Robert Downey Jr on Iron Man 3

Iron Man from

  Robert Downey Jr is expressing his hopes for the next solo adventure of the Iron Avenger while promoting Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.

  “I think that we have an opportunity with the third Iron Man to make the best of the three, and maybe one of the better superhero movies that’s ever been made. But I think we have to remember what made the first one good. It was very character-driven. It was very odd. It was kind of outrageous. And so I think we have to have the courage to trust that the audience is really kind of cool, and smart” Downey told the Omelette.

  Thanks to Dark Horizons for the story translation.

  No word on the villain of the next film. I personally hope we might see the Mandarin. This Chinese master of magic, alien technology and martial arts is a classic character that I think could be given a modern spin. The Mandarin is known for his ten power rings. You may recall the terrorist from the first Iron Man film belonged to a mysterious group called the Ten Rings.

Walt Simonson on The Avengers!


Avengers #25 cover by Daniel Acuna courtesy

  A big announcement from Marvel’s Next Big Thing Press Event today: The legendary Walt Simonson will join Brian Michael Bendis on The Avengers!  Simonson’s The Mighty Thor run alone is the stuff of legends. Here are some highlights:

  Avengers #25 will feature art from Walt Simonson. This issue will be part of an Avengers Versus X-Men tie-in arc. That cover sure looks like Cap is deflecting a blast from Cyclops!

  “This is truly one of the most exciting things that has ever happened to me at Marvel. When I was a young, strapping lad trying to break into comics, I’m talking years and years ago, I met Walt at a convention. I showed him my childish sketches and he treated me like a peer. He was so generous an empowering and set me on a course to be where I am now. He would keep sending me letter of encouragement and critique. That was the moment I knew I wanted to do this. He is one of the most important people in my creative life. I always made it very clear if he was ever back at Marvel I would love to work with him. I’m so happy he decided to come join us and when I asked what he wanted to do, Avengers was a big pile of everything he wanted to do.” Bendis said.

Thor #337 by Walt Simonson starring Beta Ray Bill courtesy

  “I’m in comics myself because of the work that Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Don Heck and those guys did back in the 60’s. I was devouring everything Marvel had to offer. It was a treat for me to get into comics, to work at Marvel and to do Thor. I really enjoyed the Marvel Universe and had a lot of fun.” Simonson said. 

  “I got to write Avengers back in the late 80’s with John Buscema and Tom Palmer. I didn’t really get to draw the book though. I’ve never really gotten to draw the Avengers. I’m excited to draw them. But really, I wanted to work with Brian. We’ve always said it would be fun to work together, but I’ve been at DC. Now I’m back on the freelance trail and called Brian up. I did not expect to be handed a whole story arc. And when Brian said ‘There are a lot of characters’ I didn’t really realize how many characters.” Simonson continued.

   “When we were building AvX, I kept referencing Walt’s X-Men/Teen Titans crossover for bombast and excitement.” Bendis said of the classic cross-over in which the two young teams faced a Darkseid/Dark Phoenix alliance.

  “I’m really interested in drawing cool looking stuff. Quake looks really cool to me. The Jim Cheung AvX poster that Brian sent me looks great. I’m pretty excited to draw Wolverine again. I enjoy referencing and researching. It will come out looking like my stuff. I’m interested in the challenge. And drawing the guys from A.I.M.” Simonson said of the new characters and new looks for old favorites. Quake is a Bendis creation from Secret Warriors


Thor #380 by Walt Simonson courtesy

“I get to draw Thor. His new threads might be old by now, but they’re new to me.” Simonson added. 

  “There are elements to this story that are so powerful on their own as far as who the Avengers are and why they can do things nobody else can do that they really stand out from the main event. This storyline is from the Avengers point of view, dealing with where they’ve been and where they’re going as a team” Bendis said of this 6 issue arc.

   “I was a giant Gene Colan Iron Man fan back from Tales of Suspense. Iron Man has always been one of my favorite three or four Marvel characters. I’m delighted to have a chance to draw that guy.” Simonson said of the Iron Avenger.

  For a great retrospective on Simonson’s classic Thor run click this link to see the interview and images.

New Avengers Hero and Quinjet Images

Thor and Captain America in Marvel's The Avengers image courtesy USA Today

  A one, two punch of new images from Marvel’s The Avengers: Two of the super team’s heaviest hitters and the famous ride that delivers Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to fight evil.

  USA Today features Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and Chris Evans (Captain America) in a shot that appears to be the aftermath of a battle.


