Top 5 for 1/18/12

Batman #5 courtesy DC Comics

  Batman #5

  Deep under Gotham City is the Council of Owls’ ultimate trap and Batman fell right into it. Batman versus the Talon in a deadly labyrinth.

  Steed and Mrs. Peel #1

  The Avengers (not Earth’s Mightiest Heroes but England’s most stylish spies) are back in a new story by comic book superstar Grant Morrison. John Steed and Emma Peel reunite when Tara King is kidnapped by a mystery organization. The dashing duo and their mashup of sci-fi, spy and crime stories made The Avengers one of the most iconic shows in television history.

Avengers #21

  X-Woman Storm is now an Avenger. The team needs every hero it can get against the combined forces of H.A.M.M.E.R. Hydra, The Hand and AIM under the leadership of Norman Osborn.

Avengers #21 courtesy Marvel Comics

  Prophet #21 

  Image Comics throws some indy cred into the fuel to make a 90’s sci-fi concept blast off again. In the far future mankind has devolved into primitives and become prey for alien invaders. John Prophet awakens from cryosleep to wake up and restart the human race. Brandon Graham and Simon Roy take their European sci-fi style on the 90’s Rob Liefeld creation. The Zanadu Comic Book Round Table chose this as the first book to discuss at the next gathering on February 8th – the geek counterpart to O’s book club!

  Generation Hope #15

  Mindwiped Sebastian Shaw’s rescue and return to Utopia triggers new splits and fires up old grudges among the X-Men. Emma Frost has some serious explaining to do. Can this old enemy really become a hero now that he’s a blank slate?

Iron Fist Feels Phoenix Force?

  “Say What!?


New Avenges #25 courtesy, Comics Newsarama Exclusive

  Comics Newsarama received an exclusive image and preview from Marvel that will be blowing minds and buzzing message boards today:

  New Avengers #25 is being called an Avengers Versus X-Men tie-in where “Iron Fist Discovers The Shocking Connection Between Himself And The Cosmic Phoenix Force.”

  Here’s what we know: The Phoenix Force is coming to Earth in search of a new human host. The entity has previously been attracted to mutants with Jean Grey being the most infamous host. A shocking decision related to the return of the Phoenix is what ignites the war between the super teams. I’ll have to do some digging but the entity has been hosted by non-mutants (Alan Davis’ Excalibur run) and aliens like the Shiar.  

This image is definitely a surprise – maybe New Avengers will be of an exploration of possible candidates as host for the Phoenix?



Avengers Versus X-Men #1 Cover Revealed


AvX #1 cover by Jim Cheung courtesy

  Marvel revealed the cover to Avengers Versus X-Men #1 by Jim Cheung. This is the first issue of the 12 part event kicking off in April.

  Very interesting to note that Wolverine and Beast are seen on the Avengers side. Logan and Scott split the X-Men during Schism but Wolverine is always the wild card. If one of his mutant students or Hope needs his protection due to the return of the Phoenix Force, Logan may switch sides.

  Beast felt betrayed by Cyclops and left before Schism. But as the Dark Phoenix saga proved Hank would side with his fellow mutants if they need him.

  Jim Cheung’s work is always stunning. Avengers: The Children’s Crusade is one of the most beautifully drawn books Marvel publishes.

AVX Cyclops Hawkeye

AVX image courtesy

  Marvel triggered a fan frenzy this week with teaser images to promote Avengers Versus X-Men.

  This final image pits X-Men Extinction Team Leader Cyclops against Hawkeye, soon be leader of the Secret Avengers, by Esad Ribic.

  This is a matchup I’d really like to see because both men are hardened leaders who think strategically but I give the edge to Cyclops on this possible fight.

Avengers Post AVX

AVX Image by John Romita Jr courtesy

  After a week of AVX teaser images I found this quote from the Axel in Charge column on Comic Book Resources intriguing.

Marvel Editor in Chief Axel Alonso was asked about the future of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes as Brian Michael Bendis plots his departure and how AVX affects the exit strategy. How do you cap the writer’s huge era. 

  “All I can say is that there will be one. “AvX” did not derail Brian’s plans; he’s been down for this event since day one — which is why he, along with Jason Aaron, is one of the core plotters of the event. Brian will be wrapping up his Avengers run the way he wants to — we wouldn’t have it any other way. Who’ll follows him on “Avengers” and where he’ll land in the future is going to blow readers away.

