courtesy Marvel and Previews
courtesy Marvel and Previews

Avengers. X-Men. Villains. Rick Remender.


That’s all we know so far about Marvel’s next big event called AXIS.


After writing Uncanny X-Force, Captain America and Uncanny Avengers this marks Remender’s first shot at a big line wide event.


“Rick brings such an embarrassment of riches to every story outline, he’s constantly leaving juicy ideas on the cutting room floor. Continue reading AXEL ALONSO talks AXIS & REMENDER


Original Sins #1 courtesy Marvel
Original Sins #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel revealed a new Original Sins series starring Deathlok, Young Avengers, Inhumans and more heroes will accompany the Original Sin big event series.


Original Sins is a 5-issue story featuring the fallout from secrets revealed in Jason Aaron’s Original Sin – which focuses on the search for who killed The Watcher.


Marvel Editor-In-Chief Axel Alonso and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort answered fan questions about the big event, revealed creative teams and announced new series following Original Sin in a Marvel liveblog. Continue reading Marvel Reveals ORIGINAL SINS & DEATHLOK Books

Axel on X-FORCE The One and Only

X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel
X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

In the All-New Marvel arena – Two X-Force books end. A new one begins.


The one and only X-Force is born in 2014.


Marvel Editor-In-Chief Axel Alonso tells Comic Book Resources the merging into one book is about strategy:


“In the aftermath of the upcoming “Uncanny X-Force/Cable and X-Force” crossover, “Vendetta,” starting this January, there just isn’t enough room for both teams. “Cable & X-Force” and “Uncanny X-Force” were both successful books, but we saw an opportunity to boil down the cast of both to one team Continue reading Axel on X-FORCE The One and Only

IRON MAN Rewriting History

Iron Man #9 courtesy Marvel
Iron Man #9 courtesy Marvel

Robert Downey Jr. plays the Armored Avenger in Iron Man 3 next week while The Secret Origin of Tony Stark begins in the Iron Man comic book. In other Marvel films like Captain America: The First Avenger we saw Tony’s dad playing a role with the U.S. military.

Kieron Gillen and Dale Eaglesham explores the past of Howard and Maria Stark. Some fans may worry that the upcoming arc will change continuity. Marvel Editor in Chief Axel Alonso took on those concerns on Comic Book Resources.

“Let’s be clear about one thing: This story doesn’t totally change Tony Stark’s origin. It reveals a heretofore-unrevealed pocket in his origin that, shall we say, deeply illuminates who he is and his relationship with his mother and his father. It also introduces a major new character who’ll be very important to Tony’s future — I can’t emphasize enough how important. You will look at Tony very differently at the end of the story.

The Secret Origin of Tony Stark begins next week in Iron Man #9.

By Editor


Bruce Banner’s Oh —- Moment in Indestructible Hulk #1


Indestructible Hulk #1 courtesy Marvel

  It’s been a huge week of Marvel NOW! relaunch books and creative team announcements. Marvel NOW! was THE topic facing Editor in Chief Axel Alonso in this week’s Axel in Charge on Comic Book Resources – a must for every Marvel fan.

  Mark Waid and Leinil Yu on The Indestructible Hulk was a big reveal. Banner and the Green Goliath will be working together and working for SHIELD? Waid is winning raves reviews for his take on Daredevil so how will Waid make his Hulk different after years of different versions on the Marvel classic. I loved Alonso’s answer.

 “What Bruce Banner does in issue #1 is both a long overdue and an “oh $#!%!” moment. It sets a trajectory for years worth of stories that are different from anything we’ve done in the past. The Hulk is my personal favorite of the big-league super heroes – which, I guess, says a lot about me since he’s all about anger management issues [Laughs] – and I’m personally excited to see how Mark and Leinil’s story unfolds. I’m confident that anyone who reads issue #1 is going to stick around for the long haul.”

 What will Banner do? Find out this November!

 I’m still intrigued about the floating robot head that looks like Widget from Excalibur on the cover!

By Editor

Avengers Versus X-Men’s Big Moments

Avengers Versus X-Men courtesy

Axel Alonso is revealing more about Avengers Versus X-Men. In this week’s Axel-In-Charge column on Comic Book Resources this quote got my brain spinning when Marvel’s Editor in Chief was asked which team he wants to win:

“…even though there will be a winner in this story – AVX was never about who would win, but how they would win, why they would win and what they would win. It’s an epic story that will most fast: Each act takes places in two months and ends with a game-changing moment that will kick readers on their butts. And like our most successful events, there will be big moments, big revelations. In Civil War there was Spider-Man unmasking. This story’s got even bigger moments. It’ll be interesting to see how people respond.”

Opinion: I have this feeling an X-Woman is going to be sacrificed. I don’t even want to say who…but I think this series will be the breaking point for Cyclops.

For more of this week’s column here’s the Comic Book Resources link.