Avenges Quinjet Concept Art posted by SpiderMan.RU



SuperheroHype is posting what SpiderMedia.RU is calling concept art of the Quinjet.

Avengers in Action! New Photos

Can you hear the thunder…from geeks applauding?


Marvel's The Avengers courtesy revealed two photos of the big three from The Avengers movie. Iron Man cruising the night sky and Thor & Captain American in battle. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes Assemble May 4th. Just 5 months until Loki and his secret army attack Earth!

Marvel's The Avengers courtesy

Is Banner More Dangerous Than Hulk?

  With the Hulk/Bruce Banner returning to the big screen in The Avengers and a possible new television series by Guillermo Del Toro and David Eick (Battlestar Galactica) this is a great time read the new Incredible Hulk series by Jason Aaron.

Incredible Hulk #4 preview art courtesy Comic Book Resources

  The Hulk and Bruce Banner are now two separate beings.  The new series began with the Hulk at peace and Banner on the edge of sanity and creating truly horrific experiments. 

  The creative team is raising the idea that Dr. Banner’s brilliant mind may be more dangerous than the rampaging physicality of the green goliath. Aaron talked exclusively with Comic Book Resources about the direction for the series.

  “One question that we’ll continue to explore in this initial set of stories is whether or not Bruce Banner and the Hulk can survive as two separate beings,” Aaron said. “From the Hulk’s perspective he’s always been told that he was Banner’s burden. He was the thing that was holding Banner back. He was never going to find the happiness that he would have found on his own. So this looks at that from the other side of things. Maybe that wasn’t exactly true. Maybe the Hulk was the one that was being held back. At least that’s the way he sees it. That’s a question that’s going to be explored more going forward.”

  For more of Aaron’s interview and preview art from this month’s issue #4 click here. I’m working on a post about the Peter David era when the Hulk joined the Pantheon. I dived into those issues during the holidays stay tuned for that later this week.

Avengers Assemble – 12 Geektastic Reasons to Love 2012

Avengers Prelude Comic image courtesy

The Avengers Assemble! Marvel’s biggest guns in one movie under the direction of cult hero Joss Whedon. A decade of planning will put action heroes from five movies into one big screen spectacular. Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner and Scarlett Johansson are joined by Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/Hulk. Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Nick Fury, Hawkeye, Black Widow unite against Loki and his secret army(speculation is that it’s the shapeshifting Skrulls). Even modern SHIELD creation Maria Hill (Colbie Smulders) gets screen time.

Emerald City Comicon – 11 for 2011


Jim Cheung and my Mystique sketch at ECCC 2011

  As I look back by my favorite geek experiences of 2011 I have to share a major highlight from Emerald City Comicon 2011 in Seattle. My first stop was waiting in line to meet and get a sketch from the amazing Jim Cheung. Characters kept popping into my head as I got closer in line and my time to request a sketch. When I arrived – Mystique popped into my head and she was my request. I have it framed now as you walk in my condo.

              I had several Young Avengers and New Avengers: Illuminati issues autographed and I picked up his stunning promo piece for The Heroic Age. It was an honor to meet and know that such a superstar could be such a great fan friendly guy.



Loki and Red Skull Versus The Avengers?

Avengers Character Banners courtesy

  Will The Avengers movie feature an old school Marvel Super Villain Team-Up?

  We know that Thor’s half-brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) is the main foe of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. And he has a secret army. Is the God of Mischief teaming up with the Red Skull?

  MovieWeb caught on to what might be a big giveaway via a toy description. NECA’s HeroClix releases their Avengers line in 2012. The product description for retailers below does make you suspect the Captain America arch-enemy is helping Loki take on the super team:

“Charging straight out of theaters and onto your tabletop, Marvel’s the Avengers Movie HeroClix set features heroes like Captain America and Thor as they battle the villainy of the Red Skull and Loki! Each Counter-Top display includes standard one-figure boosters as well as new three-figure “Team Packs”! Team Packs are designed with strong thematic undertones – play a Hydra force or defend freedom with a S.H.I.E.L.D. team pack!”


Captain America: The First Avenger promo art courtesy

  If you remember in the climatic fight of Captain America: The First Avenger the Red Skull was transported into another realm via the Tesseract. Could the enemy have landed in Asgard or the realm of the Frost Giants?

Hugo Weaving was perfect as the Red Skull. Seeing Weaving and Huddleston together would be chilling and thrilling. I just hope the Red Skull (along with Sin, Crossbones and the Winter Soldier) are part of a modern-day Captain America 2.