AvX Iron Man Feels Emma Frost’s Cold Fury

Avengers Vs X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel.com

  Emma Frost may be the most sought after woman in the Marvel Universe but her heart belongs to Scott Summers. Namor, Tony Stark and Sebastian Shaw (once he regains his memory)all want the former White Queen.

   Two of Marvel’s richest heroes are caught in battle in a new Avengers Vs X-Men #2 image by John Romita Jr. Emma and Tony Stark are trading quips and he’s taking a diamond packed punch. 

  I had predicted that an X-Woman might fall in AvX. I hope it’s not Emma. In an earlier teaser Emma was battling the Hulk. Never underestimate the former White Queen.

AvX Eyes On Captain America & Cyclops

courtesy Marvel

  A driven Captain America. A battered but defiant Cyclops. The latest AVX teaser image by John Romita Jr on Marvel focuses on the two generals in the war of superhero teams.

 Cap will lead Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in an invasion of Utopia to seize Hope when he gives the order, “Take the beach.”

 Two great leaders, master strategists, both devoted to their causes will clash. The big question is just how much will one leader sacrifice to win the war?


Avengers Traitor?


Avengers #27 courtesy Marvel.com

  Why would Protector betray the Avengers? A killer image by the legendary Walt Simonson and an ominous teaser for Avengers #27 was revealed in the June solicitations on Marvel.com.

 “With the events of AVX raging around them, an Avenger betrays the team”

 The young Kree stands with guns blazing over a disassembled team. This awesome tease brings up a lot of question. How does this connect to teaser for Captain Marvel returning in June and the Secret Avengers #27 cover showing Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel and Protector. Or could this ‘betrayal’ be the plot twist I thought might happen: that the X-Men have a wild card inside Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.


AvX Iron Vs Magneto Preview Art

AvX Vs #1 courtesy Marvel

  The fights in Avengers Vs X-Men are so big they will explode into a separate series. AvX Versus #1 is all brawl with Namor against Thing and Iron Man against Magneto.

 Marvel revealed new preview art of Armored Avenger versus the Master of Magnetism by Adam Kubert. Who will win this heavy metal showdown? You can assume Magneto would have the advantage but never underestimate the mind of Tony Stark – especially since he’s been in Odin’s workshop during Fear Itself.

AvX Vs #1 courtesy Marvel

  Jason Aaron and Kathyn Immonen are the writers. Adam Kubert and Stuart Immonen are the artists for these clashes in this premiere issue.


AvX New Red Hulk Vs Colossus Art

Avengers Vs X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  This is a clash of titans when Red Hulk and Colossus fight in Avengers Vs X-Men #2 by Jason Aaron and John Romita Jr. Marvel released this new promo art with a boastful quote from the RULK.

  This Geek’s Opinion: I want Peter to smash the RULK into he’s only red blood on the shores of Utopia. One Hulk is enough. I’m not a fan of the Red Hulk. I’m not a fan of the new Colossal Juggernaut but I know it makes for good development for the character. If Peter and Kitty were together in wedded bliss then I’d probably be bored. Peter is on a dark path serving as the avatar for Cyttorak. It’s becoming easier and easier for Peter to summon the evil force to enhance his power. To defeat the Red Hulk, Peter may have to reach a dark level he may never come back from.


Captain Marvel Returns to Marvel



Captain Marvel returns July 2012 courtesy Marvel.com

Marvel.com unveiled this teaser heralding Captain Marvel in July 2012. All will be revealed Saturday, March 17 at the Talk To The Hat panel, 4:00PM PST, during WonderCon 2012.

 An earlier preview for the cover of Secret Avengers #27, the AvX tie-in showed Captain Marvel bursting out of what appears to be Phoenix energy and flanked on each side by Ms. Marvel and Protector.

Could this mean the entity of death and rebirth could give birth to a resurrected Mar-Vell?

