Who Will Be Avengers?


Avengers #2 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #2 courtesy Marvel

In Avengers #1 Jonathan Hickman went big! The Avengers confronted a God-like new enemy on the moon with disastrous results. Captain America was forced to wake the world! Which heroes answers Cap’s call? Can a bigger roster of heroes hope to defeat the powerhouse alien that wants to remake Earth? We find out in this week’s Avengers #2.

Hickman told Marvel.com how he assembled his expanded roster:

  “Well, it all starts with Iron Man and Captain America, with Tony and Steve. They can smell it in the air. They sense in the same way that we in our everyday lives know that something is not right with society. We know that things aren’t functioning properly. We have an impending sense that it’s possible that calamity is right around the corner. It’s a very real thing in society right now. Whether that’s a result of too much dystopian fiction, whether that’s a result of too many horror movies, or whether that’s financial calamity, whatever it is, it’s a very real thing in society, and this book very much starts with that: the idea that very bad things are on the horizon. As a result, they begin constructing a failsafe against that, and what happens is it is triggered, and that means they have to assemble the Avengers World.

  They enact the Avengers World scenario where they have to gather all the guys together. That’s kind of the first three issues, the inciting incident and the team-has-assembled kind of deal, and then we back off for three issues and we reintroduce some of the newer characters, and then we have another three-issue arc after that where the whole team is together again, and then we have three issues after that where it’s more an introduction to the other characters again, the ones that we haven’t visited yet. Anyway, it’s kind of a way to keep the velocity of the book up and at the same time introduce everyone that people may not be familiar with or brand-new characters that the readers don’t know anything about. Again, all of that is leading to something further down the road.”

Chapter Two of Avengers World hits this week!

By Editor

Avengers #1 Review


Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Here’s what I love about reading Jonathan Hickman. His storytelling is packed with big, bold, ambitious ideas that you find in the most epic science fiction novels. It’s smart but lean storytelling that still moves you. He challenges you while entertaining you. I was thrilled when I learn Hickman would take over based on his previous (SHIELD, Fantastic Four, FF) and current work (Manhattan Projects.) Marvel chose well.


In Avengers #1 Hickman throws Earth’s Mightiest Heroes into an epic new conflict with high level cosmic stakes and high drama. I didn’t just feel like I was reading a relaunch of a superhero book. This is the creation of a new mythology.


Imagine our heroes up against the “Space Gods” from Prometheus blended with Jack Kirby’s “New Gods.” A squadron of favorites (the movie Avengers if you will ) go on a mission to Mars in which we encounter the new threats to Earth and learn why the roster will explode with 18 or more members.

Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel


This premiere issue is built on big ideas but still packed with action, fights and heart and humor. Hickman and Opena craft a pitch perfect series of moments in the Avengers showdown on Mars. Some characters barely speak in the issue but when they do it has impact. It shows how Hickman is careful with his dialogue and lets Opena’s pencils carry the story.


You can’t tell me you didn’t feel a chill when Cap “waked the world” and in that final panel we saw the future of the Avengers. Marvel has chosen well – I’m excited for the Avengers World Hickman and Opena have created.


By Editor

How Hickman Assembled His AVENGERS

Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Jonathan Hickman launches Earth’s Mightiest Heroes into a new era this week with a brand new Avengers #1 with Jerome Opena. The team will be bigger than ever packed with old favorites, new recruits and brand new characters. Hickman tells Marvel.com how he assembled his powerhouse new team.

  “Well, it all starts with Iron Man and Captain America, with Tony and Steve. They can smell it in the air. They sense in the same way that we in our everyday lives know that something is not right with society. We know that things aren’t functioning properly. We have an impending sense that it’s possible that calamity is right around the corner. It’s a very real thing in society right now. Whether that’s a result of too much dystopian fiction, whether that’s a result of too many horror movies, or whether that’s financial calamity, whatever it is, it’s a very real thing in society, and this book very much starts with that: the idea that very bad things are on the horizon. As a result, they begin constructing a failsafe against that, and what happens is it is triggered, and that means they have to assemble the Avengers World.

  They enact the Avengers World scenario where they have to gather all the guys together. That’s kind of the first three issues, the inciting incident and the team-has-assembled kind of deal, and then we back off for three issues and we reintroduce some of the newer characters, and then we have another three-issue arc after that where the whole team is together again, and then we have three issues after that where it’s more an introduction to the other characters again, the ones that we haven’t visited yet. Anyway, it’s kind of a way to keep the velocity of the book up and at the same time introduce everyone that people may not be familiar with or brand-new characters that the readers don’t know anything about. Again, all of that is leading to something further down the road.”


Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel

Hickman is pushing for more female heroes and explains his goal to build a team reflecting greater diversity.

  “I would say sometimes it’s hard and sometimes it’s very very easy. I think that there are certain characters that are obvious and easy choices. I think Captain Marvel right now is an easy and obvious choice, because she’s not only popular but well-loved and everybody understands how important of a character that is. When I do something like add Smasher, which is now a human female, to the cast, obviously what I did is I took what was a traditionally male character and I made it a female character. The reason why I did that is because I needed a character that fit that type, that fit that scale, and by that what I mean is a quote unquote “cosmic” character, and on top of that I needed a way to tie that character into the Earth as opposed to being an alien or whatever, and so I made the changes there. But yes, it’s much more difficult than it should be because the vast majority of Marvel characters are white male super heroes. Part of our job is to protect that IP and move it forward. We always try new things, and we fail a lot, and sometimes we succeed. The hope is that our successes outweigh our failures.

Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel

Hickman revealed which characters are surprising him now that he’s writing them:

  “I wish I didn’t have a propensity for falling in love with bad guys so much. [Laughs] I do that. I don’t know why I’m surprised by it, but of course that’s happening. I really like writing Iron Man a lot. I like writing Bruce Banner a lot. It’s not going to mean anything to anybody yet, but I like writing Smasher a lot. I love writing Sam and Roberto, Sunspot and Cannonball. Shang-Chi is a lot of fun. It’s just a cool cast.

  Part of the thing, we even say it in the second issue, is these guys have been together six hours. What kind of teamwork could we possibly expect, right? It’s something that they kind of grow into. Right now everybody’s nice and happy and getting along, but everybody’s still trying to figure out where they stand and all that kind of stuff. Beyond the first big thing that happens, where I’m at in writing the book I’m doing the second big thing right now. Dealing with that has been much more difficult because they’re having to work together. So they haven’t found it yet. I haven’t found it yet, but we’ll get there.”

What’s your favorite Avengers roster? Here are mine.

Avengers World begins in Avengers #1 this week.

By Editor

AVENGERS #1 Trailer!

Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Avengers #1 is out this week! Jonathan Hickman and Jerome Opena go BIG with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes! Bigger roster against bigger threats. The comic book so big is deserves a trailer!

  Hyperion is back? What about the rest of the Squadron? Multiple Iron Men lying defeated? In the group shot – did you see a guy that looks a lot like Vulcan?

  Avengers #1 is out this week. Thanks to Marvel.com for the trailer.

By Editor

AVENGERS Gets Bigger!


Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  A new era for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes begins this week. Writer Jonathan Hickman and artist Jermone Opena are blowing up the team with bigger roster and bigger mission.

  Jonathan Hickman and Editor Tom Brevoort revealed the new mission for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and what to expect from this week’s premier issue and beyond on Marvel.com.

  “We will see the back story of how Iron Man and Captain America have been quietly building a contingency plan for the day that comes in issue #1,” Hickman teases of the huge event that requires a bigger team that will reflect our modern world.

  “One of the first things we all agreed on is that the roster should look more like the world. So far we’ve seen the biggest and most iconic characters, but as we reach issues #7 and #8, we’ll see more new characters and characters we’re reviving or recreating. Eventually there will be 24 characters. 12 will be either female or minority characters,” said Hickman of the growing roster.

New Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

   In January Hickman and artist Steve Epting launch a new New Avengers – a new version of the Illuminati. This new secret cabal working behind the scenes will be Black Panther, Iron Man, Doctor Strange Black Bolt, Namor, Reed Richards and Beast.

  “It’s about the guys who quietly, secretly run the world. It’s thematically much different than Avengers. The plan I’ve worked out is that the Avengers are the utopian Avengers, the ideal ones we want, whereas the New Avengers are real world, they live in the dark, apocalyptic world as it is,” revealed Hickman.

 “The books will work in tandem. You don’t have to read both, but they are two sides of the same coin. Two different stories,” he added.

  Some of the most surprising and exciting additions to the new team are New Mutants Sam Guthrie and Roberto Da Costa.

“You’ll get an issue where Cannonball and Sunspot get to spend time with Captain America,” Hickman revealed, “I’ve always really liked them. I wish it was more complicated than that. I pitched a Bobby and Sam in Mojoworld book, and somehow it got made.”

  One reason I love Sam and Bobby getting this “promotion” is that they never got to rise up to true X-Men status.

  “Cannonball and Sunspot are at least chronologically younger characters. It’s always good to have those types of figures in Avengers to bring a fresh viewpoint. That said, they’re also established Marvel characters,” Brevoort said, “When Brian Bendis brought Luke Cage and Spider-Woman into the Avengers, they weren’t the most popular characters, but they had legitimacy. I think it will be the same thing with Cannonball and Sunspot.”