Does this mean Aaron could assume the role? I’m betting on Matt Fraction.

  For the rest of this week’s Axel In Charge column here’s the link to Comic Book Resources.

Captain America is Center of The Avengers Movie

Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Chris Evans as Captain America in The Avengers courtesy

  The Avengers Assemble under Joss Whedon. The stars were all signed up. The fans are excited. The director talks about the real challenge in the new issue of Entertainment Weekly and how he solved it.

“I set out with a very simple problem: There is no reason for these people to be in the same movie. So that’s what my movie has to be about.”

Whedon says Steve Rogers’ awakening in modern times from Captain America: The First Avenger sets the stage for this movie and serves as the audience’s path into the story.

“So much of the movie takes place from Steve Rogers’ perspective, since he’s the guy who just woke up and sees this weird-ass world,” Whedon says. “Everyone else has been living in it.”

  Although Tony Stark’s ego may not approve I think this is a great choice.  I’m looking forward to seeing Cap’s ‘innocence’ and ‘wholesomeness’ interact and inspire Stark, Clint and Thor. Imagine Cap’s reaction when she first sees Black Widow!

  See the heroes recruited by SHIELD to save the world from Loki from Thor (and his unrevealed secret army) on May 4th.

For more of the article and the 2012 movie preview visit EWOnline.

Ms. Marvel’s Revenge in Avengers Versus X-Men?

AvX teaser art by Humberto Ramos courtesy

  Marvel revealed new teasers for the upcoming Avengers Versus X-Men. Humberto Ramos created this match-up over Paris. Looks like AVX may re-ignite an old rivalry!

  Rogue bested Ms. Marvel back in the day under Mystique’s orders. Rogue permanently absorbed Carol’s powers and personality. Wolverine wanted to gut Rogue the first time she wanted to join the X-Men. Professor X eventually helped Carol through her comatose to Binary and back to Ms. Marvel days.

  I admit I’m rooting for Rogue and she may have the power advantage but Ms. Marvel may have learned her lesson and is ready and may have secretly been yearning for a rematch.

New Captain America and Hawkeye Series

  Marvel revealed a new Captain America and Hawkeye series (it will take over the current Captain America and Bucky in April.) in today’s Next Big Thing press event featuring writer Cullen Bunn.

Captain America and Hawkeye #629 courtesy

“The simple way to describe the first arc is that Captain America and Hawkeye go out and fight a bunch of dinosaurs. That’s how I pitched it.”

“Cap and Hawkeye have gone through so much together, but they have a very different approach to how they do things. I wanted to explore that relationship and how they see each other.”

“I’ve always connected with Hawkeye. He’s got that Robin Hood thing going on. For some reason archer characters are always interesting. He’s a rogue, he’s got a big personality, he’s a smart ass–all those things help him along. He’s a ‘regular guy’ but he’s also the greatest archer in the world. In the face of overwhelming odds, he never backs down, and I think people can relate to that. He’s as close to an everyman as you can get in a world where people can knock down buildings with a punch.”

Secret Avengers #22 cover Gabriel Hardman courtesy

  “In many ways Clint really admires Cap and they’re best of friends, but they get under each others’ skins like nobody else. I love my brothers, I’d do anything for them, but they drive me nuts sometimes. I channeled a lot of that into this book.”

 Bunn will be joined by Alessandro Vitti for the 4 issue arc.

“When you look at Alessandro Vitti’s style, it’s very distinct, and I like that. The first pages he turned is for this was a big action scene, and there’s something about they way he conveyed it in a fluid nature, really made it flow and come alive, that blew me away.”

“Captain America touches on all different corners of the Marvel Universe, so there are limitless possibilities for this book.” Bunn said of the title’s constant star. 

  Captain America & Hawkeye will run for a four-issue arc, then the title will change again. This series will be a Captain America team-up title featuring other characters.

  “Iron Man will follow Hawkeye and the Black Widow arc has been approved, but there are a number of other characters I’ve mapped out, and a lot are ones he has not interacted with in a major way. But there will also be characters who have history with Cap. And there will be new characters introduced who will have an impact not only on the arc they appear in, but on Captain America moving forward.”  Cullen Bunn

I recommend you checking out The Fearless written by Bunn along with Matt Fraction and Christopher Yost. Who do you want Cullen Bunn to pair Cap with after the Hawkeye, Iron Man and Black Widow arcs?