Avengers Assembled! Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One


Marvel's The Avengers courtesy Marvel
Marvel’s The Avengers courtesy Marvel

It’s almost here! Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in one massive collection for you home. The Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One arrives April 2nd. The 10-Disc, 6 Limited Edition Six-Movie Collector Set (Blu-Ray) gives you Iron Man, Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America: The First Avenger, Thor and Marvel’s The Avengers.

Still new to the blockbuster superheroes of Marvel? Check out my Avengers For Virgins – this was by request of my non-comic book reading friends who loved superhero action movies!

Phase Two begins this May with Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World this November and Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy next year then Avengers 2!

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Top 5 Comic Book Picks for March 27, 2013

Batman Incorporated #9 courtesy DC Comics
Batman Incorporated #9 courtesy DC Comics

Age of Ultron #3 Ultron won. America lies in ruins. Marvel’s defeated heroes hide. How will Captain America rally the remaining Avengers, X-Men and Fantastic Four member to rise up against the all-powerful android and his army?

Batman Incorporated #9 Vengeance of Batman by Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham! What else is there to say?

East of West #1 Because it’s Jonathan Hickman (Nightly News, Fantastic Four, Avengers, New Avengers, Manhattan Projects, SHIELD) you can say this is book about the phone book and I’d buy it! If you want to know what it is…Image calls it a Sci-Fi Continue reading Top 5 Comic Book Picks for March 27, 2013

Captain America & Uncanny Avengers Crossover?

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Rick Remender is a master writer of Marvel’s bad boys (Wolverine, Fantomex, Deadpool, Punisher, Venom) so hiring him to write the ultimate All-American boy scout was a gamble. Remender is writing the relaunched Captain America and writing Steve Rogers as part of Uncanny Avengers. While Steve is trapped in an Arnim Zola sci-fi nightmare epic called Dimension Z in his solo series, Steve has just battled the reborn Red Skull (now with mutant telepathic powers!) along with Wolverine, Havok, Rogue, Scarlet Witch and Thor.

Does Remender have plans for a crossover? I wanted to share this fan question and answers from Comic Book Resources.

“In year 2 Captain America and the Uncanny Avengers will intertwine quite a bit. And the events within “Captain America” will affect the Uncanny Avengers moving forward as well. That’s all I can say on the matter for now.”

The Uncanny Avengers face Kang and Apocalypse in the next arc and we’ve seen a glimpse of the future with the Red Skull reborn as Onslaught! As I’ve read Dimension Z I can picture Logan cutting loose against those Zola creations! Stay tuned!

By Editor

Super Villain Showdown in UNCANNY AVENGERS

Uncanny Avengers #4
Uncanny Avengers #4

A God possessed. Cataclysmic clashes. Twisted history. Social commentary?

The most unexpected villain comeback since…

The finale of Red Skull versus Marvel’s newest dream team hits like Thor’s hammer in this week’s Uncanny Avengers #4. Rick Remender and John Cassaday are relentless storytellers!

Here’s what you need to know:

In the aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men, Captain America realized the Avengers have not done enough to help protect the mutant race. Steve and Wolverine form a new squad of Avengers and X-Men (including Thor, Scarlet Witch, Rogue) working together with Havok as team leader.

A reborn Red Skull stole the brain of Professor X! Together with his army of freak S-Men the Nazi mastermind telepathically orchestrated a series of brutal attacks on mutants. As this finale begins Thor is under the Skull’s control. Havok continues his rise to becoming a major superstar in the Marvel Now. Alex Summers and Scarlet Witch take a beating against the power of the Thunder God but Havok proves he has the mettle to lead this team into the future. Scarlet Witch may be on the road to redemption but Wanda gets to hex out and we see just how her dark side Continue reading Super Villain Showdown in UNCANNY AVENGERS


Chris Evans as Captain America in Marvel's The Avengers courtesy Marvel Films
Chris Evans as Captain America in Marvel’s The Avengers courtesy Marvel Films

Chris Evans will suit up again as the Star-Spangled Avenger as part of Marvel’s Phase Two in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The sequel’s title makes fans wonder how closely it will follow the The Winter Soldier arc by Ed Brubaker. Marvel Studios Kevin Feige talks with Variety about the tone of the film and the future of the superhero genre.

“If it is a fad, it’s one that lasts 30 to 40 years, as the Western did, because each one is so different,” he says. “There’s an opportunity to graft almost sub-genres onto them. Our first Captain America film was a World War II picture, and the next Continue reading CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER “A Political Thriller”

Who Should Play Sin in CAPTAIN AMERICA 2?

Captain America #28 courtesy Marvel
Captain America #28 courtesy Marvel

Chris Evans suits up again as the First Avenger in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The next film will add Anthony Mackie as the heroic Falcon and Frank Grillo as evil muscle man Crossbones.

Emily Van Camp (Revenge) may be playing SHIELD Agent Sharon Carter. All the buzz about the casting of Cap’s girlfriend inspired sinister visions of who should play the raging redheaded she-devil from Cap’s rogues gallery!  If Crossbones is in the sequel then will the Red Skull’s psychotic daughter (and Crossbones’s lover/partner) join the film?

Who should play Sinthea Schmidt aka SIN? Here are five redheads who could really embody pure evil as the Red Skull’s daughter:
Continue reading Who Should Play Sin in CAPTAIN AMERICA 2?


Emily Van Camp from Revenge courtesy ABC
Emily Van Camp from Revenge courtesy ABC

  Has Marvel found Steve Rogers’s modern-day love interest? Sharon Carter (aka Agent 13 of SHIELD) is the descendant of Steve’s World War II love interest Peggy Carter. Emily Van Camp of ABC’s Revenge has been cast as Sharon in Captain America: The Winter Soldier according to Deadline.

  Van Camp plays Emily Thorne (real name Amanda Walker) on the hit series about a young woman seeking vengeance on the family that destroyed her father’s reputation and had him killed. This season the soap has ramped up the spy elements as Emily and her partner (who they jokingly call James Bond on the show because of his accent and skills) try to thwart the plans of a sinister society.

Captain America #16 courtesy Marvel
Captain America #16 courtesy Marvel

  Looks like this season has been practice if Van Camp is really signed on to play the SHIELD agent opposite Chris Evans!

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Uncanny Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel

Madness takes Manhattan! Manipulated mutant hate erupts! Only a select unit of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Children of the Atom can stop the wrath of the reborn Red Skull!

Was Uncanny Avengers #3 worth the wait?


Red Skull is using the brain of Professor X to incite mutant hate. The villain’s strange S-Men help fan the flames of hatred and violence as everyday citizens turn on each other and one iconic hero’s will is tested. Havok and Captain America clash. Wolverine’s reaction upon learning of the Red Skull’s heinous act is classic. Rick Remender and John Cassaday pack this chapter with big character moments and an epic twist as an Avenger turns.

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