Avengers in Action! New Photos

Can you hear the thunder…from geeks applauding?


Marvel's The Avengers courtesy Marvel.com

Marvel.com revealed two photos of the big three from The Avengers movie. Iron Man cruising the night sky and Thor & Captain American in battle. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes Assemble May 4th. Just 5 months until Loki and his secret army attack Earth!

Marvel's The Avengers courtesy Marvel.com

Remembering Joe Simon


Joe Simon: My Life in Comics book cover courtesy Marvel.com

Comic book legend Joe Simon passed away Wednesday from natural causes at the age of 98. Simon was surrounded by his family at his home. An extended family of fans are remembering the legend and his enduring creations.

Joe Simon is co-creator of Captain America. Here’s the link to Marvel Comics tribute to Joe, his partnership with Jack Kirby and early career when Marvel was still called Timely. And here is Marvel’s final interview with Joe before the premiere of Captain America: The First Avenger.

Cable’s First Shot in AVX

Avengers: X-Sanction #1 alternate cover preview courtesy Marvel.com

  Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness bring Cable back with full impact in Avengers: X-Sanction #1. This time Nathan is not a father figure, freedom fighter or platoon leader. Cable is an effecient super soldier on a focused mission.    

  Nathan and Steve Rogers are two determined soldiers with brilliant tactical minds. The fight is big and physical but you get a sense of the strategy behind every move.

  I think you can get a sense of the battle strategies Captain America and Cyclops will execute in Avengers Versus X-Men. Cap may even learn something from Cable that could give him an advantage to beat Cyke – knowing when to make sacrifices.

  We learn how Cable survived “death” in Second Coming, see a blast from Nathan’s past who sets him on his new mission and learn why he must destroy the Avengers in 24 hours.

  The script is tight. The art is big, brash and bursting off the pages. The issue is one big giant teaser for the upcoming AVX but this first shot in the war in a fun yarn on its own.

Black Widow Solo Movie?

Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner on sete in The Avengers courtesy Marvel.com

  Scarlett Johansson returns as Black Widow in The Avengers movie in May, 2012 and says she’s ready to go back in black for a solo movie.

  “I love playing the Widow. I think she’s got a very interesting past, a lot of storylines to explore, and certainly Kevin (Feige) loves that character,” she told us when asked about a possible spin-off.  “I think that Marvel has a very personal relationship with their fans, and I think if the fans want it, and the audience wants it, nothing’s impossible. I would love to explore that option as well. Like I said, I love the character and it would be nice to see something nice and gritty” Johansson told SuperHeroHype.

Black Widow: Deadly Origin cover courtesy Marvel.com

  Black Widow is a KGB assassin turned SHIELD operative and quickly became Nick Fury’s top field agent. Natasha has been with the Avengers, Champions, Defenders, Thunderbolts and Secret Avengers – that resume alone makes her character worthy of solo screen time.

  Natasha has quite a love life with romantic partnerships with Iron Man, Hawkeye, Daredevil and Bucky Barnes (the former Captain America and Winter Soldier.)

  A possible enemy for a Black Widow solo movie would be Yelena Belova – the second Black Widow. Yelena followed the same path as Natasha until an attack left her disfigured. She was then recruited by the modern day Hydra (Red Skull’s criminal group from the Captain America movie) and given super powers.

Black Widow and The Winter Soldier from the cover of Captain America and Bucky #624 courtesy Marvel.com

  No word on if Scarlett Johansson will appear in Iron Man 3. I’m hoping Captain America 2 will be set in the modern day and be based on the Winter Soldier epic which prominently features Black Widow working with Steve Rogers and eventually falling for the back from the dead Bucky. Natasha and Bucky have the best chemistry. Both are deadly, hot and thankfully good guys now.

What do you think? Black Widow solo? Black Widow in Iron Man 3 or Captain America 2?

Which Side Will Beast Choose: Avengers Versus X-Men?


The evolving looks of Beast on Secret Avengers #13 courtesy Marvel.com

Oh My Stars and Garters!” which side will Beast take in Avengers Versus X-Men? Marvel’s hairy hero shares a history with both teams. Hank McCoy is a brilliant scientist but he often goes with his heart over his head when it comes to a fateful decision.

  Hank is one of Professor X’s original X-Men. After leaving Xavier’s Hank worked for the Brand Corporation where an experiment turned him into the blue hairy beast he is now. The Avengers recruited Hank where he made lifelong friendships with Captain America, Iron Man and other iconic Avengers. Hank always came to help the X-Men in their time of need like the Dark Phoenix Saga but always returned to the Avengers.

