Secret Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

The potential SHIELD series could begins its mission this Fall. Avengers 2 is two years away. You can get your Marvel super spy fix starting with this week’s brand new Secret Avengers series. It’s a top-secret team even the Avengers won’t know about! Writer Nick Spencer, Editors Tom Brevoort and Lauren Sankovitch opened up the files on the espionage themed series on

“There’s a new S.H.I.E.L.D. in the Marvel Universe under the watch Continue reading SECRET AVENGERS (Don’t Tell SHIELD!)

AGE OF ULTRON Which Heroes Will Submit or Perish?

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

  Heroes of the Marvel Universe are about to be devastated by the Avengers’ greatest enemy. This March Brian Michael Bendis and Bryan Hitch usher in the Age of Ultron.

  AU SP RH Bendis has revealed that Ultron has already won when the series begins. The big question is which heroes will survive the insane android’s wrath? From the new Marvel images is appears Black Widow and Red Hulk are leading the resistance. Before the series is over which heroes will submit or perish?

By Editor

The Brubaker WINTER SOLDIER Finale

Winter Soldier #14 courtesy Marvel
Winter Soldier #14 courtesy Marvel

Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff are the hottest couple of the Marvel Universe. Evil operatives, brain washing and cold war comebacks have ripped Bucky and Black Widow apart. All the men in Natasha’s life (Wolverine, Nick Fury, Daredevil)  have guest starred in this action packed epic but it all comes down to Bucky.

In this week’s Winter Soldier #15 what will Bucky sacrifice to save the woman he loves? It’s the grand finale of the Black Widow Hunt and the final Marvel comic from Ed Brubaker – for now.

(Brubaker’s creator owned Image book Fatale is a must!)

Brubaker’s final Captain America issue was last fall but this week’s Winter Soldier is the end of a an era. The return and redemption of Bucky Barnes will stand the test of time – and is the inspiration for the next Captain America sequel. Brubaker made Marvel’s dark underworld of gritty espionage a perfect setting where Steve Rogers, Bucky, Natasha and Nick Fury could rise to newfound glory.

Thanks to Ed Brubaker for an amazing run. Long live Bucky!

By Editor

Secret Avengers 2013 Declassified!

Secret Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

    I spy a brand new Secret Avengers series in February 2013. A top-secret team even the Avengers won’t know about! New writer Nick Spencer, Editors Tom Brevoort and Lauren Sankovitch opened up the files on the espionage themed series on

  “There’s a new S.H.I.E.L.D. in the Marvel Universe under the watch of Daisy Johnson and Maria Hill with Nick Fury Jr. and Phil Coulson as the top agents. One of the initiatives they’ve undertaken is building their own Avengers team. Maria Hill has direct supervision. They’re using tech first seen in Brian Bendis’ Secret War: memory implants so members of the team will not remember the missions. That’s how secret these missions are,” revealed Spencer.

  “Hawkeye and Black Widow will be front and center in the first issue, Taskmaster shows up in issue #2, Hulk, Mockingbird and a new Iron Patriot are coming down the line, plus the Winter Soldier, who will be featured, but not a member of the team.”

   Agent Phil Coulson on The Avengers movie will be part of the team. He’s just one of the many different voices Spencer will tackle.

  “I love writing Coulson, trying to bring that amazing voice Clark Gregg established in the films over to comics. I found Taskmaster to be a lot of fun to write. Hawkeye and Black Widow have always been two of my favorite Avengers. Just being a part of introducing this new Nick Fury and new S.H.I.E.L.D. into the Marvel Universe is a big honor.”

   “Part of the thrill of this new Nick Fury is that he’s on the field, he’s on the missions, he’s with the team. It’s a contrast from what we saw from the old Fury over the last couple decades, giving intel then fading into the shadows. It’s fun having a Fury who’s in the thick of things and also who this is all new to. He’s got a lot to learn. Getting to write that journey is a blast.”

Secret Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  “Nick Fury is the Captain America of the Secret Avengers. He’s the lead guy on the field. He’s different from Cap, he’s got a different approach, but he’s the first guy on the ground leading the charge,” Editor Brevoort

  “One of the things I’m learning my way through is finding the balance between a good black ops spy book that’s also an Avengers book. I think you’ll like the mix. We’re trying to make it feel like Mission: Impossible, but at the same time it takes place in the Marvel Universe. The mix and match has been really cool for me to play with,” said Spencer.

  “Every adventure these characters have is a caper, it’s a Bond movie, but it takes places within the Marvel Universe, and there’s no mission you can pull out of that context,” said Brevoort.

  Norman Osborn wore the Iron Patriot armor in Dark Reign. The Iron Patriot will appear in Iron Man 3. Who wears the armor in this new series?

  “I think we came up with a pretty cool way to introduce this new Iron Patriot. There have been a lot of questions about who is in the suit, but how they end up in the role is what I think will be really interesting.”

Secret Avengers #2 courtesy Marvel

   SHIELD will use mindwiping techniques on the team – we saw what happened with that in Secret War.

