14 Characters to Watch in 2014 Part Two

FF #6 courtesy Marvel
FF #6 courtesy Marvel

Let’s continue our look at the 14 characters to watch in 2014.


8. Medusa

The Inhumans are Marvel’s next big thing after years of playing supporting roles in Avengers and Fantastic Four sagas. Black Bolt and Medusa have always been one of Marvel’s greatest power couples. With her King missing, the Royal Family homeless and an outbreak of new Inhumans popping up around the globe – how will the regal Queen cope? Continue reading 14 Characters to Watch in 2014 Part Two

The WOMEN Of BATMAN Previews

Harley Quinn #2 courtesy DC Comics
Harley Quinn #2 courtesy DC Comics

An exciting new year for fans of women of the Batman family. Here are some highlights of DC’s books coming in January starring the bad and beautiful women of Gotham City.


My favorite cover is for Harley Quinn #2 by Amanda Conner. In the second chapter Harley and Poison Ivy team up to save…puppies and kittens? Conner and co-writer Jimmy Palmiotti bring the mad fun to caper that’s sure to wrong.


Batgirl #27 and Catwoman #27 are tie-ins to Gothtopia, John Layman’s final arc of Detective Comics. Knightfall, one of my favorite new villains from Gail Simone’s first arc is back to finish what she started – killing Jim Gordon. Continue reading The WOMEN Of BATMAN Previews


Batman and Two-Face #26 courtesy DC Comics
Batman and Two-Face #26 courtesy DC Comics

New creative teams, big finales, huge fights and a big secret of the Dark Knight’s past pack the Batman family of books coming in December courtesy DC Comics. Here are the highlights starting with the “what might have been” adventures of Damian Wayne:


Son of Batman #3 Damian Wayne vs. Professor Pyg, Jakanapes and the Joker? Andy Kubert writes a new tale of Damian from the future he co-created with Grant Morrison in Batman #666.


Batman #26 Zero Year pivotal moment! Continue reading BATMAN, BATWOMAN, BATGIRL and NIGHTWING Changes

Batgirl Goes To Zero Year

courtesy DC Comics
courtesy DC Comics

Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo are exploring Bruce Wayne’s early days as a crimefighter in Batman: Zero Year.


Members of the Batman family will go to Zero Year. DC Comics Editor Bob Harras share a first look at the teen who will become Batgirl.


“This fall, Barbara Gordon will be getting her own Zero Year makeover. Around fifteen or sixteen-years-old at the time of her tie-in issue, Barbara Gordon is forced to protect her brother and homestead in anticipation of the upcoming storm. It’s here that she’ll not only be forced to evaluate what “home” really means to her, but where she’ll realize for the first time that she has the potential to be a hero in her own right. Guest-written by Marguerite Bennett and featuring art by Fernando Pasarin and Jonathan Glapion, Batgirl’s Zero Year tie-in issue flies into stores later this year. Above, check out cover artist Alex Garner’s awesome design for Babs’ Zero Year look.”


If you’re not reading Gail Simone’s Batgirl right now…run to the comic book store to see why she’s a wanted by the Gotham Police!

By Editor

Comic Book Picks for June 19, 2013

New Avengers #7 courtesy Marvel
New Avengers #7 courtesy Marvel

Age of Ultron #10 The finale to time twisting tragedy filled, action packed mega series! Wolverine’s brutal action to stop the creation of Ultron created a harsh new reality for the embattled heroes. Can Hank Pym make things right again? Brian Michael Bendis and an all-star roster of artists deliver the shocking ending that will change the Marvel Universe!

Batman and Batgirl #21 Can Barbara stop Batman from making a horrific decision? Will Bruce attempt to bring Damian back to life? What’s the price for Robin’s resurrection?

Indestructible Hulk #9 Writer Mark Waid is the best thing to happen to Matt Murdock and Bruce Banner in a long time! Daredevil Continue reading Comic Book Picks for June 19, 2013

Batgirl: Gotham’s Most Wanted!

Batgirl #20 courtesy DC Comics
Batgirl #20 courtesy DC Comics

Batgirl is now one of Gotham City’s Most Wanted after last issue’s showdown with her insane brother. Barbara Gordon is most wanted by a deadly new admirer too!

After surviving the Joker’s wedding plans in Death of the Family and her brother’s bizarre family plot this other caped crusader will fight a twisted new enemy in Batgirl #20 this week.

At Emerald City Comicon Gail Simone revealed she’s created a New 52 version of the classic Batman villain, The Ventriloquist, to unleash on Batgirl. DC shared this creepy vision of the rogue that will terrify, torment and test Barbara Gordon Continue reading Batgirl: Gotham’s Most Wanted!