Uncanny Avengers Face Three Big Villains!

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Rick Remender and John Cassaday lead the Marvel NOW relaunch with Uncanny Avengers this October. Remender and Editor Tom Brevoort revealed their launch plan for the new team made of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Children of the Atom in today’s Marvel.com LiveBlog.

  Captain America assembles Thor, Wolverine, Scarlet Witch, Rogue and Havok against a reborn Red Skull. Why does the classic villain unite Avengers and X-Men?

  “The Red Skull has an anti-mutant agenda. It’s a modern perspective on who he was back in World War II Germany. Mutants are a boogeyman he can get behind and build his power base off of. He’s gathered a group of followers all of whom have bad experiences in their background involving mutants. They’re his version of the X-Men, but preaching that humans and mutants cannot live together, that this is a race war humanity cannot win unless they line up behind The Red Skull,” explains Brevoort. 

  “One of the goals is making The Red Skull the threat he deserves to be. That spreads across the Marvel Universe. I’ve had talks with Kieron Gillen about Iron Man. The shared universe is a big deal,” continues Remender, “You want one guy out there who is just pure evil, and that’s The Red Skull.”

Uncanny Avengers #2 courtesy Marvel

  “John Cassaday’s Red Skull is particularly creepy and effective. Getting to play with that character was a big selling point of the book for him,” says Brevoort. 

  Cassiday and Brevoort reveal Professor Xavier and Magneto will turn up in the new series.

  “Given the relationship of the characters, given the worldview of the book, it seems like it’s inevitable that, if he’s in the position to do so coming out of AvX, Magneto would show up at some point,” explains Brevoort.

 “It’s fair to say that Xavier is very important to Uncanny Avengers. He’s pretty critical and you’ll definitely see him in the book,” continues Brevoort.

  The teasers have said the formation of the team is a threat to Professor X’s dream.

  “Charles’ relationships with these characters and his current status quo play a huge role in this book,” says Remender. 

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Avengers vs. X-Men had been building for years. The writer says the post-AvX lineups have been mapped out carefully.

  “A lot of thought has been put into how these characters interact and the consequences of how they’ve been thrown together. That’s the fun of it beyond who they’re going to punch to save the world,” explains Remender, “One of the toughest but most rewarding things about this book has been figuring out how to make sure in every arc that A meets X.”

  A reborn Red Skull is a huge threat but Remender will throw Kang and Apocalypse at the new team too.

  “I’m getting the most excited about is how the villains and their plots mix and mash. Three of the biggest villains in the Marvel Universe play roles in what will culminate in a huge story over the first 20 pages,” explains the writer. Remender’s Apocalypse story from Uncanny X-Force will carry over into the new series.

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Marvel revealed some of the first pages from inside the premiere issue: Cap and Thor ready for action and a bizarre operation in which a bomb appears to be planted in the brain of a victim who had visions of the Phoenix!

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Freaky! Is that Scott Summers?

Uncanny Avengers #1 hits October 3rd.

By Editor

Uncanny Avengers Preview: An Attack and Hero’s Funeral?

In the aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men – the Uncanny Avengers are born. Captain America assembles Thor, Wolverine, Rogue, Scarlet Witch and Havok against the threat of a reborn Red Skull and his S-Men. Rick Remender and John Cassaday launch this first book of the Marvel NOW relaunch in October.

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel revealed the first look inside Uncanny Avengers #1. Three inked pages by John Cassaday show an attack in the heart of New York City.

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel calls this the Red Skull’s first attack. It sure looks like Avalanche – a former member of Mystique’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. The villain was last seen a reformed man running a bar out west.

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Captain America and Thor rush into action. Cap hurls himself into battle against the villain while the Odinson is flying survivors out of the danger zone.

Marvel also says this premiere issue will include the funeral of a great hero and threaten Professor Xavier’s dream. I can only imagine what Rick Remender has planned. He is one fearless writer!

It’s so good to see John Cassaday drawing Marvel heroes again!

By Editor

Uncanny Avengers #1 Acuna Variant


Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Rick Remender and John Cassaday launch Uncanny Avengers this October. Captain America, Wolverine, Thor, Rogue, Havok and Scarlet Witch assemble a new version of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in the aftermath of AvX to fight a reborn Red Skull and his S-Men.

  Marvel revealed this Uncanny Avengers #1 variant by Daniel Acuna. Although this relaunch is part of the Marvel NOW! I’m loving the retro feel. Havok will be team leader. You may or may not be a fan of Alex’s headgear but I think he has one of the coolest and most visual power signatures in comics.

By Editor

New Writer for Winter Soldier

Winter Soldier #15 courtesy Marvel

  My favorite new book of 2012 will get a new writer in 2013. At the AvX panel at Fan Expo Canada Marvel announced that Jason Latour will take over Winter Soldier.

  Ed Brubaker brought Bucky Barnes back as the brainwashed assassin and set him on a path of redemption during his acclaimed Captain America run that continued with the Winter Soldier series.

 Comic Book Resources talked with the writer turned artist (his creator owned title Loose Ends and Untold Tales of the Punisher MAX) about taking over.

