SPOILER ALERT Avengers vs X-Men Unexpected Game Changer!

  Marvel teased that the final chapter of the AvX first act would be a game changer. After reading Avengers vs. X-Men #5 I was left stunned and surprised.














  Iron Man made have showed off why he’s a genius badass but he made a serious miscalculation. The Phoenix Force was meant to bond with Hope but it’s now bonded with five of the most powerful X-Men: Cyclops, Emma Frost, Namor, Colossus and Magik. The Avengers now have to deal with five cosmic powered mutants who were already pretty ticked off at them – guess we know why Marvel has been teasing No More Avengers.

Avengers vs X-Men #6 courtesy Marvel

“The mutants are now the Earth’s mightiest heroes, capable of doing all this cosmic-scale, epic (stuff). And the Avengers are scrambling to keep up and keep things in perspective,” writer Matt Fraction told USA Today. “They’re wildly evolving the world overnight. They’re doing the work of a Phoenix, only instead of one there’s five and each one has their own personality and thoughts, and things are great at first. But they’re the X-Men. They’re going to stop getting along at some point, and batten down the hatches.”

“There’s a specific reason it resonates that it would be these five,” Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso added. “It has to do with what our master plan for these characters has been for some time.”

Avengers vs X-Men #6 interior art courtesy Marvel

Thanks to Comic Book Resources for the quotes and preview images – you can read and see even more there.

I feel like you really have to read Uncanny X-Men #13 this week too. I have to wonder if the Five Lights (the mutants of Generation Hope) were intended to be the Phoenix Five instead of the adult members of Cyke’s Extinction Team. Maybe Kieron Gillen’s use of the extinction team moniker was appropriate because Cyclops and company certainly have the power to destroy and reshape the human race.

  As I read this week’s AvX issues I could help think back to Greg Pak’s Warsong and Endsong epics. I hated them – hear me out – because the stories were so gut wrenching the watch because I loved these characters – which is the sign of great writing. I sense we’re going to that kind of storytelling with act two. 

  John Romita Jr deserves huge accolades for his final chapter in the epic. The smaller cast in the moon battle allow the artist to show his best work of the story so far. The determination of a scorched Wolverine, the fear in Hope’s eyes, Tony Stark’s sense of awe as he tries to kill a God like force are standout moments.

  The act one twist takes us into new territory (maybe darker shades of House of M?) The writers have shown us anything can happen next.

By Editor

Avengers Versus X-Men: Rogue/Ms. Marvel Rematch


X-Men Legacy #269 courtesy Marvel.com

  One of the most anticipated fight scenarios in the Avengers vs. X-Men epic has to be Rogue against Ms. Marvel. The two women have a history but Marvel is showing us the future with new art of the upcoming rematch in X-Men Legacy #269. 


X-Men Legacy #269 courtesy Marvel.com

  Back when Rogue was a bad girl under orders from Mystique she took on the Avenger in a battle that dramatically changed both their lives. Rogue permanently absorbed Ms. Marvel’s powers and for years lived with Carol Danvers inside her mind. The aftermath of this tragic battle led Rogue to ask Professor X for help and she eventually became a member of the team. Ms. Marvel was comatose for years but thanks to Professor X’s help she recovered and eventually became a high-flying hero again.


X-Men Legacy #269 courtesy Marvel.com

In recent issues of X-Men Legacy Avengers arrived at the Jean Grey School and fighting erupted. Rogue has been pushed to the limit and reminded of what her mutant power can do. Rogue’s battle with She-Hulk was just a warm-up. The bad blood of the past is sure to be in the minds of Rogue and Carol as they battle again.

X-Men Legacy #269 courtesy Marvel.com

  Christos Gage and David Baldeon chronicle this AvX rematch in X-Men Legacy #269 out June 27th.

This is probably my toughest battle to pick a winner. While I love the X-Men and Rogue, I really love Ms. Marvel. Carol Danvers is one heroine who’s overcome incredible obstacles.

By Editor

Hulk Makes Crushed Ice Out of An X-Man?

Wolverine and the X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

  Wolverine and the X-Men #11 may be my favorite chapter (even if it’s a tie-in) in Avengers vs. X-Men so far. The issue is packed with action and humor with AvX battles on six fronts. Jason Aaron must love a challenge because not only does he balance all these story threads but he brings on the Shiar is a big way.

  Logan is haunted by the Dark Phoenix Saga and questions if he really can be the best at what he does – if it means killing a child. Aaron writes Wolverine like no one else. Logan doesn’t know if he should save Hope or kill her to save humanity. The debate is interrupted by the Shiar Death Commandos. The alien assassination squad is on Earth to eliminate the potential joining of the Phoenix Force to its human host. The battle is brutal, inventive and reveals the true threat Hope poses.

  One of my favorite elements of Aaron’s run is how he handles Bobby Drake. The original Iceman still provides comic relief but he’s maximizing his power like never before. Bobby is an Omega level mutant and now he’s flaunting it. The Red Hulk tries to make crushed ice out of Bobby but Iceman’s new power level and cool factor smashes the Rulk.

