Professor X’s Secret For Beast!

New Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel
New Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel

  Professor Xavier is dead but the X-Men founder is back in New Avengers #3. The new series by Jonathan Hickman and Steve Epting stars a new version of Marvel’s biggest brains – the Illuminati. The late Charles Xavier was a member of the original gathering of Marvel’s most powerful leaders. The new brotherhood is gathering the Infinity Gems in an effort to stop alternate universes from crushing ours.

  Is this a secret the telepath buried in the Beast’s mind or is Henry McCoy engaging in more time travel like he did in the first arc of All-New X-Men? (Just in case you missed it – Beast brought back the original five X-Men into the present Marvel Now!)

  I wanted to share some of this Comics Newsarama exclusive preview of the next issue.

  As the pages reveal – the Professor has left a trail for Beast to follow. Could this be the key to saving the Earth? Could this lead to the resurrection of Professor X?

New Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel
New Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel

  If you haven’t checked it out yet- you should definitely jump on the new New Avengers – a must for Marvel fans.

  Beast, Cap, Black Panther, Namor, Black Bolt and the potential reunion of the Infinity Gems? This is a can’t miss book!

By Editor

All-New X-MEN #5 Review

All-New X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel

Everything old is All-New after the first X-Men arc of Brian Michael Bendis. In this week’s All-New X-Men #5 an original X-Man gets a makeover and two X-Women take charge.

Professor X was murdered by Cyclops. Scott, Magneto, Emma and Magik are recruiting new mutants for a revolution. A dying Beast went into the past to bring the original Scott, Jean, Warren, Bobby and Hank into the Marvel Now. Hank’s dream of inspiring Cyclops takes a dramatic twist in this chapter. In the finale of the first arc Beast is reborn, Jean Grey learns entire truth about her future history and Kitty Pryde takes on a new role with Xavier’s original teenage dream.

Bendis delivers drama, action, intrigue and humor but the most important element is heart. A psychic exchange between newly telepathic Jean and the older Beast shows the sense of love and loss these characters are feeling. The storytelling has inspired great moments of nostalgia while still moving the Children of the Atom forward. There’s just a sense of the writer’s love and awe of these classic characters, their history and their relationships. I think I was in a psychic rapport with Bendis and Stuart Immomen as I read this arc!

In these first five chapters Bendis has established the new mutant order with new leaders, new agendas, new mutants, new powers and the potential for exciting new directions. X-Men really is All-New.

By Editor

X-Man Makeover in All-New X-Men

Spoiler Alert:


Do NOT read this post until you’ve read All-New X-Men #5




Here it comes.




All-New X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  All-New X-Men #1 opened with Beast dying from his mutating mutation. In this week’s All-New X-Men #5 Henry McCoy survives (thanks to help from the young McCoy) and emerges with a new look. The Ape looking beast is back but without haircut that looks like Wolverine or the Owl. Stuart Immonen designed the new look.

This is a big shift from the feline Beast that debuted in the Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely New X-Men era. X-Men Editor Nick Lowe talked about Hank’s transformation with Comics Newsarama.

“I’m a big Beast fan, period. I do love the Cat Beast look, as not only do I think that he looks more like a “beast” in that look rather than the classic Gil Kane/George Perez/etc… rendition but I pretty much love every line Frank Quitely has put on paper, so…

Anyway, we would often get in big disagreements (by we, I mean me and most of the room) at editorial retreats about Cat Beast vs. Ape Beast. Also, the old design doesn’t look like an ape! Anyway, my resistance was against reverting to the older version because I thought that the more beastly looking works better for the actual character. But since this is a new, still beastly design and not just a furry guy with big hair, I was all in! But my passion on the subject does open me up to lots of ridicule. But that’s OK, I’m the youngest of three in my family so I’m used to that.”

For the entire interview here’s the link.

All-New X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel

Now that Henry is NOT dying can we expect a return of the happier, bouncing Beast? Maybe a reunion with Trish Trilby? Hank and the reporter split after his change into the Cat Beast.

I’m really showing my age here but since the Ape Beast is back – how about a limited series with Wonder Man? That would take me back to the classic George Perez days!

What do you think of the new Beast?

By Editor

Cyclops vs. Cyclops in All-New X-Men!

All-New X-Men #4 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #4 courtesy Marvel

It’s the confrontation we’ve been waiting for! Scott, Jean, Bobby, Warren and Hank confront Scott, Emma, Magneto and Magik in this week’s All-New X-Men #4. The modern Beast brought the original five X-Men from the past into the Marvel Now hoping the idealistic young originals could be the key to preventing what could be the end of the mutant race.

