Top Comics Picks for February 4, 2015

Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men: The Black Vortex courtesy Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men: The Black Vortex courtesy Marvel

Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex Alpha

An ancient power source in the hands of an evil madman. Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde attempt an impossible heist to save the universe. The first chapter of a crossover that will hit Guardians of the Galaxy, All-New X-Men, Captain Marvel, Nova and Cyclops.


Nameless #1

An astronomer’s deadly rampage, an occult hustler known as Nameless and an asteroid headed for Earth. It’s all part of a brand new hybrid of horror and sci-fi from Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham (Batman, Incorporated) Continue reading Top Comics Picks for February 4, 2015


The Black Vortex courtesy Marvel
The Black Vortex courtesy Marvel

The first big comic book event of 2015 is almost here…with cosmic level consequences or two big franchises.

Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men: The Black Vortex Alpha arrives this week.

The first chapter is a huge bookend issue by Sam Humphries (Legendary Star-Lord) and Ed McGuinness. The crossover will lead into Guardians of the Galaxy, All-New X-Men, Cyclops, Captain Marvel and Nova.

Humphries explains how the hunt for a mysterious power source draws in heroes and villains from across the Marvel Universe. Continue reading X-MEN & GUARDIANS Enter THE BLACK VORTEX

Top Stories of the Month Voted By Your Views

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

What was in the geeky hearts and minds of you the readers?


Here are the top new stories of January, 2015 as voted by your views:

#1 Agent Carter Evil Easter Eggs

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) was back in action in a brand new ABC series. The first two episodes were  filled with hints of villains connected to the Avengers and Iron Man films and clues to the the long-term story for Peggy, Howard Stark and Edwin Jarvis in the early days pre-S.H.I.E.L.D. of the Marvel Universe.

Continue reading Top Stories of the Month Voted By Your Views


The Black Vortex courtesy Marvel
The Black Vortex courtesy Marvel

Will a hero be corrupted by ultimate power?

In the tradition of Dark Phoenix, Marvel’s history of cosmic power and consequences continues with Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men: The Black Vortex.

The race between heroes and villains begins when an ancient artifact surfaces with the power to reshape the universe.

The quest crosses into Guardians of the Galaxy, All-New X-Men, Captain Marvel, Legendary Star Lord, Cyclops, Nova but begins with The Black Vortex: Alpha by Sam Humphries and Ed McGuinness. Continue reading Inside BLACK VORTEX ALPHA

THE BLACK VORTEX Kitty Quill Romance & Cosmically Enhanced Heroes

Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men: The Black Vortex courtesy Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men: The Black Vortex courtesy Marvel

The Black Vortex is a cosmic clash with an all-star creative team and huge cast of heroes and villains from the X-Men and Marvel’s cosmic character family.

Long-distance lovers Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde will be at heart of this event in the race for an ancient artifact that will empower some of our heroes. Who can control that power and how will change both teams?

Writers Brian Bendis and Sam Humphries answered questions and shared new art in a special Marvel call.

The upcoming story blasts off in The Black Vortex: Alpha then flow into Guardians of the Galaxy, All-New X-Men, Captain Marvel, Cyclops, Legendary Star-Lord, Nova and then The Black Vortex: Omega is the big finish. Continue reading THE BLACK VORTEX Kitty Quill Romance & Cosmically Enhanced Heroes


Guardians Team-Up #1 courtesy Marvel
Guardians Team-Up #1 courtesy Marvel

Guardians of the Galaxy conquered the global box-office now they’re dominating comic book shops. Guardians, Rocket Raccoon, Legendary Star-Lord will be followed by Gamora in 2015.

Marvel recruited Brian Michael Bendis to launch Guardians Team-Up in February 2015 with legendary artist Arthur Adams. The cosmic heroes will teaming up with Avengers for big adventures.

As Bendis explains – nostalgia for Marvel’s classic combo books was part of his inspiration for the book.

“When I was a young child, one of the first comic books that I read was MARVEL TEAM-UP. One of the first books I remember reading: Spider-Man was on the moon in [MARVEL TEAM-UP #55]. Continue reading GUARDIANS TEAM-UP by BENDIS

THE BLACK VORTEX Alpha Cover Revealed

The Black Vortex courtesy Marvel
The Black Vortex courtesy Marvel

Legendary Star-Lord, Guardians of the Galaxy, All-New X-Men, Captain Marvel, Nova and Cyclops are caught up in The Black Vortex in February 2015.

The crossover event was announced at New York Comic Con.

Marvel shared the cover for The Black Vortex Alpha book by Ed McGuinness. Sam Humphries writes this book which sets up the cosmic clash.

Mister Knife and Thane (son of Thanos introduced in Infinity) both claim an ancient artifact with immense power. Continue reading THE BLACK VORTEX Alpha Cover Revealed