AvX: New Avengers Vs X-Men Promo Art

AVX promo art courtesy Marvel

  On April 3, over 1,100 comic shops will give devoted fans the opportunity to be amongst the first to read Avengers Vs. X-Men #1 at AVX Launch Parties! New promo art was revealed today.

courtesy Marvel

  Comic shops are loaded with either Avengers or X-Men themed exclusive mini posters, buttons, variants, lithographs and more that no fan can miss! And with an Avengers Vs. X-Men #1 Blank Variants.

courtesy Marvel

  For more of the story here’s the Marvel.com link.

AvX: Cyclops at the Jean Grey School


Wolverine and the X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel.com

  Cyclops is coming to the Jean Grey School but not to be a guest professor. The Extinction team leader goes to the school in Wolverine and the X-Men #10 but will the staff and students join Scott against the Avengers?

 Schism tore X-Men apart. I can see how the return of the Phoenix will equally divide Logan’s school family of mutants. Rachel Grey has a huge connection to the entity and this could bring back feelings of her mom and make her want to support Scott.

  If that’s not enough of a reason check out this issue – the May solicit promised Iceman Vs. Red Hulk! Good thing Bobby has reached a new level of power. I’d love to see Iceman go all Omega Level and take out RULK!

AVX: An Avenger’s Betrayal

Avengers #26 courtesy Marvel

  “An Avenger must betray the team to fill their destiny with the Phoenix.”

  Brian Michael Bendis is joined by the legendary Walter Simonson on Avengers #26. This tie in to Avengers Vs. X-Men is called a “game-changer for the Avengers franchise…and it’s not who you think,” according to the just released May 2012 solicits.

 The cover shows Thor and Protector (I think that’s him) fighting so does this mean the Asgardian or Kree will betray the team? 

  Remember Thor was on the cover of Secret Avengers #26 on what was hailed as a suicide mission in space to confront the Phoenix. Does Thor learn something in on that mission to change his allegiance?

 And don’t forget the New Avengers #25 and #26 cover showing Iron Fist apparently feeling the Phoenix Force and defending Hope Summers.

  For all of Marvel’s May solicits click here.

  It’s easy to think Wolverine, Beast, or Storm will be the Avengers that side with their fellow mutants, but time to rethink the cosmic connections between certain Avengers and Phoenix entity.

AVX Hope Jets in Avengers Vs X-Men Zero

AvX #0 courtesy Marvel.com

  Hope Summers jets into action on Marvel.com in a first look at interior art from AvX #0 by Frank Cho. Brian Michael Bendis and Jason Aaron are writing the issue out March 28th.

  Jason Aaron talked about how the mutant messiah’s experiences have made her ready for her role in Avengers Vs. X-Men:

 “That’s a big question at the opening of the series. Is she prepared? Does she even really know what she’s getting herself into? She was raised by Cable in a time-traveling Lone Wolf and Cub style adventure. She’s been told all her life she’s destined to do something great. But when the Phoenix is involved, a force that can be used for good or that can destroy entire planets, people are always going to be a bit uneasy. In Hope’s mind, she’s ready for whatever’s coming—or at least that what she says. Regardless, her resolve and readiness will be severely tested, all throughout AvX.

A great question from Ben Morse: Does Hope believe she’s the mutant messiah?

  “I think at this point there’s no question she’s the mutant messiah. When Hope came back, new mutants came back with her. Just a few, but still, where once there were no new blips on Cerebro, now there are blips. I think people’s faith in her—especially that of Cyclops—has been resoundingly rewarded. But everything that came so far was just the warm-up. Her true destiny still awaits. As for Hope’s feelings, I think she’s still trying to figure out what her role is. She most definitely doesn’t want to just stand around and let herself be defined by other people. She’s going to get out there and figure things out for herself.

AvX #0 courtesy Marvel.com

How does AVX #0 set up Hope for the event:

 “I think it establishes her mind-set and relationship with Cyclops. Longtime X-Men fans will see Hope anxious to embrace the destiny that has for so long been teased for her, a destiny of which she seems to have a little bit better understanding. And for fans new to the X-Men who’ve never read a story with Hope in it, hopefully this issue will show them why they should care about her in the first place, why she’s an interesting character, and why she’s totally badass.