Marvel Infinite Comics Launches with AVX Story


Avengers Vs X-Men Infinite courtesy Marvel

  Marvel Comics unveiled their newest innovation at South By Southwest this weekend. Infinite Comics will be the new format taking Marvel into the digital world.

  “Infinite Comics are a new technique in comics storytelling that is built specifically for the digital world yet in a very elegant way manages to keep the purity of what makes a comic a ‘comic,’” said Joe Quesada, Chief Creative Officer of Marvel Entertainment. “It gives readers the same feel of reading a traditional comic while also offering a whole new experience that really feels like the future of where the medium is headed.”

  The first Infinite Comics will tie to the Marvel’s mega AvX event. Avengers Vs X-Men Infinite will star Nova. Mark Waid and Stuart Immonen and Marte Gracia are the creative team. It will be available for purchase on the Marvel Comics app free with the redemption code found in print copies of Avengers Vs X-Men #1 or included with the purchase of the digital version. It will also be available to purchase on its own for 99 cents.

  “The events are concurrent to Avengers Vs X-Men #1,” Waid says of the story. “It shows a certain key sequence of events uniquely from Nova’s point of view, and much of what we learn will be important in later AvX developments.”

  “While AvX is a huge story, we only have so much room by which to tell it,” adds Quesada. “Infinite Comics will be bringing you some stories that may have fallen through the cracks or haven’t been dealt with in great detail.”

  Earlier this year in the Point One Special a new Nova appeared with the Phoenix Force in pursuit.

 For more of their interviews here’s the Marvel.com link.


Final Team-Up of X-Men & Avengers Before AvX


Uncanny X-Men #9 courtesy Marvel.com

Marvel’s biggest teams join forces one final time before they go to war against each other in Avengers Vs X-men. Kieron Gillen talks with Marvel.com about the significance of this 2 part Uncanny X-Men arc. 

  “It’s the final compare and contrast,” Gillen says. “It’s showing everyone involved as the greatest super heroes on Earth. It’s about showing how we hope they’ll never fight. It’s about showing why they’re going to.”

  Earth’s first line of defense against aliens cracks. The S.W.O.R.D. facility, The Peak, fails. 

  “There’s a catastrophic failure aboard the Peak’s brig and all its prisoners are dropped,” says Gillen. “The main villain of the arc is actually UNIT, who I introduced in [the S.W.O.R.D. series] as a cross between CP-30 and Hannibal Lecter.

“Many [prisoners] explosively decompress. The ones who don’t, who fall to Earth—well, you’re talking about the sort of number of threats that would make up a year of stories if we were to tell them all.  There are some elements of the approach that do remind me of S.W.O.R.D. That was a book which moved at enormous pace. For a story that’s only two issues, we manage to fit an enormous amount of actual story in here. If there’s one part of S.W.O.R.D. which crosses over well to Uncanny X-Men, it’s that. So it’s a case that there are so many things happening, the Avengers and X-men talk to each other [and decide] ‘If we mobilize and act together, we can pull this off.’”

Uncanny X-Men #9 courtesy Marvel.com

  “It’s all about saving the world,” Gillen declares. “That’s all that matters. Generally speaking, Captain America seems entirely on the X-Men’s side. Cyclops is a little more cautious, but that’s just in his personality. The team-up works spectacularly. And then something changes, which, even if it doesn’t go to blows, really does show that the teams are in different places.

  “There’s obvious tension in Cyclops having to be even vaguely in the same area as Wolverine,” he notes. “It’s at the level of a glance. The story’s mostly about the team in action and throwing them against the threats, and seeing what they can do. Do several people not like Magneto? Sure. But that takes a back seat. This is them all pulling together.

“Until they don’t.”

Uncanny X-Men #9 is out April 11th. It looks like Terminus was on board the Peak. I don’t think he’s been seen since The Evolutionary Wars back in the 90’s Marvel Annuals.
For the entire interview and more preview pages by Carlos Pacheco here’s the Marvel.com link.