If you think the modern Cyclops is a match for his younger self think again!After last issue I developed a theory about the mutant race post AvX. Tell me what you think.

In case you missed it here’s my op/ed on the transformation of Scott from hero to zealot to hopes for his redemption.

By Editor

All-New X-Men #5 Preview

All-New X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel


History in the remaking? Past is meeting present in this preview of All-New X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel. Stuart Immonen is winning raves for his portrayals of the X-Men from all eras.


All-New X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel

Brian Michael Bendis is the new mastermind of the Children of the Atom. New mutants are emerging. The X-Men are mourning the loss of Professor X and afraid their former leader is stirring up a revolution that could doom all mutants.

Beast brought the original five X-Men into the present in hopes of making Cyclops change course. Will Hank live to see if it works?  Beast is mutating again and it’s killing him.


All-New X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel

Beast’s mutations are part of the mutant resurgence. As new mutants appear around the globe Scott swoops in to rescue and recruit them for his army.

From this preview art it appears Cyke will be confronted by Cyclops before spiriting away the newest mutant to appear.

All New X-Men #5 is out 12/3/12. #3 is out this week!

By Editor

Bendis Teases Death in All-New X-Men


All New X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

Brian Michael Bendis really affected the X-Men when he was writing the Avengers. Can you imagine what the writer will put the Children of the Atom through now that he’s writing the X-Men?

From the first issue of All-New X-Men #1 we know that Beast’s days may be numbered due to his mutation…mutating.  Henry brings the original five X-Men into the Marvel Now hoping to make the modern-day Cyclops change the path he’s taken. Will this blast from the past end in death for a modern mutantr one of Xavier’s originals? Bendis talked with MTV Geek about his past, present and future impact on the X-Men.

 “All-New X-Men” is an entry point into a brave, new, angsty mutant-filled world for Bendis who’s been the number one “Avengers” guy for years. He said, “I had done a lot of stuff to the “X-Men” universe without being an “X-Men” writer. Like, “House of M” gave Wolverine his memories back, I killed Charles Xavier, I know it shows a lot of destruction, but it showed to me, a lot of love and affection for the X-Men.”

All-New X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

According to Bendis, “All-New X-Men” is really about looking back and paying tribute to the Silver Age adventures of the “X-Men,” while pushing the title forward into an exciting, unexpected and “All-New” future.

Many Avengers died under Bendis’s watch. The writer is teasing death in this rebirth of the X-Men:

“Which one of them dies, what happens then?”

You can see Bendis and Editor Nick Lowe’s interviews at this MTV Geek link.

By Editor

Will Beast Die in All-New X-Men?

All-New X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel

  Is the Beast an endangered species?

  In All-New X-Men #1 Henry McCoy revealed that he’s mutating again and he may not survive the experience. Beast has been the heart, soul and moral compass of the X-Men. I was pleasantly surprised to see how Brian Michael Bendis is using the Henry to launch the new series. Henry thinks the key to saving the future of the mutant race lies in the past with the original five X-Men.

  All-New X-Men #2 is out this week. How will Xavier’s original students react to seeing their future?

  The first arc will conclude with issue #5 and Comics Newsarama has this exclusive first look inside the final chapter of the first storyline.

  It does not look good for Dr. McCoy. How many times have we seen Beast watching over and trying to heal an injured mutant? The last time Hank mutated (in Grant Morrison’s New X-Men era) he evolved into his more feline appearance. What are Hank’s genes doing to his body now and can anyone help him? Will the X-Men turn to  Mister Sinister or the Dark Beast (from the Age of Apocalypse) for help. When I saw this image I remembered Henry’s search for a way to restart the mutant race in Endangered Species

All-New X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel

  Cyclops continues his campaign to recruit new mutants for his cause. I can’t wait for Cyclops to meet his younger self and how will he react when learns Hank may be dying?

By Editor

Kitty Pryde and Iron Man?

A+X #2 courtesy Marvel

Will Tony Stark hit on Kitty Pryde?

A+X is a fun new series in the spirit of old school team-up books like (Marvel Team-Up which starred Spidey and a different guest star each issue and Marvel-Two-In-One which co-starred the Thing.) In the aftermath of Avengers versus X-Men this is a way to let the healing begin and for fans to enjoy some unlikely duos in action together.

This week A+X #2 brings together Iron Man and Kitty Pryde against the Brood! How will the genius inventor and the X-Men’s computer wiz defeat the alien invaders? Will playboy Tony Stark resist flirting with Kitty? Good thing she’s got a dragon to burn away Brood and unwanted suitors!

A+X #2 will feature Spider-Man and the Beast against…zombies? Maybe they should call Doctor Strange for a consult?

By Editor