Action, Insight and the X-Men’s Hannibal Lecter

Uncanny X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

  Kieron Gillen is on a wicked roll with Uncanny X-Men #11. UNIT was established in the previous issues as a powerful new threat to the mutants. I call him the X-Men’s version of Ultron. Gillen calls him a cross of “C3PO and Hannibal Lecter” and that’s perfect description given the eerie moment in the latest issue.

  UNIT may be caged under Utopia but he’s still a real menace. There’s a scene between Hope and the alien/machine that reminds me of Hannibal and Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs when his finger touched hers.

  The issue moves before and between the events of AvX #1 and #2. While this issue is packed with action, Gillen takes us inside the minds of these X-Men. Colossus and Red Hulk’s battle underwater continues and it’s a brutal beating on both sides. Peter has an epic war inside his mind and soul. This fight begins as a trying to defeat an Avengers but turns into a battle for what’s left of Peter’s humanity. There’s even an “oh —-” moment when the Red Hulk looks scared. The journey of the Colossal Juggernaut continues to be one of the most intriguing element of Gillen’s X-run.

Uncanny X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

  I really enjoyed getting inside the mind of the arrogant and awesome Namor. I’ve loved the Atlantean being part of the X-Men world but we learn why he’s chosen to stand with the mutants and insight into the Cyclops

 I think Gillen possesses a real grasp of each X-Man’s “voice.” This power packed issue really adds a vital new element to the AvX conflict.

New Avengers #25 The Dragon and the Firebird

New Avenges #25 courtesy Marvel

  New Avengers #25 is nothing like I expected and I loved it. It’s one of the most beautifully drawn stories that really made me feel awe inspired. Mike Deodato, Will Conrad and Rain Beredo’s art is lyrical at perfect moments and the Phoenix images are majestic.

  This is not your typical superhero story in fact there are no super heroes in it. Brian Michael Bendis unveils a folk legend come to life. Centuries in the past the ruler of Kun Lun dreams of the Phoenix and a red-haired girl rising to fight the destroyer with a dragon avatar. As the force moves to Earth, the hidden Phoenix connection to Kun Lun will draw Avenger Iron Fist into the cosmic conflict.

  I’m intrigued to see where Bendis will take this AvX side story and I’m eager to see the Danny Rand and Hope Summers relationship evolve. I could marvel at the art for hours like I was in a gallery. Deodato, Conrad and Beredo created a masterpiece.


Top 5 Picks 4/25/12

AvX: Vs #1 courtesy

AVX: VS #1 Iron Man against Magneto! Thing slugs it out with Namor! The biggest brawls that erupted in Avengers Vs. X-Men explode into this series with all fighting, all action.

Mass Effect: Homeworlds #1 This premier issue is devoted to young gun James Vega written by the lead writer of Mass Effect 3.

New Avengers #25 It was tease that made me say “say what!” How does Marvel’s martial arts master tie to the most destructive force in the cosmos?  Iron Fist discovers his connection to the Phoenix in this tie-in to AvX. What does it mean for Hope the mutant messiah?

Popeye #1 Yes, Popeye the sailor man is back with his first original  story in 30 years! A new take on the classic character.

Star Wars: Blood Ties: Boba Fett Is Dead #1 The galaxy’s most notorious bounty hunter is dead. Words spreads across the sectors faster than the Millennium Falcon on light speed! But then the crew that killed him starts getting taken out!


Avengers vs X-Men Round 2

Avengers vs. X-Men #2 courtesy

  Avengers vs X-Men #2 kept the action going and starting shredding friendships. Cyclops took the first shot and in round 2 fired his second attack via a new spin on the fastball special! Captain America unleashes his army of Avengers (including Wolverine) to take Utopia.

  The issue is action packed with lots of fights and I want to see more. At first the idea of AvX Vs (the book of all fighting) seemed like marketing but now I can’t wait. I see how it makes story sense. The fights erupt but the main story must move forward so if you want to see more of the battles (Namor, Thing, Luke Cage is one I particular can’t wait to see) you can cheer on your favorite in Vs.

  While it’s amazing to see these clashes it’s hard to watch because of the friendships and relationships being battered – that’s a compliment to the writers and particular Jason Aaron, scripter of round 2. Cyclops and Captain America’s verbal exchange as they pound each other is perfect as they try to convince the other to stand down. 

