Spider-Woman In the Marvel NOW!

Avengers Women of Marvel variant featuring Spider-Woman courtesy Marvel.com

  One of my favorite elements of the Brian Michael Bendis Avengers era is how he brought the original Spider-Woman back in the spotlight and made her an Avenger. Sure the Spider-Woman who joined New Avengers #1 was actually a Skrull but the real Jessica Drew finally came back.

  Jonathan Hickman is taking over Avengers and New Avengers in 2013 as part of the Marvel NOW! relaunch. Hickman revealed his Avengers will start with 18 cast members. Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso now confirms Spider-Woman will be part of the relaunched team.

  In today’s Axel-in-Charge column on Comic Book Resources a fan asked if more female characters like Spider-Woman will have a place the Marvel NOW! world.

 “Spider-Woman will remain part of the Avengers, and may turn up in Avengers Assemble,” Alonso responded.

Spider-Woman on New Avengers #15 courtesy Marvel

 “As for Black Widow, while she won’t have a new Marvel NOW! title, she’s currently appearing Secret Avengers, Avengers Assemble and Winter Soldier,” he added.

  This is just speculation on my part but could Spider-Woman appearing in Avengers Assemble mean Marvel Films could be considering have Jessica join an Avengers sequel or star in her own movie? Given Joss Whedon’s stunning track record of writing and directing female heroes can you imagine how Whedon would translate the tragic and triumphant life of Jessica Drew!?

 And I still say if Mila Kunis wants to play a superhero – write a Spider-Woman script for her!

By Editor

Captain America: The Winter Soldier “Darker, Edgier”

courtesy Marvel

  Captain America is going into darker territory in his sequel but Marvel films picked two directors known for comedy to take the Star Spangled Avenger there. Captain America: The Winter Soldier is based on Ed Brubaker’s gritty epic in which Steve Rogers faces a mysterious Russian assassin and a ghost from his past.

  Anthony and Joe Russo (Community, Arrested Development) are writing, producing and directing the Cap sequel and gave a preview of what to expect in the modern-day set sequel based on the Brubaker storyline.


Chris Evans as Captain America in Marvel’s The Avengers courtesy Marvel Films

   “Well, we like the [story]. I can’t talk too much about specifics, that’s the way Marvel handles things. I can say in general that there’s sort of a darker, edgier sensibility at work there that we found appealing, and that is going find its way into Captain [America] in the modern-day,” Russo tells Huffington Post

  Joe Johnston’s Captain America: The First Avenger was an homage to World War II films so how will the tone change in the new film set in the present day.

  “I have to be very careful how I answer this, because it does border on issues of what the movie is. But yeah, he is in a very different time and place. For as well as that style worked for his World War 2 experience and the origin of Cap — part of the fun of picking a guy out of one time period and plopping him down in another is that all bets are off. The whole world is different, and that’s part of the struggle of the character and the challenge the character faces,” Russo explains.

Black Widow and The Winter Soldier from the cover of Captain America and Bucky #624 courtesy Marvel.com

  In the modern age Cap falls for SHIELD Agent Sharon Carter (niece of Peggy Carter from the first film.) No word on if Sharon will appear but Anthony Mackie is in talks to play Cap’s partner, Sam Wilson aka the Falcon. Sebastian Stan is set to return as Bucky Barnes.

  Will Hugo Weaving return as the Red Skull? How will the Russos explain the archenemy’s return. I do have this geek casting dream Christoph Waltz as Aleksander Lukin, the KGB mastermind who becomes a billionaire with a twisted connection to the Red Skull. Could we see a Black Widow cameo or even as major cast member since Natasha was crucial to Brubaker’s storyline and is currently co-starring in the Winter Soldier book.

By Editor

 By Editor

Avengers Blu-Ray Trailer

Marvel’s The Avengers courtesy Marvel

  Marvel.com unveiled the trailer for Marvel’s The Avengers on Blu-Ray. What else is there to say? Behold:


Assemble September 25th!

By Editor

This Is WAR! Iron Man, Spider-Man and Black Widow Attacked

Marvel reveals 3 new teaser images for This Is WAR coming in October.

courtesy Marvel.com

                                                Iron Man is taking bullets.

courtesy Marvel.com

                                 Spidey is down with a gun with to his chest.

courtesy Marvel.com

                                            Black Widow is in the cross-hairs.

  The publisher promised more will be revealed at the Amazing Spider-Man panel at Comic Con International. Other teasers include Captain America, Thor and Wolverine. All are Avengers so far.

The biggest theory going around is that this could be the Ultron War – Brian Michael Bendis’s swan song on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes?

By Editor

Avengers vs. X-Men: Black Widow or Magik


AvX Vs #3 courtesy Marvel

  AvX: Vs. #3 gives you more of the battle you didn’t see in Avengers vs. X-Men. Two Russian femme fatales face off! Black Widow is Marvel’s deadliest super spy. Magik is a mutant sorceress who can access the power of a dimension of demons. Christopher Yost, Terry and Rachel Dodson give you more of the battle of the Russian born heroines.