  Because of government intervention of the Avengers, Beast leaves, briefly joins the Defenders along with original X-Men Angel and Iceman. When Jean Grey is found alive, all 5 original X-Men reunite to form X-Factor for a long run of adventures.

Beast leaves Utopia from Uncanny X-Men courtesy Marvel.com

  All 5 rejoin the X-Men for many years. Beast used his brains and brawn to help protect the mutant race while facing several ethical dilemmas. Shortly after establishing Utopia, Hank became disillusioned with Cyclops leadership and vision for the X-Men.

  Captain America recruited Hank for the Secret Avengers but when Wolverine decides to split the X-Men, Hank answers his call for help. Hank rebuilds the old Westchester school now named after Jean Grey.

  Wolverine and Storm are members of both X-Men and Avengers. Beast is back with the Logan’s X-Men but could he go against Captain America and his old friends in the Avengers?

  As the Phoenix targets Earth looking for a host, I expect Hank push himself to find a scientific solution even if it means exploring unethical options. Hank has been tested so many times: trying to find a cure for the Legacy Virus knowing that a mutant would have to die in order to save millions or reaching out criminal geniuses like Doctor Doom and Mr. Sinister in order to save the mutant race from extinction after M-Day.

New X-Men #117 courtesy Marvel.com

  I think Beast will try to be the peacemaker. Hank is a natural bridge between the teams. A shocking decision related to the impending return of the Phoenix is what triggers the war. Cyclops is willing to make more drastic decisions and sacrifices than Captain America. Hank’s disillusionment with Scott has only grown so I would expect him to side with the Avengers. I expect Marvel’s most brilliant yet thoughtful scientist hero to be tested to his limit in AVX.

Avengers Versus X-Men Event Highlights

Avengers Versus X-Men courtesy Marvel.com

The Phoenix is coming. Marvel’s biggest teams are going to war. The men behind the event of 2012 took fan questions and delivered details and teases sure to generate excitement.

Marvel presented the Avengers Versus X-Men writing team (Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, Jason Aaron, Jonathan Hickman) along with X-Men Editor Nick Lowe and Avengers Editor Tom Brevoort. 

Here are some of the rapid fire highlights. My thoughts follow in italic:

“Wolverine and Storm have to redefine themselves in the Marvel Universe.” Bendis. This could be an opportunity to rethink their decisions after Schism which could be sever or mend their friendship with Cyclops.

“New armor for Iron Man with a specific foe in mind.” Fraction. Could this be a suit that can take a beating from the Juggernaut powered Colossus or a stab from Wolverine’s adamantium?

Thor gets up to come big time cosmic colossal shenanigans. Fraction. Now that Colossus is nearly God like thanks to Cytorrak, he could be a match for Thor.

“Cyclops is willing to make more sacrifices than Steve Rogers.” Brubaker.

“A new reader friendly take on the Phoenix.” Aaron.

X-Sanction starring Cable is a prelude and leads up to AVX. “Specific events Cable has come back in time to prevent are connected to AVX. It’s the opening shot of AVX.” Brevoort. Cable will do anything to protect his daughter Hope. This could be a clue that Hope is the target host for the Phoenix Force.

AVX #0 is in March. The Prelude is brand new material. Not a recap. Art by Frank Cho. Bendis.

Black Panther and Storm’s marriage. “Storm’s allegiance is very much split down the middle. Her choice will be heard very loudly. A big one for Storm.” Bendis. Storm is my all time favorite female hero. I have an ominous feeling Bendis could sacrifice her. There’s a reason she joined Avengers.

“Storm joining the Avengers was a separate decision” not predicated on AVX. Bendis

“The end of Avengers: Children’s Crusade will set up and calibrate how the X-Men, Avengers and the world feels about Scarlet Witch.” Yesterday I posted my thoughts on a Dark Phoenix Versus Scarlet Witch battle.

Professor X stayed out of Schism. “He can’t just stand on the sidelines.” Aaron. I immediately thought of the classic psi war between Charles and Jean in the Dark Phoenix saga. Can the greatest mutant mind – if Professor X still is – take on the Phoenix and win if needed? Charles has stayed out of Cyclops way but this conflict could lead to a showdown between the Professor and Scott.

How will SHIELD be involved?  “There’s an opportunity for a lot of players in Marvel universe to pick new allegiances” Bendis hinted there could be a “potential reinvention” of a law enforcement group like SHIELD.

Those are some of the highlights, more to come!