  Kid Gladiator is a breakout new star of the series. Aaron is pitch perfect with how he writes the arrogant, brash heir to the Shiar Empire who defies his father and frustrates his classmates. Lord Kubark may have taken on more than he handle but we’ll have to wait until next issue plus his daddy dearest arrives for one helluva parent-teacher conference!

By Editor

Avengers Vs X-Men Makes Rogue Lose It

X-Men Legacy #266 courtesy Marvel

  It’s awesome yet a little scary to see Rogue cut loose and tap into a dark side of her power in X-Men Legacy #267. This AvX tie-in issue is a thrilling showdown between a squad of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and teachers at the Jean Grey School.

  Rogue and Iron Man trade memories while trading punches. The Armored Avenger taunts Rogue about their last clash. Back in the classic Avengers Annual #10 Rogue was still a bad girl and took on the entire team at Avengers mansion at the direction of Mystique. It’s cool to see Rogue use a darker aspect of her power to kick She-Hulk and Iron Man’s arrogant a—-. For a longtime fan who knows the price Rogue paid for her past crimes seeing this is bittersweet.

  I’ve been wondering when Kitty Pryde would join the fight and this issue Kitty’s quick action reveals an advantage that turns the tide in the fight. Rogue may have wanted to stay out of AvX but this battle has made her eager to take on more Avengers.

  By Editor

Avengers Black Widow Bites X-Man Magik

  Let me say first that I loved Marvel’s The Avengers. I commend Joss Whedon for making the Black Widow work. Natasha is known for her Widow’s Bite. We kind of saw in the movie but it was never blatantly referenced. Black Widow is armed with bracelets that fire energy blasts – her bite. She kind of blasted one of the Chitauri in the big battle.

AvX Vs #4 interior art courtesy Marvel, a Comic Book Resources exclusive

  I was reminded of that my by friend and fan Mitch and when I saw this awesome interior preview art (courtesy of Comic Book Resources in this week’s Axel-In-Charge column) of AvX Vs #3 by Terry Dodson. In this issue of the ‘all fights’ series the Russian superspy takes on the Russian mutant sorceress.  

AvX Vs #4 interior art courtesy Marvel, a Comic Book Resources exclusive

  Natasha vs Illyana doesn’t seem like a fair fight. Magik is the queen of a demon dimension. These preview pages don’t look good for Natasha but never underestimate the fighting and survival skills of the Widow.

  Ultimately I want the X-Men to win but I’m picking Natasha to win this one.

By Editor

Jason Aaron on Avengers vs X-Men

Wolverine and the X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel.com

  Jason Aaron is one of the minds behind Avengers vs X-Men epic and I love his Wolverine and the X-Men ongoing. I always wondered what it’s like to be comic book writer. I wanted to share this episode of MTV Geek’s Avengers vs X-Men War Journal. Aaron reveals is first comic book, how he got his big break, and the creative process behind AvX.

  I look forward to the episode with Ed Brubaker. At Emerald City Comicon, Matt Fraction jokingly warned Brubaker about the MTV Geek crew coming over to film at his home here in Seattle.

By Editor

AVX The Phoenix Fires Up An Illuminati Reunion

New Avengers #9

  This August Marvel’s secret society reunites against the threat of the Phoenix Force. The preview for New Avengers #29 given to Comic Book Resources teases the return of the Illuminati.

 Tony Stark, Professor X, Reed Richards, Namor and Doctor Strange gathered in secret over the years to protect Earth. This secret history was created by Brian Michael Bendis on his Avengers run. The group disbanded after the split decision to forcefully send the Hulk into space.

 From the cover by Ron Garney is appears Captain America is joining the super group. This is the first hint that Professor Xavier will join the Avengers vs X-Men conflict.

By Editor

Avengers vs X-Men Changes the Marvel Universe

Avengers vs X-Men #4 courtesy Marvel

  Avengers vs X-Men is Axel Alonso’s first big event as Marvel Editor in Chief. The mega series wraps as marquee creators (Brian Michael Bendis, Jonathan Hickman) end their runs on flagship books (Avengers, Fantastic Four.)

  Comics Newsarama asked if the timing is coincidence or sign of an effort to change the Marvel Universe.

  “We have some moves planned. The Marvel Universe is changed by AvX. It is not a reboot or a retcon. It is the Marvel Universe that you grew up in. But this story in many ways sort of serves as an endcap to a decade’s worth of stories that we’ve been telling, and I think it begins a great first chapter for the next decade’s worth of stories we’re going to tell.”

 “I’m very excited about what we’re doing. We had a fantastic summit. Some long-running creative shifts are occurring — you’ve heard about Brian, for instance; there may be others. We’re very excited about where we’re headed.”

  A big question is who will takeover the Avengers franchise after Bendis? How different will the franchise be after the events of AvX – especially with the No More Avengers story twist coming?

By Editor