  Let me say first that I loved Marvel’s The Avengers. I commend Joss Whedon for making the Black Widow work. Natasha is known for her Widow’s Bite. We kind of saw in the movie but it was never blatantly referenced. Black Widow is armed with bracelets that fire energy blasts – her bite. She kind of blasted one of the Chitauri in the big battle. In this AvX Vs. #3 preview art we see Natasha use her blasters.

AvX Vs #4 interior art courtesy Marvel, a Comic Book Resources exclusive

  I was reminded of that my by friend and fan Mitch and when I saw this awesome interior preview art (courtesy of Comic Book Resources in a recent Axel-In-Charge column) of AvX Vs #3 by Terry Dodson. In this issue of the ‘all fights’ series the Russian superspy takes on the Russian mutant sorceress.

AvX Vs #4 interior art courtesy Marvel, a Comic Book Resources exclusive

  Natasha vs Illyana doesn’t seem like a fair fight. Magik is the queen of a demon dimension. These preview pages don’t look good for Natasha but never underestimate the fighting and survival skills of the Widow.Ultimately I want the X-Men to win but I’m picking Natasha to win this one.

  This issue also features Magik’s big brother, Colossus, against Ben Grimm of the Fantastic Four in a tale by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuiness.

By Editor

No One Promised a Happy Ending for X-Man Northstar & Kyle

Astonishing X-Men #50 courtesy Marvel.com

  Fans are celebrating Northstar’s upcoming wedding to his boyfriend Kyle. Marvel revealed the proposal in Astonishing X-Men #50 and the ceremony in next month’s #51. Maybe it was just a dream wedding?

  This week’s issue #50 made good on the proposal but not where I expected it. Marvel and writer Marjorie Liu are being praised for the landmark gay wedding announcement but let’s not forget this writer knows how to deliver action, twists as well as emotion.

  Northstar seeks advice from fellow X-Men on how to resolve his issues with Kyle as they investigate the mystery behind the recent attack by a new team of Marauders. Jean-Paul’s romantic actions don’t go off as planned. Wolverine gets an assist from Avenger Black Widow in their mission. Warbird continues to be a perfect scene stealer. Bobby gets the best lines. Liu sets up a moment and Iceman zings it home.

 Given the media attention you may have been expecting a heavier dose of romance this issue. Liu and artist Mike Perkins are far from finishing this mystery. Hints of a SHIELD cover-up, Kyle in the crosshairs of a stalker and Northstar’s nightmare from issue #48 coming true have to be wrapped up before the big day next month.

 By Editor

Avengers Black Widow Bites X-Man Magik

  Let me say first that I loved Marvel’s The Avengers. I commend Joss Whedon for making the Black Widow work. Natasha is known for her Widow’s Bite. We kind of saw in the movie but it was never blatantly referenced. Black Widow is armed with bracelets that fire energy blasts – her bite. She kind of blasted one of the Chitauri in the big battle.

AvX Vs #4 interior art courtesy Marvel, a Comic Book Resources exclusive

  I was reminded of that my by friend and fan Mitch and when I saw this awesome interior preview art (courtesy of Comic Book Resources in this week’s Axel-In-Charge column) of AvX Vs #3 by Terry Dodson. In this issue of the ‘all fights’ series the Russian superspy takes on the Russian mutant sorceress.  

AvX Vs #4 interior art courtesy Marvel, a Comic Book Resources exclusive

  Natasha vs Illyana doesn’t seem like a fair fight. Magik is the queen of a demon dimension. These preview pages don’t look good for Natasha but never underestimate the fighting and survival skills of the Widow.

  Ultimately I want the X-Men to win but I’m picking Natasha to win this one.

By Editor

Bucky Barnes, Black Widow and Doctor Doom: The Final Showdown?

The Winter Soldier #2 courtesy Marvel

 Talk about an odd but bad ass IMF team – Bucky Barnes, Black Widow and Doctor Doom clash with Doombots, Russian super soldiers and machine gun-toting gorillas! Let’s see Cruise beat that in a Mission Impossible movie!

 Jokes aside – the first arc of The Winter Soldier has been thrilling fun from page one. Nick Fury tasks Bucky and Natasha with finding the other sleeper agents he trained. The mission led to Red Ghost, his super apes, the return of a crucial villain from Brian Michael Bendis’ Secret War and of course Doom.

  Ed Brubaker and Butch Guice delivered an action packed spy caper in the dark underbelly of the Marvel Universe. This week’s Issue 5 shows us Bucky, Black Widow and Doom fighting together to prevent all-out war. I definitely recommend picking up this arc in the trade but this story is far from over. This issue comes with a cliffhanger sending Bucky on a new mission and facing his violent past.

By Editor