  “I was surprised to get the chance, simply because I didn’t think this character would ever be in play. Brubaker’s work on this character has been great. He’s really built such a strong and compelling foundation– that when the possibility was introduced my mind went off like a nuclear test site.

  As for how it came about — I’d drawn a few stories for my editor, Lauren Sankovitch, in the past and I’d made it clear I was interested in writing for hire, too. Fortunately she seemed to like my creator-owned work and when the time came to cast the book she asked me if I would be interested.”

  Brubaker has several issues left. Latour takes over with January’s issue #15 with Bucky in a dark place.

“A darkness has washed over The Dude — Like I said, it’s the pain that sticks. He’s done some awful things — things that he’d like to believe were independent of his control.  But when Cap fixed his mind with the Cosmic Cube, it’s telling that he used the phrase “Remember who you are.” That didn’t just return him to “Gee wilikers, Cap, I sure like pinball” Bucky — it kept intact a lot of memories he’d rather have seen erased.

Recently his past has come home to roost — and each time he found himself asking what his role in creating the situation was. It’s made him feel very powerless. People he loves keep getting thrown into harm’s way, and he’s trying to look in the mirror and see how much of it is his old habits. Who he works for is just where he starts.”

Latour says he’ll create a new villain.

“Two people who were once caught in the Winter Soldier’s swath. Our big antagonist is a new take on Bucky’s rogues’ gallery in the sense that she’s the first indirect casualty of his actions. She’s got plans much larger than revenge, but their personal connection is going to make things very complicated for Bucky.”

By Editor


Thanks to Comic Book Resources.

New Love Interest For Captain America?


Captain America #16 courtesy Marvel

  Chris Evans will be back at Steve Rogers in Captain America: The Winter Soldier but who will be his leading lady? If Marvel Films follows the modern-day storyline Cap will fall for SHIELD agent Sharon Carter (niece of his World War II lost love Peggy.)

  Anna Kendrick, Imogene Poots and Felicity Jones are reportedly in the running for the role according to the New York Post.

  Anthony Mackie will play Sam Wilson aka the Falcon. Sebastian Stan will reprise his role as Bucky. To find out more about his role click here but warning! There by spoilers!

By Editor

Captain America Goes “Sci-Fi Indiana Jones”


Captain America #1 courtesy Marvel

  Marvel’s ultimate boy scout in the hands of the writer known for chronicling the bad boys and gals of Marvel. Rick Remender (Punisher, Venom, Uncanny X-Force, Secret Avengers) is launching a brand new Captain America #1 this November with legendary John Romita Jr. Remender is following Ed Brubaker’s acclaimed and extensive run. The writer tells Marvel.com his own history with the Sentinel of Liberty.

  “SECRET WARS is what brought me into comic books. That was my first contact with Cap. That led me into his ongoing series, around #294-295 when The Red Skull and his daughters were hatching their big plot against Steve. That was great stuff; a lot of interesting stuff to get pulled into. There was plenty of history there and how they were handling the Red Skull and Captain America relationship—I remember being very grabbed by that. A few issues later Captain Britain showed up and that’s when I started falling in love with that character, too.”

  What does Cap stand for?

  “Tenacity. The character, in my head, was always about [that at] his core. He never gives up, he never quits. He’s a role model. That’s a term that comes a little bit clichéd and trite I suppose, but that’s sort of the beauty of who he is. He’s a patriotic soldier directed by a personal ethical compass, belief in the American dream and faith in his fellow man. At the same time we’ve seen that he’s very clever and roguish, quick with the drill comment on occasion, but he’s also a leader at the core of it. That was something that I definitely wanted to dig into when I took on the new series and we will be quite a bit.”

 Expect a change in tone with Remender. While Ed Brubaker focused on SHIELD and spies, Remender will turn up the sci-fi factor.

  “It’s almost like “Kirby Sci-Fi Indiana Jones.” High adventure dipped in sci-fi spy fantasy with heavy focus on the man under the suit. Steve’s fabric and his relationships drive our story and the action is the byproduct. Tonally it’s very serious. You want to make sure the characters go up against things that feel like real threats and [put] them into interesting situations. It’s a lot less of the connection with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the spy work and more big high adventure super hero stuff with sci-fi that I tend to lean into. It’s obviously a big challenge following a beloved run like Ed’s. I guess that’s what was also appealing because it was a challenge; it wasn’t safe. You’re working with new people.”

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

 Remender is also writing the flagship Marvel NOW! relaunch book Uncanny Avengers and says expect a crossover.

 “There will be a lot of new characters cross pollinating [between the two books]. The first 10 issues of each are going to be their own thing—you want to get that train out of the station and really solidify what the books are about and what’s going on in them. Then we’ll start to see characters from one pop up in the other and a little more cross pollination. I spent some time on the phone with Jason Aaron about how to incorporate some of his new THOR: GOD OF THUNDER ideas in UNCANNY AVENGERS as well, and I want to do the same with Jonathan Hickman and I know Kieron Gillen and I will talk, too. We’ll try and do our very best to make it cohesive and not like it’s a bold new direction where everyone is doing their own thing. We want it to feel like a bold new direction where everyone is doing their own thing and swapping toys out, trying to build something that feels cohesive because that’s such an important part of the shared universe experience.”

