Batgirl #40 courtesy DC Comics
Batgirl #40 courtesy DC Comics

DC Comics brought out the star power behind recent breakout hits at the DC Champions of Justice panel at Emerald City Comicon.

Moderator Hank Kanalz asked Batgirl creative team Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher and Babs Tarr about how they came together.

Stewart was committed to Fight Club 2 and for co-writer, the only choice was longtime friend Brenden Fletcher. For art Stewart wanted a woman and recruited Tarr after seeing her on Tumblr. She had never drawn sequential pages before but had “sass” needed for their vision. Tarr revealed how for a long time she didn’t know the DC mystery project was Batgirl and she’s taking on sole art duties with issue 41 in June. Continue reading BATGIRL Team In DC CHAMPIONS OF JUSTICE at ECCC

Top Comics Picks for March 18, 2015

All-New X-Men #39 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #39 courtesy Marvel

All-New X-Men #39

The X-Men and Guardians of the Galaxy crossover continues. Heroes have succumbed to the temptation of power the Black Vortex offers – can they be turned? Storm forms a bold plan to stop Mister Knife and Thane while Kitty and Star-Lord’s interstellar romance goes super nova.


Amazing Spider-Man #16.1: Spiral

Spidey is caught in a gang war after the fall of the Kingpin in a story legendary writer Gerry Conway who helped give us The Death of Gwen Stacy and The Punisher. Continue reading Top Comics Picks for March 18, 2015

BATGIRL Triple Feature Week

Batgirl #40 courtesy DC Comics
Batgirl #40 courtesy DC Comics

“Dig if you will a picture”….of Batgirl on three amazing covers!

A huge week for Barbara Gordon fans of every generation. More on the Prince inspired headline in a moment but first…

Batgirl #40

What was the decision Barbara made during her dark days in Gotham City that comes back to haunt her. How does it tie into the impostor Batgirl?

Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher and Babs Tarr continues their hot first arc following last issue’s Batgirl vs. Burnside chase. Continue reading BATGIRL Triple Feature Week


Marvel's Agent Carter courtesy Marvel
Marvel’s Agent Carter courtesy Marvel

It is just one month until Emerald City Comicon. The pop culture event is a Hulk-sized juggernaut with the biggest roster of celebrity guests and comic book creators ever. Three Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. an Avenger, Star Wars and Star Trek legends are among the stellar cast of guests. Plus the hometown con that could keeps innovating with new ways for fans to enjoy the ultimate geek experience. Continue reading EMERALD CITY COMICON 2015 Preview


Black Canary courtesy DC Comics
Black Canary courtesy DC Comics

Big changes are coming from DC Comics this summer. The publisher announced 24 new books in June including new solo series starring Black Canary and Starfire plus more Harley Quinn each month.

The new books follow the successful relaunch of Batgirl and trend of female heroes taking the lead in their own titles.

Mike Madrid traced the history of Batgirl, Black Canary and other fan-favorite icons in The Supergirls: Fashion, Feminism and the History of Comic Book Heroines.

I asked the author his take on the women of the “newer” New 52. Continue reading THE SUPERGIRLS Author On The New BLACK CANARY

WOMEN OF 2014: Comics, Creators and Characters

Batgirl #35 courtesy DC Comics
Batgirl #35 courtesy DC Comics

A brand new Ms. Marvel, a new direction for Batgirl, the rebirth of a former Batgirl are among the amazing female characters and creators who made a big impact in 2014.


Batgirl/Babs Tarr Barbara Gordon received more than a change of costume and address in 2014. Breakout artist Babs Tarr, writers Cameron Stewart and Brenden Fletcher gave Barbara a modern edge and fans loved it. The new creative team made you believe Batgirl was a young woman in 2014 and that burst of youth energy comes from Tarr’s art. Continue reading WOMEN OF 2014: Comics, Creators and Characters

BATGIRL #36 Preview

Batgirl #36 courtesy DC Comics
Batgirl #36 courtesy DC Comics

The new creative team keeping revving up the new direction for Barbara Gordon.

DC Comics shared a preview of BATGIRL #36

“Batgirl’s new life is off to a rousing start when her first day of graduate school is interrupted – by twin sister assassins on motorcycles! What kind of motorcycles, you ask? They happen to be the same prototype motorcycles that were stolen out of the Robotics Lab! Robotic engines, intelligent chassis, jet boosters – that kind of thing. Will Barbara ever find time to actually do her research? And even if the twins on two wheels weren’t tearing the campus apart, Continue reading BATGIRL #36 Preview