 

  DC Comics The Source shares stunning new images from Huntress #5 in which Helena will assault an ancient monastery guarded by the Italian military.” This is the penultimate issue of her adventure but a new Huntress’ story is just beginning.

The Huntress #5 preview art courtesy DC Comics The Source

 The Huntress and Power Girl of Earth 2 will star in a new World’s Finest – part of DC Comics The New 52 Second Wave. On Earth 2 Helena is Batman and Catwoman’s daughter. Paul Levitz, George Perez and Kevin Maguire will chronicle the duo’s mission to return home.

 The Huntress has one of my favorite costumes in comics and with a compelling back story making her a great anti-heroine.

Top 5 Picks 1/25/12


Secret Avengers #21.1 courtesy Marvel.com

Secret Avengers #21.1

It’s no superhero vacation! Captain America and Hawkeye aren’t checking out the Red Light Nation for the golf or beaches. The two Avengers invade the nation run by criminals for criminals. Expect new writer Rick Remender to turn up the action and violence as the covert team faces a new Masters of Evil.

I, Vampire #5

Gotham City has bats, cats, owls and now vamps! The Queen of Blood brings the vampire war to Bruce Wayne’s hometown. Before hero Andrew Bennett can take on the Queen he must first face the Batman!

X-Men Legacy #261

Rogue, Gambit and Frenzy just want to make a fresh start teaching at the new mutant school but an old X-Men villain wants to give them a lesson in revenge. And for the first time since Schism – members of Cyclops’ and Wolverine’s rival X-Men teams meet with chaotic results.


Catwoman Volume 1 courtesy DC Comics

Catwoman Volume #1

If the idea of Anne Hathaway as the feline femme fatale in The Dark Knight Rises is catnip to you check out this collection. It’s like Catwoman’s Greatest cuts – including the Selena’s Big Score one-shot, an infamous appearance in Detective Comics, and Catwoman #1-9. This volume features the work of Darwyn Cooke and Seattle’s own Ed Brubaker. A must for Selena fans!




Nancy in Hell on Earth #1

When I saw the title I knew I had to recommend this book! Nancy and Lucifer escape from Hell with a horde of demons in pursuit. Good thing Nancy wields a chainsaw! Nancy sounds like a hot female version of Ash from Evil Dead – sound tempting!

Catwoman’s Claws in The Dark Knight Rises


Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. Image Courtesy Screen Rant

  Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman will have a nasty secret hidden in her costume according to an upcoming interview in L.A. Times Hero Complex.

  “I love the costume… I love the costume because everything has a purpose, nothing is in place for fantasy’s sake, and that’s the case with everything in Christopher Nolan’s Gotham City.” Hathaway says.

  The publisher describes Catwoman’s boots with “…stiletto heels that, on closer inspection, turn out to have serrated edges capable of leaving nasty claw marks in a fight.”

  Earlier Hathaway talked about how her portrayal of Catwoman will not be influenced by previous Catwomen but based on Nolan’s Gotham.

Catwoman: The Dark End of the Street courtesy DC Comics

  This latest on-screen version of Catwoman looks similar to the comic counterpart from Ed Brubaker’s run on the title – minus the hair.

Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. Image Courtesy Screen Rant

  Anne Hathaway joins a famous sorority of actresses who have made Catwoman come to life. The actress is talking with the Los Angeles Times Hero Complex about her Catwoman and the connection to Bane.

  Hathaway wants fans to know her portrayal of Selina Kyle will be unique and based on the situation she finds herself in The Dark Knight Rises:

  “What’s come before doesn’t limit or even affect this new version. It doesn’t affect me because each Catwoman – and this is true in the comics as well – she is defined by the context of the Gotham City created around her. Catwoman is so influenced by Gotham and whoever is creating Gotham at the time… You have to live in whatever the reality of the world is and whatever Gotham is.

“Gotham City is full of grace. You look at Heath’s performance as the Joker, there was a lot of madness there but there was also a grace and he had a code there. There’s a lot of belief and codes of behavior in Gotham and my character has one, too. A lot of the way she moves and interacts with people is informed by her worldview. Chris has given us all such complex, defined, sophisticated worldviews that it’s just a matter of doing your homework and getting underneath the character’s skin.”

Courtesy The Daily Blam

Will Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman purr or roar? After The Dark Knight Rises her performance may claw up to the top of my Catwoman’s Greatest Cuts.

Thanks to the Daily Blam for the Hero Complex interview.


The Dark Knight Rises Trailer

  Warner Brothers released the official The Dark Knight Rises trailer featuring spectactular action from Bane and a seductive moments starring Anne Hathaway – not in Catwoman costume.