X-Force #7 courtesy Marvel
X-Force #7 courtesy Marvel

Domino is back!


The luck powered mutant mercenary is blasting her way into X-Force #7 this week.


Domino was part of Cable and X-Force before the reboot into X-Force by Simon Spurrier and Rock He-Kim. She didn’t make the cut when two books ended and the rebirth of a one and only X-Force.



Cable, Psylocke, Fantomex and Marrow have taken on the superhuman arms dealer Volga. Cable’s team is barely surviving the war against their new enemy and each other as tension build among the tightly wound unit.


To win – this team needs a little luck! Continue reading DOMINO Rejoins X-FORCE


Deadpool vs. X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel
Deadpool vs. X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

Big guns, muscles and pouches plus, bigger guns? It must be the 1990’s.


If seeing Warpath and Sunspot in X-Men: Days of Future Past makes you nostalgic for the good old X-Force days then hold on.


Warpath, along with Cable, Cannonball, Boom Boom and Domino are back to take on the Merc With a Mouth in a brand new limited series that brings back the original X-Force.


Marvel shared a preview of Deadpool vs. X-Force #1 by writer Duane Swierczynski (Cable) and artist Pepe Larraz (Wolverine and the X-Men) with covers by Shane Davis. Continue reading DEADPOOL VS. X-FORCE Preview

X-MEN APOCALYPSE Behind the Teaser

Uncanny X-Men #377 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #377 courtesy Marvel

X-Men: Days of Future Past opened to rave reviews and generated astonishing box-office results.


After uniting the cast of the original trilogy and X-Men: First Class in a time travel epic that introduced Sentinels – what will they do next?


Go for what some consider the biggest X-villain (after the Master of Magnetism) and introduce the first mutant.


Director Bryan Singer already revealed the next film is X-Men: Apocalypse so the post-credits sequence shouldn’t be a surprise but just to be safe here’s a…


SPOILER WARNING! Continue reading X-MEN APOCALYPSE Behind the Teaser

X-MEN: Mutants of Future Spinoffs

X-Men: Days of Future Past courtesy Fox
X-Men: Days of Future Past courtesy Fox

X-Men: Days of Future Past is coming fast on the horizon. X-Men: Apocalypse is slated for 2016. The Wolverine sequel is clawing into theaters after that. Producers have started talking the possibilities of more X-Men solo spinoff  movies including Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique.


The fuel to a Gambit movie fire are lit up again after the MTV Movie Awards. Channing Tatum told MTV he’s met with Producer Lauren Schuler Donner and again expressed his love for Remy Labeau, the mutant played by Taylor Kitsch in X-Men: Origins: Wolverine.


Which X-Men characters deserve a movie? Continue reading X-MEN: Mutants of Future Spinoffs

Top 5 Comic Book Picks for February 12, 2014

X-Factor #3 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #3 courtesy Marvel

All-New X-Factor #3 Peter David is back blazing a trail of action, humor and twists in the this latest incarnation of X-Factor. Polaris, Quicksilver and Gambit are professional heroes working for a mysterious internet and weapons corporation that “just wants to help people.”  What’s Gambit’s real agenda?


Batman #28 Is Batman getting a new partner in crime fighting? Look 6 months ahead at the DC Universe in a special issue by Scott Snyder, James Tynion and Dustin Nguyen Continue reading Top 5 Comic Book Picks for February 12, 2014

Inside X-FORCE #1

X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel
X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

X-Force #1 hits comic book shops this week.


In the aftermath of the Cable and X-Force vs. Uncanny X-Force crossover Vendetta – this is the now the one and only X-Force book.


Writer Si Spurrier (X-Men Legacy, Numbercruncher) and artist Rock He-Kim are the creative team chronicling the covert X-team’s adventures.


Rosters change but X-Force always is the pro-active, clandestine unit of the X-Men doing what X-Men can’t…sometimes taking out their enemies before they can attack mutants.


The new team will be Cable, Psylocke, Fantomex and the return of Continue reading Inside X-FORCE #1