  A surprise player enters the battleground while one key character’s simple drawing is an omen of the destruction and despair ahead. Wolverine is a man torn between friends and once again forced to do what no other hero can but with a potentially frightening outcome Logan didn’t expect.

  AVX is living up to the hype.

Top 5 Picks for 4/18/12


Avengers vs. X-Men #2 courtesy

Avengers vs. X-Men #2 Captain America wants custody of Hope. Cyclops blasted Steve off the island. The Avengers storm Utopia.

Batman #8 Bruce Wayne is battered. The Court of Owls will strike at the heart of Gotham City. This is the prelude to Night of the Owls when the Talons attack Batman’s friends and allies.  A new back story begins chronicling the secret history of Gotham City, The Court of Owls and the Wayne family.

Manhattan Projects #2 A horrific tale of altered history. Creating the nuclear bomb was just a cover for the mad science writer Jonathan Hickman is formulating in this series. This chapter delves into the hidden history of fall of Germany in World War II.

Rachel Rising #7 Rachel can see the impending death of others but her ability is a blessing and a curse. A supernatural thriller by award-winning creator Terry Moore.

Wolverine and the X-Men #9 What happened when Captain America went to the Jean Grey School? How did Steve convince Logan to come with him to Utopia? But will Wolverine remain on the Avengers side? Will the students and teachers follow their headmaster?


Wolverine’s Choice in AvX


Wolverine and the X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel

  Many of our favorite X-Men and Avengers stories are going into tie-in mode for AvX. At Marvel’s Avengers vs. X-Men panel at C2E2 Jason Aaron talked about the arc in Wolverine & The X-Men” saying he’s focusing on “Logan’s long, dark night of the soul” where he battles with himself over what side to choose.

“Logan makes his choice, but just because he goes that way, it doesn’t mean that everyone else at his school will make the same choice.”

Aaron notes that Iceman and Rogue will play a major role as well. The book will also feature Gladiator who will cross with his son Kid Gladiator in issue #13.

 I love Kid Gladiator and his bodyguard Warbird (she’s appearing in Marjorie Liu’s Astonishing X-Men arc.) I’ve always been a huge fan of Gladiator and didn’t know his new Shiar status.

For the entire panel here’s panel link.

The Next Great X-Villain Is Here

Uncanny X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel

  Kieron Gillen is firing on all wicked cylinders with Uncanny X-Men #10. AvX is taking over for a while but I can’t wait to see what happens next with the devious plot threads he launched with this issue.

  Unit is an alien computer-like creation that’s cold and clinical. He’s a chilling hybrid of C3PO and Hannibal Lecter – that’s Gillen’s description and it’s spot on! I say he could be the X-Men’s Ultron. 

  Unit stages a prison break unleashing alien criminal across Earth and uniting the X-Men and Avengers one last time before AvX. But Unit’s real objective is the mutant messiah.

  Scott’s Extinction team of most powerful mutants is skillfully taken apart with cold precision by Unit. The monster’s endgame is an audience with Hope with the promise (or is it a lure) of learning about the Phoenix.

  Watch for two big confrontations for Cyclops in this event filled issue. Due to Scott’s actions Steve Rogers sees a different side of the mutant – planting the seeds for how each leader may strategize against each other in AvX. Abigail Brand of S.W.O.R.D. and Cyke have a testy moment where they share dark secrets and the beginning of  darker covenant.

  Oh and I if you love Emma Frost and Colossus – there are some surprises for them in this issue too that will reverberate into future stories.

And I freakin’ love Adam Kubert’s cover – it’s a perfect representation for what Gillen does to the team and this book.

By Editor

AvX: The Intimate Cost of War

New Avengers #24 courtesy

  I just read New Avengers #24. Avengers vs. X-Men is the epic. AvX: Vs is all fights. I think New Avengers (and the other X-Men, Avengers tie-ins) will have the emotion and intimacy.

  The majority of issue #24 is the day before Captain America leads a team to confront Cyclops on Utopia. There are moments of great emotional power with Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. The couple confront their conflicting roles as heroes and parents. I’ve enjoyed how Brian Michael Bendis has written Luke and Jessica. Marvel’s most romantic and engaging couple is once again challenged by their responsibilities as heroes.

  As we count down to the end of the Bendis Avengers era, I think Luke and Jessica may be my favorite of his many contributions to the Avengers legacy.

By Editor