Avengers for Halloween?


Lil Iron Man at Jet City Comic Show, photo by ComicsBlend.com

  I was always a tall kid so I loved my Star Wars Darth Vader costume and wore it over and over as a kid for Halloween. How times have changed? At this weekend’s Jet City Comic Show I saw little Iron Men and Captains America!

  Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are now the inspiration for Halloween’s most heroic costumes. With the blockbuster success of The Avengers – expect a ton of Marvel heroes trick or treating in your neighborhood this season!

 Here are some links to make your little hero stand out this Halloween: Will you choose Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk or Thor? Spidey is an Avenger in the comics at this year’s Amazing Spider-Man reboot proved Spider-Man will always be a favorite!

  Be careful out there! Have a safe and happy Halloween!

By Editor

President Captain America?

  An embattled and divided America unites and voters choose a war hero to lead them…a SUPER war hero!












The Ultimate Comics United States was divided and fell. The Ultimate U.S.A. is about to stand as one nation under…Steve Rogers?


Ultimate Comics Ultimates #16 courtesy Marvel

One man will unite the country – President Captain America?

In this week’s Ultimate Comics Ultimates #16 Captain America is sworn in as President of the United States. Writer Sam Humphries tells Marvel.com about the making of this huge event for the book and the entire Ultimates universe.


Ultimate Comics Ultimates #16 courtesy Marvel

“Jonathan Hickman, my predecessor, very generously gave me all his notes for the title. There was a line in there about making Cap the president. It was an intimidating idea to pitch to Marvel, especially on my first big book. But the more I talked about it with editorial, the more we all became convinced it was the right story to do.”

Humphries explains how this story will play out.

“Cap is a soldier, not a politician. He’s not trying to make a career change. He’s answering the call of the people. They want him to do a job—unite America—and he’s going to do anything he can to do it.”


Ultimate Comics Ultimates #16 courtesy Marvel

What kind of President will Steve Rogers be?

“This isn’t the first time Cap has answered the call of an America in crisis. He’s not going to let the presidency change who he is; he’s going to do the job he was elected to do.”

Mutants of the Ultimate Universe have had it particularly hard thanks to the Sentinels. Brian Wood writes Ultimate Comics X-Men. Wood tells Comic Book Resources the new leader of the free world will reach out the leader of the mutant underground.

“Captain America and Kitty Pryde will sit down and talk about what the future holds for mutants in this fractured America he needs to put back together. That’s all I can say right now, since this is where the future of this title starts, in that actual meeting. You’ll see in November.”

This is the same comic book line that killed most of the X-Men and Fantastic Four, has the U.S. defeated by its foreign enemies and inspired the alien warrior seen in The Avengers movie. Humphries explains why this election could only happen in this universe.

“In the Ultimate Comics Universe we do stories with iconic characters you can’t find anywhere else—in the Marvel Universe, the movies, video games, anywhere. President Cap fits that definition by shaking up Steve Roger’s status quo in a radical fashion, and hopefully getting to know him in new ways.”

For more of Humphries interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

In the Marvel Comics Universe Captain America is still leader of The Avengers and not entering politics.

Humphries (Higher Earth, Fanboys vs. Zombies) is launching a brand new Uncanny X-Force in January, 2013.

By Editor

New Artist for Winter Soldier

Winter Soldier #15 courtesy Marvel

I love Bucky Barnes. Sometimes the greatest heroes rise up from the darkest places. Ed Brubaker did the unthinkable a few years ago – he brought Bucky back from the dead as a brainwashed assassin. Cap saved Bucky and set him on the road to redemption and even made him Captain America for a time. Winter Soldier is my favorite new series of 2012 as Bucky assumed the Winter Soldier role and partnered with his lover the Black Widow to hunt the ghosts and mistakes of his past. Ed Brubaker is leaving Cap, Bucky and superhero comics for now. (His Image creator owned Fatale is amazing and will disturb and thrill you!)

