New Captain Marvel Ready To Soar

Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel courtesy Marvel

  Carol Danvers flies solo in a new series by writer Kelly Sue DeConnick and artist Dexter Soy. Carol is sporting a new uniform and finally accepts the mantle she earned a long time ago in this week’s Captain Marvel #1.

  DeConnick kicks off the issue with Carol and Captain America in a showdown with a classic bruiser that’s packed with action and wit. Carol is a Colonel so she really does outrank Cap! The two Avenging friends also share a moving debate over Carol taking the title. Carol show she has the heart of a fighter and a humble hero. 

  There’s a scene that really hit me. I just fly home to take my mom to her first chemo treatment so the scene with Carol caring Tracy is moving and ironic. Tracy was Carol’s editor and is now going through chemo. That encounter leads to tragic news concerning the woman who was Carol’s biggest inspiration. DeConnick takes inside Carol’s mind as she remembers meeting, says goodbye and pays tribute to the female pilot who sparked her dream of flying.

   I loved the old costume but as DeConnick told me earlier this year, Carol is a pilot and needs a uniform. Jamie McKelvie designed the sleek new look worthy of a Captain.  Dexter Soy shows great promise. I think the art was too dark and Carol’s hairstyle was inconsistent.

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy


  I commend Marvel for a bold rebirth for one of their leading female heroes. Carol assumes her new identity and is ready to push herself. Kelly Sue DeConnick gives Carol a dramatic premiere filled with action, humor and emotion and sets the stage for an exciting new era for the high-flying powerhouse.

By Editor

Comic Book Picks for 7/18/12



Avengers vs. X-Men #8 The Phoenix Five alliance is fracturing. An insane Namor is invading Wakanda to wipe out the Avengers. The Phoenix Force feeds on passion and the secret between Namor and Emma could lead to a cosmic level heartbreaking confrontation.

Captain Marvel #1 Fan favorite Carol Danvers is sporting a new name, new costume and new mission. Captain America guest stars as Ms. Marvel gets a well deserved promotion and new series.

Danger Girl/G.I. Joe #1 Two of the world’s most exciting covert teams together in a new series from IDW. The Girls and the Joes face COBRA, ninjas, and counterspies.

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimiliation2 #3 The Time Lord and Captain Picard face an unholy alliance of the Borg and Cybermen. How did these evil forces join forces?

X-Men #32 This has become my favorite X-book with an old school vibe that will remind you of the classic Chris Claremont/Paul Smith era. Storm’s elite team have disovered a new race of mutants. Why is keeping this secret from Cyclops and Wolverine?

Top 5 Comics for 7/11/12 Batman, Bloodshoot, Walking Dead and More

Avenging Spider-Man #9 The all-new Captain Marvel debuts! Spider-Man teams up with Carol Danvers in her high flying new role.

Batman #11 courtesy DC Comics

Batman #11 The conclusion to the Court of Owls epic is here! The mastermind behind the secret society and its army of assassins is revealed. The final chapter of The Fall of the House of Wayne backstory reaches into the tragic past of Bruce’s family.

Bloodshot #1 A new series and new mission for the ultimate soldier reborn from military necessity cutting edge technology. A broken hit man is revived with nanites in his blood and revenge on the brain.

The Massive #2 Survivors of a global disaster sail the world in search of their missing crewmates. The Kapital crew make a resupply run to the new city that’s risen up from the sunken debris of Hong Kong. This is socially conscious sci-fi that thrills.

The Walking Dead #100 A milestone issue for the epic series that inspired the hit AMC series. Rick Grimes and his fellow survivors have fought zombies and the worst in humanity in a world gone to hell. This issue promises one of the darkest chapter in Rick’s life and one of the most violent acts in the series history.



New Artist Soars With New Captain Marvel


Captain Marvel #1 courtesy Marvel

  Carol Danvers launches into a new role and costume in Captain Marvel #1. Dexter Soy makes his Marvel debut on the new series with writer Kelly Sue DeConnick. The artist from the Phillipines shares how he joined the House of Ideas and new interior art on

 “I [have] loved to draw super heroes since I was young [and] remember collecting trading cards and trying to draw them during class,” recalls Soy, who began posting his work online as he got older. “I was able to get hired by Marvel when Budjette Tan, a comic book writer here in our country, tweeted my Thor fan art piece and caught [Marvel Senior Vice President, Creator & Content Development] C.B. Cebulski’s attention.

“He asked me for some more of my work and told [me] to do some actual tryout pages. [CAPTAIN MARVEL] editor Steve Wacker noticed my work and proposed if I wanted to on board for [this book], and so I did.”

 “My art style reflects the influences of the artists I look up to, like Joe Madureira, Humberto Ramos, Greg Capullo and many others,” he shares. “For my process, I initially do my thumbnail sketches for panels and then darken them up to form silhouettes. Then I work my way to resize the thumbnails and render the black areas to for a tighter image, then color them and finally add necessary textures and effects.” For more images here’s the link.

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy Marvel

   Jamie McKelvie designed Carol’s new uniform which Kelly Sue DeConnick says reflects her experience as a pilot.

  “I like that the part of her helmet and face mask sort of leaves a space where her hair is flowing, which is at the same time challenging for me to make look really cool.”

  “Artistically, I’m always trying to match the mood I picture [from the scripts] in my mind and put it on the page,” he explains. “I [think CAPTAIN MARVEL] will stand out with its great dynamic story and the awesome characterization portrayed by Carol. She will show how much she fits being Captain Marvel.”

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy Marvel

  For my interview with Kelly Sue DeConnick on the new series and costume here’s the link.