 “When we get to 24 characters, their will be several subgroups of characters, and one tier will be a group of younger, more idealistic people like Cannonball and Sunspot,” Hickman explained.

Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Hickman explained the leadership hierarchy of this new Avengers.

 “Cap is in charge, of course, and he has two vice-captains in Captain Marvel and Iron Man. For bigger stuff, it splits into three teams. There are other factions within that, but generally, that’s the command structure. In New Avengers, they all think they’re in charge and none of them are,” explains Hickman.

 Hickman confirmed Avengers will start with the 3 big arcs then 3 stand-alone stories and he’s creating new villains. Mr. Fantastic and Beast will be on New Avengers. Hyperion will be part of the team. Eden Fesi of Secret Warriors will be in the Avengers. 


Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Hickman confirmed in an earlier story that Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu, would be in the series and that the team will start with up to 18 members.

 Avengers #1 hits this week #2 arrives this month. New Avengers #1 and #2 arrive in January.

 By Editor

Marvel Now Videoblog

courtesy Marvel.com

I was honored to be the special guest on my friendly neighborhood comic shop’s special edition videoblog dedicated to the new Marvel Now titles! The Zanadu Comics crew dubbed me Professor Marvel! Take a look and I’d love to know your favorite Marvel Now titles so far:

Thanks to Perry, Howard and Casey were having me as your special guest for and always great experience every new comic book Wednesday! Thanks to the Sam the man behind the cam! Disclosure: I will always love X-Men – it was my first book but I do read titles of the competition and I always welcome your indie picks!

By Editor

Top 5 Comics For 11/21/12

Captain America #1 courtesy Marvel

Captain America #1 The Star-Spangled Avenger’s new adventure take a sci-fi spin. No country. No allies. Steve Rogers is alone in a bizarre dimension packed with new enemies and an amped up old villain

Indestructible Hulk #1 Bruce Banner and his monstrous alter ego working together? Meet SHIELD’s biggest, brainiest new agent!

Batwoman #14 The thrilling showdown between Kate and Wonder Woman against the madness of Medusa!

Star Trek #15 You’ve got to love Spock in a stache! Yes, it’s time for a brand new adventure in the Mirror, Mirror universe!

Wolverine and the X-Men #21 This may be Thanksgiving week but a terrifying new villain stalks the staff and kids of the Jean Grey School! Frankenstein’s Murder Circus turns Storm, Logan and Bobby into their strangest new showstopppers.

Happy Thanksgiving!

By Editor


Captain America Suits Up!


Captain America #1 courtesy Marvel

Rick Remender, John Romita Jr and Klaus Janson relaunch the Sentinel of Liberty in a brand new Captain America #1 this week.  The acclaimed artist talked with Marvel.com  adjusted design of Cap’s uniform.

“I don’t think it’s a full redesign. You still know it’s Cap, you can see things in it that are Captain America. But there’s a difference, absolutely. I think the spandex and the spandex shorts have gone the way of the dodo only because they were overused and so on. This is a little more realistic. You’ll see seams on pants, you’ll see shoelaces on boots etc. And I enjoy that.


Captain America #1 courtesy Marvel

Arnim Zola is the first major villain of this new volume that sends Steve into Dimension Z – which means new characters to design.

  “There are a couple of characters that are unnamed. Well, there’s one that’s named. If you watch the Phrox, these outer worldly creatures, I designed them visually. They’re interesting. The minions of Armin Zola are interesting also. And Rick wanted to use a reference from Jack Kirby’s version of the characters, and that’s good and bad. Great because I love Kirby’s stuff, but bad because I didn’t just want to completely base it on Kirby’s stuff, so I went a little bit in a different direction.

Arnim Zola’s minions are not the aberrations that they were from Jack Kirby’s days. I went a little bit more demonic, so to speak. And then the other outer worldly characters have to be different. Everything looks different and we have species, but yet each species has eyes, nose, ears. They walk, they crawl, and they have legs. So I tried to do that with these two sets of species.

You have Arnim Zola’s strange characters and you have these Phrox and I tried to give them at least one tiny bit of commonality, so there’s a little bit of an armor look, and a little bit of a lizard-demonic look to them that might be a little bit of commonality. At least in my mind, they’re from completely different planets, and yet they’re on the same planet. That’s probably too much thinking, but I can’t help myself. I’m always trying, and I don’t always succeed, but I’m always trying to do something different than I have done in the past. And if it doesn’t work out that way, it’s not from lack of trying.”

Captain America #1 courtesy Marvel

Captain America #1 is out this week.  For more of his interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

By Editor