You can ready Jason Aaron’s entire interview and more preview art here.

Generation Hope: The End Begins

Generation Hope #16 courtesy Marvel.com

  Generation Hope #16 arrives today and marks the final story. I wanted to share some of this interview with former and current Generation Hope writers Kieron Gillen and James Asmus. They talk about the how Hope Summers has grown and her role in Avengers Vs X-Men.

  “To state the bloody obvious, she’s had it hard. None of the futures she’s lived through have been in any way pleasant. She’s survived in some genuinely vile worlds, been chased through time and ended up coming back to Earth onto to have her Dad die in front of her. To be honest, she’d have every right to curl up in a ball and having a good old cry for the next 24 issues,” says Gillen.

I like to think that—though she’d refuse to admit it—Cyclops has become a significant influence for her.  Hope lost her father almost as soon as she made it to the present day Marvel Universe. So even though she had heard a great deal about the world she now lives in, she’s needed her fellow X-Men to actually get integrated and really start to understand her new world,” Asmus said.

“As for the tight-knit young mutants she runs with in Generation Hope, I think each one has brought something different out of our Mutant Messiah. If anyone really gets into Hope’s head and makes her think a little differently, it would have to be Laurie, aka Transonic. Kieron did a great job of setting Laurie up as an intellectual and philosophical person—in stark contrast to Hope’s more gung-ho, rough-and-tumble tendencies,” he continued.

AvX1 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

  Hope’s role as the mutant messiah will make her the central role of AVX. What do expect to see happen to Hope in the event?

  “I’m never anything but afraid for what could lie ahead for Hope. Even the absolute best that could happen could be pretty horrific. Her life’s an arrow, aimed at a target. Whether she hits it or misses it almost doesn’t matter. Either way, it could be the end of her,” Gillen replied.

  “I am looking forward to [a] definitive and life-changing story for Hope.  I can’t wait to see her completely confront her potential destiny, and to see her transformed by the process. I know that things are absolutely not going to unfold as people may expect and I’m thrilled to read how some of favorite creators are going to unfold it all for us,” Asmus said then had a dire prediction.

“As for my fears? I’m not sure if I’m more afraid that she’ll have her own heart broken by the events—or if she just might be the destroyer others fear her to be…”

Generation Hope #16 arrives today. AVX #0 arrives next month.

For their entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

AVX The X-Men’s Wild Card

X-Men #190 courtesy Marvel

  Avengers Vs. X-Men is filled with characters who may switch sides due to conflicting alliances. Wolverine, Beast and Storm are on both teams but I believe they will stand with their fellow mutants. Is there a wild card on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes?

  I would love to see Mystique play a role in AVX? The shapeshifting villain always has her own agenda and has a track record of infiltrating teams anyone – hero, villain, ally – to execute her goal.

  During Mike Carey’s spectacular X-Men run Mystique was part of Rogue’s team only to betray them in Blinded by the Light and became Mister Siniser’s operative in Messiah Complex. Raven ultimately betrayed Sinister because of her own plot within a plot to save her foster daugher. Never underestimate the lengths Raven will take to protect Rogue.

X-Men Annual #1 courtesy Marvel

  Cyclops may recruit Mystique to infiltrate the Avengers. During Messiah Complex Scott and Wolverine assembled an X-Force black ops squad to kill the Purifiers. Would Cyclops make a deal with this she-devil? Raven could use her shapeshifting powers to get inside the Avengers and give the X-Men an edge.


AVX Vs. #2 Slugfest

Vs. #2 courtesy Marvel

  Salvador Larroca is one of my favorite creators. The Spanish artist’s style has evolved over several X-Men titles, Invincible Iron Man and does any recall the short lived but beautiful New Universal?

 Marvel gave Comic Book Resources several AVX preview covers. This is one of my favorites. Spidey faced a Cyttorak powered foe before in the classic Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut. Looks like Peter Parker will have to fight Colossal Juggernaut now that the X-Man can summon the power of the Cyttorak.

  Captain America and Gambit are clashing on the cover too. It’s tough to root for one over the other: the boy scout against the bad boy. Gambit’s luck may have run out on this fight.

 AVX: VS. #2 is by Kieron Gillen with art by Larroca and Steve McNiven.