   “Every member of this team signed up for this of their own volition. They agreed this was the way to go. Of course then they forget that they agreed to it, and when they’re on missions, they don’t know about it. The S.H.I.E.L.D. I’m writing works in gray areas, but it’s important to me at the end of the day we understand why they do the things that they do, which is for a safer better world. That doesn’t start with forcibly brainwashing people if they can help it. Why these people signed up for this won’t always be known, and we’ll have fun with this.”

  “They’re not starting over every mission. When they have the keyword, they remember that they’re on the team and what they need to from previous missions. They’re not strangers every time they meet up.” 

“The Avengers don’t know about this. Nobody outside of S.H.I.E.L.D. knows about this initiative.”


Secret Avengers #2 courtesy Marvel

How does an Avengers villain like Taskmaster fit with this team?

  “Taskmaster has a pretty unique role in the book. I’m having a lot of fun writing him. When we were coming up with the roster, he was the last addition. I kept feeling like something was missing. As soon as he came up, it was so perfect. He’s got some history already with Nick Fury, which is a big draw for me. The chemistry between the two of them has been fun for me to write. I like throwing the wrench in there, and Taskmaster does that. He’s there for the paycheck and that makes for some fun story turns.” “I’m a huge fan of Indestructible Hulk already. It all connects. It’s all part of Maria’s vision for what S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to become to adapt to new threats in the Marvel Universe. She’s such a huge part of this book. In Avengers, Cap and Iron Man are saying they need to become bigger, and here, S.H.I.E.L.D. is saying the same thing.”

  Bruce Banner is working with Maria Hill and SHIELD in Mark Waid’s Indestructible Hulk. How does a weapon of mass destruction fit in an undercover spy book?

  “The use of the Hulk here is judicious. He’s the bomb. How is he on a stealth team? He’s not deployed until it’s time to blow stuff up.”

  “This S.H.I.E.L.D. is smaller and scrappier than they were back in the day, but the problems aren’t any smaller. It’s a big job for people just starting out. They know they need operatives who can function on the level the world and the universe is at now,” says Brevoort.

Secret Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Luke Ross (The Ultimates) will be the artist on the series.

  “Luke Ross has a realistic style with a lot of energy. His enthusiasm brings a lot to the book,” says Lauren Sankovitch.

Spies, dark heroes, mindwipes and Taskmaster! The new Secret Avengers declassified!

By Editor 


Inside Avenger Black Widow’s Ledger

The Avengers courtesy

  Joss Whedon and Scarlett Johannson made the Black Widow just work beautifully in The Avengers. Natasha Romanoff is deadly, gorgeous and damaged. She is haunted by the red in her ledger. At New York Comic Con Marvel revealed the Widow’s past will be explore in The Widow’s Ledger storyline.


Avengers Assemble #12 courtesy Marvel

  Avengers Assemble writer Kelly Sue DeConnick and artist Pete Woods kick off the new arc jumping from the film.

  “Oh, it was absolutely inspired by the ‘Marvel’s The Avengers’ movie,” confirms DeConnick. “As soon as the Widow said the line, ‘I have a lot of red in my ledger,’ I was like, “Holy crap. I want to see that movie!’”

  “This is a story about debts, among other things, and there’s a coolness, an almost clinical remove to the way in which Black Widow keeps score,” says DeConnick. “Now, add Jessica Drew and Clint Barton to that mix and it all gets messy. Suddenly the Widow’s well out of her comfort zone. 

  “I love how preternaturally cool Natasha is; not cool like rock star cool, cool like temper-less, controlled. In that way she’s the opposite of the character I’ve been writing most of late; Carol Danvers is quick-tempered, explosive. Natasha is patient, chill, calculating.”

  Go inside The Widow’s Ledger starting with Avengers Assemble #12.

By Editor 

Inside Avengers #1 by Jerome Opena


Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Jerome Opena (Uncanny X-Force) is taking on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Marvel shared 3 pages from inside Avengers #1 by Opena and Jonathan Hickman.


Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Black Widow is sporting a sleek shorter hair style. I spy the Hulk. And I love the shot of Hawkeye and the Widow taking aim at the enemy!


Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel Now presents Avengers #1 on sale December 5, 2012.

By Editor

Top 5 Comic Book Picks 8/29/12 Doctor Who, Star Trek, AvX, and That Super Kiss!

AvX Vs. #5 One of Marvel’s most iconic power couples is shattered. See the extended battle that led to the breakup of Storm and the Black Panther. Plus, Hawkeye takes aim at Angel. Two huge fights from the Avengers vs. X-Men mega series in this “all fights” series.

Captain Marvel #3 Carol is trapped in World War II with a team of female pilots under siege. Is this time twisting part of a NASA experiment gone wrong?

Justice League #12 Superman and Wonder Woman in love! Have you seen the super kiss? There’s more to romance in this action packed issue as the heroes are tested while fighting their new foe.

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #4 courtesy IDW Publishing

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who Assimilation2 #3  The Borg and Cybermen are attacking the Federation. Why an alliance of the Time Lord and Captain Picard may be more dangerous than the CyberBorg. What will Guinan reveal to the Doctor?

Winter Soldier #9 Marvel’s hottest superspies and lovers turned against each other. Black Widow’s tragic past has taken hold of her. Can Bucky save her?

By Editor