New writer Jason LaTour and artist Nic Klein take over Bucky’s journey with Winter Soldier #15.  Klein tells Marvel.com his visual take on Bucky will reflect where the character is left as LaTour takes over from Brubaker.

  “On a visual level I like that Bucky’s costume is very dark, and, depending on who draws him, it can be very silhouette-like,” Klein says. “Bucky is also in a strange place in his life in this new arc, a not too happy place, so it will be fun to have some moody character moments. It will also be the first time I get to draw a character with a bionic arm, which brings in some 1990’s nostalgia in me, having grown up on comic books with such heroes.”

Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes in Captain America: The First Avenger courtesy Marvel.com

LaTour and Klein take over Winter Soldier this January.

Captain America 2 will be The Winter Soldier. Sebastian Stan returns as Bucky Barnes.

By Editor

The End for Amazing Spider-Man, Wolverine and Captain America & ?

Amazing Spider-Man #700 courtesy Marvel

  The Marvel NOW relaunch continues with the end of long running titles only to be relaunched later.

  The Marvel December solicitations include Amazing Spider-Man #700. The milestone issue will be the final issue.

  Wolverine #317 and Captain America and Black Widow #640 (which I think is the original numbering for the Captain America series but who can tell at this point?)

  Wolverine is joining Uncanny Avengers, All-New X-Men and his Wolverine and X-Men book will continues. Black Widow will be part of Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers relaunch. Captain America will be part of Uncanny Avengers, Avengers and a brand new solo book by Rick Remender.

 No word yet on a new book or creative team for Spidey. For me the biggest Marvel NOW surprise is two new X-Force books (Cable & X-Force, Uncanny X-Force) that don’t include Logan.

By Editor

Captain America for President?

  America is divided. There’s a fight for power. Voters have a choice. Sound familiar? In this bitterly divided United States voters choose a war hero to lead them…a SUPER war hero!










  America in the Ultimate Comics Universe (published by Marvel Comics) has been brutalized by super villain terrorist attacks, occupation by giant Sentinel robots. The nation has been split into independent feuding states. The Ultimate Comics United States was divided and fell.


Ultimate Comics Ultimates #16 courtesy Marvel

  One man will unite the country – President Captain America?

  In this week’s Ultimate Comics Ultimates #15 voters will elect Captain America to become President of the United States. Can the super soldier unite the broken nation and lead it into better days?

  How did the creators come up with this major status quo change? Writer Sam Humphries tells Marvel.com.


Ultimate Comics Ultimates #16 courtesy Marvel

  “Jonathan Hickman, my predecessor, very generously gave me all his notes for the title. There was a line in there about making Cap the president. It was an intimidating idea to pitch to Marvel, especially on my first big book. But the more I talked about it with editorial, the more we all became convinced it was the right story to do.”

  Humphries explains how this game-changing story will play out.

 “Cap is a soldier, not a politician. He’s not trying to make a career change. He’s answering the call of the people. They want him to do a job—unite America—and he’s going to do anything he can to do it.”


Ultimate Comics Ultimates #16 courtesy Marvel

  What kind of President will Steve Rogers be?

 “This isn’t the first time Cap has answered the call of an America in crisis. He’s not going to let the presidency change who he is; he’s going to do the job he was elected to do.”

  This is the same comic book line that killed most of the X-Men and Fantastic Four, has the U.S. defeated by its foreign enemies and inspired the alien warrior seen in The Avengers movie. Humphries explains why this election could only happen in this universe.

  “In the Ultimate Comics Universe we do stories with iconic characters you can’t find anywhere else—in the Marvel Universe, the movies, video games, anywhere. President Cap fits that definition by shaking up Steve Roger’s status quo in a radical fashion, and hopefully getting to know him in new ways.”

  For more of Humphries interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

  In the Marvel Comics Universe Captain America is still leader of The Avengers and not entering politics.

  Humphries (Higher Earth, Fanboys vs. Zombies) is launching a brand new Uncanny X-Force in January, 2013.

By Editor





Chris Evans on Captain America Sequel Update


Chris Evans as Captain America in Marvel’s The Avengers courtesy Marvel Films

Chris Evans will play the First Avenger again in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Fans of the comic book know this sequel will be based on the story by Ed Brubaker in which Steve’s best friend is back from the dead as a brainwashed assassin.

  “Oh, I am fully up to date with my comics.  I know all about it.  Kevin Feige was talking about [Winter Soldier] when we were filming the first Captain America and well before The Avengers.  During the first Captain America we were talking about potential futures and, you know, I don’t want to give too much way,” Evans tells Collider.

  Some of the scenes Evans shot for The Avengers showing Cap adjusting to the modern world was cut but may turn up in the Captain America sequel.

Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes in Captain America: The First Avenger courtesy Marvel.com

  “A lot of that stuff [that was cut] is for Captain America 2.  That is his story.  It is him trying to on a personal level adjust to the fact that everyone he knows is gone and the whole Peggy Carter of it all.  There are a lot of things that he kind of has to come to terms with.  So I don’t know.  I am excited to kind of see flashes of the first Captain, if you know what I mean, and to see his memory of what we now know as an audience of who he was.”

  Evans adds that he’d like for Steve to appear in Thor: The Dark World.

  “[Chris] Hemsworth and I even talked about that.  I would love to do a little thing in Thor 2.  It is obviously going to be tricky trying to work out the plot, the reason why I am not there to help him, and why he is not there to help me.  But the best thing about Marvel is that, like I said, the movies were so good and we had such a good time making them.”

Captain America: The First Avenger opens April 4, 2014. Sebastian Stan returns as Bucky Barnes, Anthony Mackie plays the Falcon and no word on a love interest for Cap. Here’s hoping Sharon Carter aka Agent 13 will appear in the film.

Thanks to Collider.

By Editor

Captain America Unmasked and His New Sidekick?

Captain America #2 courtesy Marvel

  Rick Remender is launching Steve Rogers into Dimension Z in a brand new Captain America series.

  Marvel shared John Romita Jr’s cover to Captain America #2 and this teaser for the second issue. Arnim Zola leaves Steve trapped into Dimension Z. Steve has saved the life of Zola’s son but barbarians are on the attack.

Does this new era for Cap mean a new sidekick?

By Editor

Does the World Still Need the Avengers?

New Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Does the world still need the Avengers?

 A billion dollar blockbuster movie. A huge comic book franchise. Yes, the world still needs Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

 After 8 years Brian Michael Bendis will leave the Avengers franchise with End Times and answers the question above on Marvel.com. I wanted to share this answer.

 “My favorite thing about all these events and AVENGERS being the centerpiece of all these events is that there’s fallout. And because they’re always on to the next thing, they don’t even have time to deal with the fallout. Fear Itself happened and all these Nazi robots attacked the world, and nobody in the Avengers feels like doing a press conference and saying, “All right everyone, we’ve saved you all from the Nazis.” Nobody wants to do that. Captain America doesn’t want to do press. He just wants to do what he’s good at. And with that comes conspiracy, hysteria and blame. Nobody knows where [Sin] is, [so] we can’t blame her, but we know where Cap is so let’s go yell at him.

  Now, there are some interesting things going on with the Avengers and Captain America in particular in my last issues. When Captain America took this job to lead the Avengers, he took the job of the guy he was always yelling at. It’s like he was the President. Like the minute President Obama got elected, everything was immediately his fault. That’s not a political statement; it’s with any president. “We love you, we love you—now what?”

  That’s what’s happening with Captain America. Now that he’s taken the role of leader and with that comes the heavy burden of responsibility for things that he couldn’t possibly be responsible for, but someone’s gotta be responsible for them. That’s gonna be resolved and take its toll with the question of “Does the world need the Avengers?” But I think they do because I believe the book will be continuing without me [Laughs].

 Ironic that I read this interview just after watching President Obama’s speech at the DNC.

 I can’t believe it’s been 8 years since Disassembled. Wow! That’s when I fell in love with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes…this time I think it’s forever.

For his entire interview with Jim Beard here’s the Marvel.com link.

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