By Editor

Top 5 for 5/23/12

Astonishing X-Men #50 courtesy

Astonishing X-Men #50 Who’s the mystery woman behind the new Marauders attack on the mutants? Sure looks like a villainess from the classic Alpha Flight era. Marvel promised an X-Men wedding and a controversial ending to this issue – does that mean Northstar will propose to boyfriend Kyle – if they survive?

Batman Incorporated #1 by Chris Burnham courtesy DC Comics

Batman Inc #1 What’s better than Batman? How about Batmen stationed around the globe? The mastermind of the Leviathan organization is revealed and a new assassin is out for Batman and Robin. Goatboy may not sound menacing but remember mad man Grant Morrison is behind this and remember his Pyg?

Resident Alien #1 A stranded alien lives the life of a small town doctor until a murder mystery threatens to expose his cover.

Secret Avengers #27 It was suicide mission to stop the Phoenix from reaching Earth. The Protector betrays the team. Captain Marvel back from the dead? How do the Kree factor into the return of the Phoenix.

True Blood #1 courtesy IDW

True Blood #1 Ahhhhh Sookie! A new ongoing comic book series featuring the romantic exploits of HBO’s favorite telepathic fairy waitress and the two vampires who want her. With show creator Alan Ball and legendary comics writer Ann Nocenti on board this is sure to be a tempting comic to satisfy fans until Season 5 returns.

By Editor

New Captain Marvel Series Update


Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel courtesy Marvel

   A little more news at the C2E2 Marvel Next Big Thing panel about the upcoming Captain Marvel series. Kelly Sue DeConnick will helm the new series starring Carol Danvers with art by Dexter Soy and cover by Ed McGuiness.

  In issue #2 DeConnick will introduce the Banshee Squadron- which sure sound like villains. DeConnick said her pitch for the new series was “Carol Danvers as Chuck Yeagher” and focus on her as a pilot so may these are high-flying female threats or allies to the former Ms. Marvel. In the panel the writer likened them to a new school Howling Commandos.

 “I love Mystique so much,” was DeConnick’s response when a fan asked if the mutant shape-shifter would appear. 

 Here’s the link to my interview with Kelly Sue DeConnick at Emerald City Comicon about Captain Marvel and the new costume.

  It was revealed DeConnick will team with Terry Dodson for an upcoming arc of Avenging Spider-Man. Issue #9 will guest star Captain Marvel.

By Editor

Emerald City Comicon: Piloting Captain Marvel & the New Uniform

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy

  Marvel is promoting Carol Danvers to Captain Marvel this July. Kelly Sue DeConnick and artist Dexter Soy will pilot Ms. Marvel into a new series.

  I love Carol Danvers, in part, because of her history.  I talked with DeConnick at Emerald City Comicon this weekend in Seattle and asked about her approach for the new title.

  “This is going to be her moving forward but we’re not forgetting her past at all in fact we’re really focused on her history as a pilot. My pitch was Carol Danvers as Chuck Yeagher. It’s about her as a flyer,” DeConnick told me.

  Carol Danvers has been sporting the one piece bathing suit and thigh boots with long flowing hair for a while. I asked about the upcoming makeover and change in uniform designed by Jamie McKelvie.

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy

  “I don’t have any vendetta against the old uniform. It was gorgeous.”

  “As we had the opportunity to redesign and I was getting into the head of this character. I was working on a funeral scene and just the notion of her and just the notion of her going to a funeral in a swimsuit and thigh boots was a little odd. So we kept thinking of it as this is her uniform. She has a military background.”

  “This is a pilot. This is a flight suit. This is her uniform.”

Kelly Sue DeConnick had made Captain Marvel logo buttons for lucky fans at her table.

For Castle fans (the ABC show starring Nathan Fillion) I asked about a follow-up to Castle: Deadly Storm.

“Yeah I’m working on it. I’m writing pages on it right now,” and that the project will come out in October.

Captain Marvel Revealed

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy

  Carol Danvers will ditch the Ms. and become the Captain in a new series announced by Marvel at Wondercon. The character will change her long blonde hair and skin bearing bathing suit for a short cut and revamped uniform.

  Carol takes on the legacy of the legendary Mar-Vell in a new series by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Dexter Soy premiering this July.

Captain Marvel #2 courtesy

  “My pitch was called ‘Pilot’ and the take can pretty much be summed up with ‘Carol Danvers as Chuck Yeager,’” DeConnick tells “Carol’s the virtual definition of a Type A personality. She’s a competitor and a control freak. At the start of our series, we see Carol pre-Captain Marvel, pre-NASA even, back when she was a fiercely competitive pilot. We’ll see her meeting one of her aviation heroes and we’ll see her youthful bravado, her swagger. Then over the course of the first arc we’re going to watch her find her way back to that hungry place. She’ll have to figure out how to be both Captain Marvel and Chuck Yeager—to marry the responsibility of that legacy with the sheer joy being nearly invulnerable and flying really [expletive] fast.”

“Carol has an incredible respect for Mar-Vell, as a person and as an icon,” notes DeConnick. “She is hesitant to take the name because of that. The line is something like, ‘So much has been taken from him. I won’t take his name.’ It’s on Captain America to help her understand that Captain Marvel wasn’t his name, it was his mantle. And he would have wanted her to have it.” 

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy

  For the entire interview here’s link.

 This Geek’s Reaction: This is not what I expected. I was sure Mar-Vell was being resurrected. I’m excited to see a great character like Carol Danvers evolve. I really like her new militaristic look in the Ed McGuinesscovers. Painter Dexter Soy has a cool style. It’s great to see a strong female writer take a popular team character into a new solo direction. 

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy