Top 5 Comic Book Picks for October 9, 2013

Infinity #4 courtesy Marvel
Infinity #4 courtesy Marvel

Batman #24 The Dark Knight hunts the Red Hood Gang in this double-sized issue by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. Who is the mysterious leader of the gang terrorizing Gotham City and do they impact Bruce’s Zero Year.


Infinity #4 How is Jonathan Hickman going to follow up the explosive last issue? Attilan invasion – the aftermath! How will the Inhumans and the Earth react to Black Bolt’s shocking gambit to stop Thanos? And in deep space worlds falls and Thor turns into a universal God of War! Continue reading Top 5 Comic Book Picks for October 9, 2013

ALL-NEW X-MEN #17 Review

All-New X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel

It’s Back to the Future in this week’s exciting new chapter of Battle of the Atom!

Here’s the score:

Beast brought the original five X-Men to present to convince Cyclops to end his mutant revolution. Horrified by their future – the kids refused to go back.

X-Men from the future arrived at the Jean Grey School declaring the kids must go back to prevent a terrible future for mutants.

Young Jean and Scott took off. The modern X-Men agreed with the future team (which includes an adult Jean and Professor X’s son.)

A suspicious Magik (along with young Beast and Iceman) has transported to that future to find a very different group of X-Men.

You could call Chapter Six a slight detour as we meet more future mutants and discover a terrifying moment in future history.

Continue reading ALL-NEW X-MEN #17 Review

Top 5 Comic Books for October 2, 2013

All-New X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel

All-New X-Men #17 Battle of the Atom rages on but Magik takes a time out…literally. If Illyana, young Hank and Bobby are meeting the real future X-Men then who are those mutants in our present? What did young Jean Grey see from her future self to make her surrender?


Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #9 The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler star in the latest chapter in the year long mystery of the kidnapped companions! Is Rose the next target? The Time Lord’s mystery villain reveals itself.


Forever Evil #2  The Justice League Continue reading Top 5 Comic Books for October 2, 2013

More Kitty Pryde Hints and X-Men Arrivals & Exits?

Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

The kids are alright?


Students of the Jean Grey School survived the Hellfire Saga and are caught up in the Battle of the Atom. The staff of the school will go on an adventure into the unknown in search of Nightcrawler in Amazing X-Men #1 .Jason Aaron tells Comic Book Resources which students are coming back to Wolverine and the X-Men.


“At this point, I’m not looking to expand the cast Continue reading More Kitty Pryde Hints and X-Men Arrivals & Exits?


Uncanny X-Men #13 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #13 courtesy Marvel

Will Quentin Quire become the new Phoenix?


It sure looks like Kid Omega will become Kid Phoenix in this Uncanny X-Men #13 preview courtesy Marvel.


X-Men from past, present and future are locked in a Battle of the Atom. Mutants from the future including a descendant of Professor X and Jean Grey have come to the present to make sure the original five X-Men go back to the past. Continue reading UNCANNY X-MEN BATTLE OF THE ATOM Previews a New PHOENIX

Top 5 Comics for September 18, 2013

Infinity #3 courtesy Marvel
Infinity #3 courtesy Marvel

Batman and Robin #23.3 Ra’s Al Ghul and the League of Assassins The New 52 origin of the Dark Knight’s immortal enemy! Will the Demon’s Head join the Crime Syndicate of declare war on the Secret Society?


Infinity #3 Can anyone stop the relentless Builders? Half the Avengers are captured by the mysterious aliens. Will a daring outer space prison break free the heroes or lead to another stunning defeat? Back on Earth – we know the horrific secret agenda of Thanos. Will the Inhumans fall to stop the Mad God and his Black Order’s plans? Continue reading Top 5 Comics for September 18, 2013

X-MEN #5 Review X-Men on the Run

xmen 5 art adamsYoung Jean Grey and Scott Summers are on the run in chapter three of Battle of the Atom. X-Men from the future have arrived in the Marvel Now with orders to make sure the original five students of Xavier go back to their past.


X-Men #5 is a fast-paced ride as X-Men rush to confront the teen fugitives. Writer Brian Wood continues to explore the divide between Storm and Rachel Grey and the splintering is spreading among the mutants as they question what’s the right thing to do:

Continue reading X-MEN #5 Review X-Men on the Run