AMAZING X-MEN Showdown & Goodbye

Amazing X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel

A final showdown on supernatural seas.


This week Nightcrawler leads his mutant friends in a battle against his father’s fleet of demon pirates in Amazing X-Men #5 by writer Jason Aaron and artist Ed McGuinness.


Logan, Storm, Beast, Northstar, Iceman and Firestar have been through heaven and hell literally in their quest to find the truth about Kurt Wagner who died to save mutant messiah Hope Summers in the Second Coming crossover. Continue reading AMAZING X-MEN Showdown & Goodbye

AMAZING X-MEN #5 Preview

Amazing X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel



Nightcrawler leads his mutant friends in a battle against demon pirates in Amazing X-Men #5.


Marvel shared a preview of the big showdown on a supernatural seas from writer Jason Aaron and artist Ed McGuinness.


Logan, Storm, Beast, Northstar, Iceman and Firestar have been through heaven and hell literally in their quest to find the truth about Kurt Wagner Continue reading AMAZING X-MEN #5 Preview

Amazing X-Men #2 Review

Amazing X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

Sometimes being an X-Man is Hell…literally!


Nightcrawler’s peace in Heaven turns into a nightmare when his father sends demon pirates to steal souls. Yes, Jason Aaron is daring to use one of the worst X-villains (but was awesome in X-Men: First Class) in a tale of war in the afterlife.


This week Amazing X-Men #2 continues the otherworldly adventures on two fronts. The writer’s seeds sewn in Wolverine and the X-Men (those darn bamfs!) pay off in a big way sending Logan and Northstar to Heaven and Storm, Iceman and Firestar to Hell. Continue reading Amazing X-Men #2 Review

AMAZING X-MEN Return of Nightcrawler

Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

One of the most beloved X-Men (and my personal favorite) is still dead.


Kurt made the ultimate sacrifice to save Hope Summers in the Second Coming epic because he had faith she could save the mutant race.


But death never stopped the return of a fan-favorite hero!


Jason Aaron takes on a second X-book to go in search of Nightcrawler in Amazing X-Men #1. Continue reading AMAZING X-MEN Return of Nightcrawler

Nightcrawler’s Amazing X-Men Return

Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

One of the most beloved X-Men (and my personal favorite) is still dead. Kurt made the ultimate sacrifice to save Hope Summers in the Second Coming epic because he had faith she could save the mutant race.


Since when has death stopped the return of a favorite character?


Jason Aaron takes on a second X-book to go in search of Nightcrawler in Amazing X-Men #1. Continue reading Nightcrawler’s Amazing X-Men Return

AMAZING X-MEN Search For Nightcrawler

Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

What’s one more X-Men book…especially if it means the beloved Fuzzy Elf returns from the dead?


At San Diego Comic Con Marvel announced a brand new X-book coming this November with an elite team searching for what many call the heart and soul of the X-Men.


Amazing X-Men by Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness will star Wolverine, Northstar, Iceman, Storm, Beast and wait for it…Firestar? Continue reading AMAZING X-MEN Search For Nightcrawler

Old Wolverine, X-Men, Villains Galore!

Wolverine and the X-Men #25 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men #25 courtesy Marvel

I’ve always loved those “things to come” splash pages in the X-books! Marvel is taking the teaser tradition and putting the dark prediction on the cover! Take at look at the variant cover for this week’s Wolverine and the X-Men #25! In this issue Wolverine takes the students on a field trip to the Savage Land where they’ll encounter Logan’s brother, Dog! This variant shows the rogues gallery and a blast from the future past:

That sure looks like Old Man Logan from the (well) Old Man Logan arc from Mark Millar’s Wolverine run. As for the Old Man Logan’s sidekick? Its looks like a hybrid of Anole covered in Mercury aka Cesily Kincaid. Here’s a weird thought Continue reading Old Wolverine, X-Men, Villains Galore!

Jason Aaron on X-MEN Villain’s Resurrection

courtesy Marvel Comics
courtesy Marvel Comics

  In Wolverine and the X-Men #23 Jason Aaron resurrected Azazel. The first storyline (The Draco) that introduced the demonic villain was controversial at the time and Azazel went to limbo (not the Magik kind either.) The character popped up in the X-Men: First Class movie. Aaron tells Comic Book Resources why he brought Nightcrawler’s father back into comics.

  “The reasons to bring him back are many-fold, as we’ll see over the course of the next two to three arcs. I didn’t really worry about the fact that the original storyline he appeared in was very divisive. I don’t think there are any bad characters. It’s more how you write that character and what you do with them.

  I’ve had plans for Azazel for a long time and his return means we’ll start to see the explanation of why there are Bamfs in the Jean Grey School. That, of course, goes back to our very first issue. This is all stuff that’s been in the works for a very long time and will come to a head later in the year in what will probably be the biggest arc we’ve ever done with “Wolverine & the X-Men.”

  In The Draco story it was revealed that Azazel and Mystique were the parents of Nightcrawler. Mystique will be a major villain in All-New X-Men with an agenda involving the original five X-Men. Imagine Raven’s reaction when she learns Azazel is back? Could this lead to Mystique working with the X-Men? With Azazel’s return could this signal the resurrection of the real Kurt Wagner?

By Editor