Uncanny X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel

How did Cyclops go from Professor X’s golden boy to his killer?


Scott Summers inspires hate and devotion.


Even when he was the uptight boy scout, fans rooted for Jean Grey to choose Logan. Scott evolved into a General giving marching orders for an X-Men army then became what you could call the new Magneto.


Now Cyclops leads the mutant revolution in Uncanny X-Men. How did his go from Xavier’s heir-apparent to such a divisive character? Continue reading BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS On EVOLUTION Of CYCLOPS


Uncanny X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

Back to full power and new powers for the X-Men revolutionaries?


Brian Michael Bendis (Uncanny X-Men, All-New X-Men) shares what’s next for Cyclops, Emma Frost, Magik and the new mutants who follow them.


In the aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men and possession by the Phoenix Force, the powerhouse mutants were taken down a notch or more.


Magneto, Scott, Emma and Illyana were broken and their power levels were greatly diminished. Continue reading BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS On Future of CYCLOPS & X-MEN


All-New X-Men #29 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #29 courtesy Marvel

It’s Professor Xavier vs. Jean Grey…like you’ve never seen it before.


In the Dark Phoenix Saga, the Professor and Dark Phoenix engaged in the greatest psychic duel of any century. Xavier “won” but we know the rest of the story – death, rebirth, reconnection and the second death of Jean.


In All-New X-Men #29 Professor Xavier’s son and the original Jean engage in a psychic battle as Xavier’s Continue reading JEAN GREY vs. XAVIER In ALL-NEW X-MEN Preview

The Trial of Jean Grey Unites X-MEN & Guardians of the Galaxy

All-New X-Men #22 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #22 courtesy Marvel

The All-New X-Men get all-new costumes, the universe discovers the former host of the Phoenix is alive and the mutants clash with the outer space Avengers! The secret of Marvel’s Trial and Judgment teasers stand revealed.


Battle of the Atom and Infinity are still raging across the Marvel Universe but we learned new details about the upcoming crossover between the original five X-Men and the Guardians of the Galaxy at New York Comic Con.


Brian Michael Bendis reveals The Trial of Jean Grey Continue reading The Trial of Jean Grey Unites X-MEN & Guardians of the Galaxy

Galactus Ultimate Bite In HUNGER

Hunger #1 courtesy Marvel
Hunger #1 courtesy Marvel

A rip across time and space unleashes an insatiable force on an unsuspecting world!


Marvel’s Ultimate Universe will suffer the consequences of Wolverine’s time jumping actions in Age of Ultron! Earth’s Mightiest Heroes stopped Ultron but Logan’s time jumps ruptured the continuum! Galactus was transported into the Ultimate Universe – and he’s hungry!


HUNGER will be a four-part series by Ultimate Comics Ultimates writer Josh Fialkov and Leonard Kirk kicking off this week in which the Ultimate Universe faces the threat of Galactus! Continue reading Galactus Ultimate Bite In HUNGER

UNCANNY X-MEN Demon Therapy!

Uncanny X-Men #7 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #7 courtesy Marvel

I admit – I’m not a big fan of the supernatural themed X-Men stories. I’ve never been a fan of Magik. Illyana’s history is confusing and she’s just not likable. There’s nothing redeeming about the demon sorceress/mutant teleporter with an evil persona – see what I mean – confusing, huh?


Brian Michael Bendis and Frazier Irving have changed my mind about supernatural stories and Magik in just one perfect issue. Uncanny X-Men #7 is a beautifully written and drawn story of sacrifice, identity and cry for help. Every hero has demons but Illyana’s are literal. Because of Magik the troubled kids at the new Xavier School learn how being a mutant can be hell – literally. Continue reading UNCANNY X-MEN Demon Therapy!