Top 5 Picks for 2-1-12

Winter Soldier #1 cover from

Winter Soldier #1

Bucky Barnes gave the Captain America mantle back to Steve Rogers and becomes the Winter Soldier again. Partnered with the Black Widow, they are the “Mr. and Mrs. Smith of the Marvel Universe” according to writer Ed Brubaker. The Seattle writer spins new adventures of Marvel’s hottest spies as they team up to take out awakened ex-Russian sleeper agents.

Fatale #2

  This is a potent brew of crime noir and supernatural horror. Two men in two time periods chasing down the same woman. Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips create dueling time crossed mysteries with the impeding dread that a poor bastard is inching closer to a demonic end. 

Batman: The Gates of Gotham trade paperback

Batman assembles some of greatest detectives in the DC Universe when a mystery as old as Gotham City challenges the Dark Knight. Batman soon learns the dark history of Gotham’s past and sins of its most famous families – including the Waynes. Scott Snyder and Kyle Higgins

Assassins Creed: After the Fall trade paperback

Based on the killer video game this story follows the Russian assassin in a race against the Templars to claim a powerful artifact.

Avengers X-Sanction #3 courtesy

Avengers X-Sanction #3

Cable Versus Red Hulk! The mutant from the future has taken on Captain America and Iron Man – now it’s smash time with RULK! Why does Nathan have to take out the Avengers to save Hope of the X-Men? 


Cable’s First Shot in AVX

Avengers: X-Sanction #1 alternate cover preview courtesy

  Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness bring Cable back with full impact in Avengers: X-Sanction #1. This time Nathan is not a father figure, freedom fighter or platoon leader. Cable is an effecient super soldier on a focused mission.    

  Nathan and Steve Rogers are two determined soldiers with brilliant tactical minds. The fight is big and physical but you get a sense of the strategy behind every move.

  I think you can get a sense of the battle strategies Captain America and Cyclops will execute in Avengers Versus X-Men. Cap may even learn something from Cable that could give him an advantage to beat Cyke – knowing when to make sacrifices.

  We learn how Cable survived “death” in Second Coming, see a blast from Nathan’s past who sets him on his new mission and learn why he must destroy the Avengers in 24 hours.

  The script is tight. The art is big, brash and bursting off the pages. The issue is one big giant teaser for the upcoming AVX but this first shot in the war in a fun yarn on its own.

Cable’s Link to Avengers Versus X-Men

Avengers: X-Sanction #1 alternate cover preview courtesy

  Cable is back with this week’s Avengers: X-Sanction #1. Cable died saving the life of Hope, the mutant messiah and his adopted daughter. How is Cable reborn and why must he eliminate the Avengers? It’s connected to the return of the Phoenix Force and this series acts as a prelude to Avengers Versus X-Men in 2012. 

  With the mutant hero from the future attacking Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in such a crucial storyline here’s what you need to know about the fan favorite mutant with a complicated origin and future history.

New Mutants #87 the debut of Cable courtesy

   Cable debuted in New Mutants # 87 as a cyborg warrior who took the kids of New Mutants and made them a pro-active fighting force. The title was soon reborn as X-Force.

  The origin: X-Man Cyclops was married to a woman named Madelyn Pryor (she was actually a clone of Jean Grey/Marvel Girl created by Mister Sinister) and they had a baby named Nathan.

  In the pages of X-Factor (the original five X-Men reunited) Nathan was infected by a techno-organic virus from the future by Apocalypse. Just when all hope was lost,  a woman from the future appeared to Cyclops and said she could save his baby if she let him take the child into the future where they had the medical technology to save him. That woman was sent by Rachel Summers (the daughter of Cyclops and the real Jean Grey from the future.)

  Nathan’s life was saved but he became a cyborg. His mutant powers of telekinesis help keep his body together and the virus at bay. Nathan grew up in a war-torn future ruled by Apocalypse.

 Cable went back in time to prevent his future. Stryfe was Cable and X-Force’s archenemy and during the X-Cutioner’s Song storyline Stryfle revealed he was a clone of Nathan.

Cable #2 cover courtesy

  Hope was the first baby born after the decimation of mutants and elimination of the mutant gene from humanity. The baby was hailed as a mutant messiah by some and the harbinger of a future apocalypse by others. Cyclops let Cable take the baby into the future to protect her. Hope returned as a teenager. Cable sacrificed his life to save her.

  The Phoenix Force is speeding towards Earth. The Phoenix image manifested around Hope in the past so could the entity be coming to make her its new host? Marvel has said a surprise decision by one team related to the impending return of the Phoenix is what causes the AVX war. 

  Could this actually be Styfle attacking the Avengers? Has Cable returned only to be sacrificed again?

  It seems way too soon for Cable to return. Honestly I was a fan when he first appeared in New Mutants before learning his real identity and origin. The only other time I enjoyed the character is during Second Coming when he was about to die. Cable’s scenes with his father and adopted daughter were moving. For such a man of action the best moments I like were very quiet and still encounters with Cyclops and Hope.

Top 5 Comic Picks Dec 14, 2011

Avengers: X-Sanction #1 alternate cover preview courtesy

Avengers: X-Sanction #1 Cable is back from the dead and on a mission to take out the Avengers? The X-Man from the future died to save Hope, the mutant messiah and his adopted daughter. How is Cable reborn? This story is the prelude leading up to Avengers Versus X-Men.

Batgirl #4 Batgirl’s final showdown with the psychotic new villain, the Mirror.

Uncanny X-Force #18 One of the original X-Men has been corrupted and possessed by one of their greatest enemies. Will a member of X-Force die to prevent the Apocalypse from consuming Earth? This is the final chapter to the Dark Angel Saga.

A Very Zombie Christmas #3 cover courtesy Antartic Press

A Very Zombie Christmas #3 Ho-Ho-Horrific tales of the undead for holidays. Santa doesn’t want cookies, you are the treat! This title may contain content too graphic for younger readers.

Zombies Versus Cheerleaders #4 Gimme a D, Gimme an E, Gimme an A, Gimme a D! What do you got? The Dead walking and stalking you. Thank goodness we have some bad — cheerleaders sporting guns and pom-poms! 4 tales of fun and This title may contain content too graphic for younger readers.