Black Widow and Silver Surfer In Marvel Now

Avengers #24 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #24 courtesy Marvel

The All-New Marvel Now initiative is coming in December. Marvel announced the campaign starts with Avengers #24. Now, the return of the Invaders by James Robinson and revealed new details about Inhuman series by Matt Fraction.


The first Marvel Now saw the Incredible Hulk becoming Indestructible, the return of Nova, Guardians of the Galaxy and an almost-all-new Young Avengers plus new books like Fearless Defenders.


Who’s next to get the Marvel Now treatment besides the titles above? Continue reading Black Widow and Silver Surfer In Marvel Now

Joss Whedon on Female Superheroes in Film

Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner on set in The Avengers courtesy
Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner in The Avengers courtesy

Will there ever been a solo female superhero movie? With the recent successes  of comic books starring women (the all-female X-Men, Fearless Defenders, Captain Marvel, The New 52 Wonder Woman, Batgirl and Batwoman) is the time right?

The creative mind behind Buffy, Willow, Faith and who showcased Black Widow and Maria Hill perfectly in The Avengers was asked by The Daily Beast about the lack of female heroes on the big screen: Continue reading Joss Whedon on Female Superheroes in Film

Avengers #11 Review

Avengers #11 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #11 courtesy Marvel

Avengers #11 was a thrilling, fun side trip on Jonathan Hickman’s cosmic odyssey! You don’t have to have read the earlier issues and enjoy this espionage filled chapter that puts Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Sunspot and Cannonball on the front burner of a undercover mission that would impress James Bond.

A.I.M. scientists are taking the alien viruses from the previous arcs and turning them into bioweapons for highest bidder. Natasha, Carol, Jessica, Roberto and Sam assemble in Macao to execute a Mission Impossible operation against A.I.M. agents. Hickman is known for his big epic scope but here he shows he’s equally powerful at writing comedy mixed with the thrills.

The real star of this issue is Continue reading Avengers #11 Review

AVENGERS Hong Kong Showdown!

Avengers #11 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #11 courtesy Marvel

Shang Chi takes the spotlight in this week’s Avengers #11. After cosmic clashes and alien outbreaks Jonathan Hickman sends the team to Hong Kong for a new adventure called Wake the Dragon.

Avengers #11 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #11 courtesy Marvel

While the Master of Kung Fu fights an ancient rival, Cannonball and Sunspot gamble with AIM agents and Black Widow, Captain Marvel and Spider-Woman take on spies in a casino showdown in Wake the Dragon.

Artist Mike Deodato is joining writer Jonathan Hickman for the first time on Avengers and New Avengers as Earth’s Mightiest Heroes march towards  the big Infinity event.

Avengers #11 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #11 courtesy Marvel

Deodato explains how collaborating Continue reading AVENGERS Hong Kong Showdown!

Black Widow Surviving Age of Ultron?


Age of Ultron #2 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #2 courtesy Marvel

Age of Ultron #1 kicked off with a world taken over by the Avengers greatest enemy and surviving heroes on the run or in hiding. After Age of Ultron #5 the survivors have divided with one team taking the fight to the human hating android and Wolverine going rogue.

One of the survivors is Black Widow but she’s paid a terrible price. Brian Michael Bendis tells there’s a story behind her scar.

“Not only do I have it in my head, but I have it all written out. I’ve laid it out. I’ve [written] all the stuff down and then decided it was unnecessary to the story I want to tell. I personally want to know why this happened and, literally, her escaping a fiery-Ultron death and losing an eye in the process. What you see is the end result.

This woman escaped by the skin of her teeth. She is wounded, and that corrosion around Continue reading Black Widow Surviving Age of Ultron?


The Avengers courtesy
The Avengers courtesy

Scarlett Johannson will have a major role in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Black Widow was introduced in Iron Man 2, kicked butt in Marvel’s The Avengers and will now join the action in the Cap sequel! Writer Christopher Markus told Collider how the SHIELD operative makes a foil for Steve Rogers:

“[Black Widow is] a great—both in attitude Continue reading Black Widow in CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER

HAWKEYE & The Ladies

Hawkeye #9 courtesy Marvel
Hawkeye #9 courtesy Marvel

Ex-wife, work-wife, girlfriend.

The women in Clint Barton’s life may be his only lifeline when assassins target the Avenging Archer. Black Widow, Mockingbird, Spider-Woman and Kate Bishop team up in this week’s Hawkeye #9.

Hawkeye #9 courtesy Marvel
Hawkeye #9 courtesy Marvel

This acclaimed new Hawkeye series by Matt Fraction and David Aja is about Clint Barton when he’s not on duty as an Avenger. When you’re a superhero Continue reading HAWKEYE & The Ladies


Captain America: The Winter Soldier courtesy Marvel Studios
Captain America: The Winter Soldier courtesy Marvel Studios

Cameras are rolling on Captain America: The Winter Soldier! Chris Evans reprises his role as Steve Rogers in Cap’s first solo movie mission in the modern age. Marvel shared this first photo from the set. The sequel is based on the storyline by Ed Brubaker. This is the story that made me a hardcore Cap fan all over again.

Here’s the official Marvel description:

“Captain America: The Winter Soldier will pick-up where Marvel’s The Avengers left off, as Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and teams up with Natasha Romanoff , a.k.a. Black Widow, to battle a powerful yet shadowy enemy in present-day Washington, D.C.”

Cobie Smulders reprises her role as SHIELD agent Maria Hill.

Joining the Marvel cinematic universe are: Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson/Falcon, Frank Grillo as Crossbones, Georges St. Piere as Batroc and Emily Van Camp as Agent 13 (in the comics this is Cap’s modern day girlfriend Sharon Carter.)

For the non-comic book reading fans: What is the Winter Soldier?

Spoiler: Continue reading CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER First Set Picture!