Remender tells IFanboy that part of the sci-fi focus will be bringing back Arnim Zola and sending Cap to Dimension Z?

  “One of the mandates I have to myself is, I don’t want to touch the World War II stuff. I think that that has been done, now, and it’s been done perfectly. To go back and to keep focusing on Cap in World War II at this point, again, would be following too closely to what Ed has already done.  What I’m doing is spending a lot of time in the Lower East Side of Manhattan in the 20s and 30s, showing Steve grow up. The first arc is 10 issues, and it’s called “Dimension Z.”

  I don’t want to give away too much, but a big portion of it is Cap dealing with Arnim Zola in Dimension Z. I’m trying to take Zola and do with him, what we did with Apocalypse over in Uncanny X-Force. Where we take what’s there, re-imagine it, build a new mythology and really expand Zola, and try and build Zola into a very, very big and important character.

  The other half of it is going to be a lot of flashbacks to a young Steve Rogers growing up in Depression-era Lower East Side, and getting to know his family and his friends, and how this 98-pound weakling became such a tenacious, strong person; focus on the fiber and the integrity of who he is, and really develop that for the first time.”

  Op/Ed: Brubaker’s run is beloved. The Winter Soldier is what got me buying Cap again. The writer taking on Cap probably has the biggest challenge in the Marvel NOW! relaunch. Remender is one of the most ambitious and fearless writers out there (Hello –Dark Angel Saga) so I’m excited to see where he’ll take Steve.

 For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

By Editor

Captain America Brings Back The Illuminati


New Avengers #29 courtesy Marvel

  Captain America (under the guidance of writer Brian Michael Bendis) attempts to reconvene the Illuminati in order to stop the Phoenix Force in New Avengers #29. A secret group  (Tony Stark, Namor, Doctor Strange, Reed Richards, Professor X and Black Bolt. Black Panther declined) went on covert missions. Bendis revealed the secret history of his this covert team had saved Earth in critical points of Marvel history. The group eventually disbanded.

  Cap hopes this Illuminati reunion might lead to the end of Avengers vs. X-Men. What I love about this tie-in issue is how it goes right into the minds and weary hearts of the heroes caught up in this epic battle. Bendis really captures what I expected Professor Xavier to be feeling. This a father figure anguishing over what his children are doing and what he must do to stop them. Bendis creates great moments for Professor X and Reed Richards who questions Cap’s desire to stop the “good work” of the Phoenix Five.

  The heart of the story is Cap and his relationship with Namor. Will the Phoenix possessed ally show up and poses a great moment: can a lifelong friendship hope to defeat the cosmic power of the entity?

  Artist Mike Deodato paints a somber portraits of beleaguered heroes. His shadowy art is perfect for the covert proceedings and the dark places these characters must go.

This issue takes me back to the first story featuring the secret group of heroes. Here’s a link to New Avengers: The Illuminati if you’d like to check it out.

By Editor


Marvel Teases New Teams for Fantastic Four, Captain America or Winter Soldier, More X-Men

courtesy Marvel, an MTV Geek exclusive

  Marvel is teasing more new creative teams: Rick Remender and John Romita Jr on The Winter Soldier, Matt Fraction and Mark Bagley on Fantastic Four, Simon Spurrier and Tan Eng Huat on X-Men Legacy? The Marvel NOW! universe of 20 relaunched titles is shaping up.

 MTV Geek revealed Spurrier, Huat, Legacy. Does this mean X-Men Legacy will relaunch? Spurrier wrote a great mini starring the hilarious X-Club. My thought is that since All New X-Men by Bendis will feature the original teen mutants as the flagship X-book, this relaunched Legacy will focus on the current X-Men that surive AvX.


courtesy Marvel.com

IFanboy revealed Remender, Romita, SOLDIER tease but does this mean the duo is taking over Captain America or The Winter Soldier book? Remender is writing the Marvel NOW! kickoff book Uncanny Avengers featuring Cap but given his track record (Uncanny X-Force, Secret Avengers, Venom) I’d love to see how he writes Bucky.


courtesy Marvel.com

Matt Fraction (Thor, Invincible Iron Man, Defenders) is succeeding Jonathan Hickman as writer of Fantastic Four. USA Today revealed the teaser Hickman, Bagley, Family and the teaser Fraction, Allred, Extended. Could this mean the FF (Future Foundation) book will continue with Mike Allred (Madman)on art. Fraction’s new Hawkeye book with David Aja debuted this week.

courtesy Marvel.com

Let’s recap the other teasers of the week:

Kieron Gillen and Greg Land, Invincible=Iron Man

Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic, Worthy=Thor

Mark Waid and Leinil Francis Yu, Indestructible=Hulk

Brian Poesin, Gerry Duggan, Tony Moore, Chichimangas=Deadpool

By Editor