Top 5 Picks for 3/14/12

Saucer Country #1

Saucer Country #1 A Presidential candidate’s frightening encounter on a lonely road leaves her with terrifying memory flashes. Now she must win the White House to expose the truth and save the world.

Saga #1 An original sci-fi epic for mature readers from the man behind Y: The Last Man and Lost. A couple struggles to raise their newborn in an endless galactic war. Fans are calling this Star Wars meets Game of Thrones.

Avengers Assemble #1 The Zodiac attacks! This new series stars the cast of the upcoming Avengers movie against a brand new version of one of their deadliest enemies.

Wolverine and the X-Men #7 courtesy Marvel

Wolverine and the X-Men #7 Kitty Pryde pregnant with aliens. Beast, Rachel and Iceman shrunken and inside the body of their teammate trying to save her. Broo under attack from a new alien threat. Wolverine’s gamble in a galactic casino backfires. Adventures in outer and inner space with the comic book that delivers more fun than anything on the shelves!

Batgirl #7 The Joker attacked Batgirl and changed her life forever in the classic Batman: The Killing Joke. See a side of that fateful night you’ve never experiences before. While Barbara faces her demons a new killer stalks Gotham City.



Avengers Ultimate Movie Marathon

Marvel's The Avengers courtesy

  How much Avengers can you take? Get ready to get caught up on every movie starring Earth’s Mightiest Heroes before the Assemble on May 4th! AMC Theatre invites fans to experience THE ULTIMATE MARVEL MARATHON with six movies on one epic day. Watch the heroes’ stories unfold as they assemble for the midnight premiere of The Avengers 3D!

Here’s a list of the six movies being shown at THE ULTIMATE MARVEL MARATHON:

Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
Thor in 3D
Captain America in 3D
The Avengers in 3D

Limited engagement tickets for both THE AVENGERS and THE ULTIMATE MARVEL MARATHON will go on sale this Sunday night at a select number of AMC Theatres.

The times the tickets will go on sale are as follows:

Eastern Standard Time – 12:01am Sunday night (3/11) / Monday morning (3/12)
Pacific Standard Time – 9:01pm Sunday night (3/11)

Here is a list of the select theatres where you can purchase tickets:

Boston Common 19 – Boston, MA

Burbank 16 – Burbank, CA

Downtown Disney 12 – Anaheim, CA

Aventura 24 – Aventura, FL

Empire 25 – New York, NY

Garden State 16 – Paramus, NJ

Downtown Disney 24 – Lake Buena Vista, FL

Metreon 16 – San Francisco, CA

Alderwood 16 – Lynnwood, WA

Tysons Corner 16 – McLean, VA

Tickets will go on sale for other AMC Theatres on March 16th. The expanded list will also be made available on March 16th


Allan Heinberg on Avengers The Children’s Crusade Finale


Avengers: The Children's Crusade #9 courtesy Marvel

    Avengers: The Children’s Crusade reached an emotional, game changing climax last week. The maxi series by Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung launched in July 2010 starring the Young Avengers in search of the Scarlet Witch (she’s the mother of Wiccan and Speed.) The teens faced the wrath of the Avengers, X-Men and Doctor Doom. When it was over, heroes died, quit and the Scarlet Witch’s role in the Marvel Universe was established on the eve of Avengers Vs X-Men. I wanted to share some of Comics Newsarama’s interview with Heinberg now that the epic series is over.

  “After over two years of working on the book, I felt immediate relief for a day or two after the book went off to the printer — and I’ve been sad ever since. I miss the characters. I miss my regular, sanity-restoring chats with Jim Cheung and our amazing editor, Tom Brevoort. I miss the pleasure of seeing new pencils from Jim every month. Honestly, if I could, I’d continue working with Jim Cheung the rest of my life. He’s a great friend and creative partner.”

  The story was the redeeming of the Scarlet Witch for her actions (Avengers Disassembled, M-Day.) Some characters sympathized, some condemned Wanda for her actions. Comics Newsarama how he felt about her.


Avengers Children's Crusade #7 by Jim Cheung courtesy

“We wanted the reaction to the Scarlet Witch’s story to reflect as many different viewpoints as possible — to foster continued conflict and debate among the Avengers and the X-Men — and among readers, as well.”

 “My personal sympathies were obviously with Wanda, but she’s certainly not blameless — even if Doom was ultimately responsible for her transgressions. Wanda was, after all, driven by grief to ask for Doom’s help in the first place, leaving her and the Avengers vulnerable to his manipulations.”

 For Allan’s entire interview (including spoilers) here’s the Comics Newsarama link.

 This Geek’s Opinion: Avengers The Children’s Crusade is one of Marvel’s most beautifully drawn and written epics. Jim Cheung created dynamic action sequences packed with a huge cast and very intimate scenes where we could sense the hope, fear, regret and love of each player in this epic executed by Allan Heinberg.


  The hardcover version is now collected and available.


Marvel Infinite Comics Launches with AVX Story


Avengers Vs X-Men Infinite courtesy Marvel

  Marvel Comics unveiled their newest innovation at South By Southwest this weekend. Infinite Comics will be the new format taking Marvel into the digital world.

  “Infinite Comics are a new technique in comics storytelling that is built specifically for the digital world yet in a very elegant way manages to keep the purity of what makes a comic a ‘comic,’” said Joe Quesada, Chief Creative Officer of Marvel Entertainment. “It gives readers the same feel of reading a traditional comic while also offering a whole new experience that really feels like the future of where the medium is headed.”

  The first Infinite Comics will tie to the Marvel’s mega AvX event. Avengers Vs X-Men Infinite will star Nova. Mark Waid and Stuart Immonen and Marte Gracia are the creative team. It will be available for purchase on the Marvel Comics app free with the redemption code found in print copies of Avengers Vs X-Men #1 or included with the purchase of the digital version. It will also be available to purchase on its own for 99 cents.

  “The events are concurrent to Avengers Vs X-Men #1,” Waid says of the story. “It shows a certain key sequence of events uniquely from Nova’s point of view, and much of what we learn will be important in later AvX developments.”

  “While AvX is a huge story, we only have so much room by which to tell it,” adds Quesada. “Infinite Comics will be bringing you some stories that may have fallen through the cracks or haven’t been dealt with in great detail.”

  Earlier this year in the Point One Special a new Nova appeared with the Phoenix Force in pursuit.

 For more of their interviews here’s the link.


Final Team-Up of X-Men & Avengers Before AvX


Uncanny X-Men #9 courtesy

Marvel’s biggest teams join forces one final time before they go to war against each other in Avengers Vs X-men. Kieron Gillen talks with about the significance of this 2 part Uncanny X-Men arc. 

  “It’s the final compare and contrast,” Gillen says. “It’s showing everyone involved as the greatest super heroes on Earth. It’s about showing how we hope they’ll never fight. It’s about showing why they’re going to.”

  Earth’s first line of defense against aliens cracks. The S.W.O.R.D. facility, The Peak, fails. 

  “There’s a catastrophic failure aboard the Peak’s brig and all its prisoners are dropped,” says Gillen. “The main villain of the arc is actually UNIT, who I introduced in [the S.W.O.R.D. series] as a cross between CP-30 and Hannibal Lecter.

“Many [prisoners] explosively decompress. The ones who don’t, who fall to Earth—well, you’re talking about the sort of number of threats that would make up a year of stories if we were to tell them all.  There are some elements of the approach that do remind me of S.W.O.R.D. That was a book which moved at enormous pace. For a story that’s only two issues, we manage to fit an enormous amount of actual story in here. If there’s one part of S.W.O.R.D. which crosses over well to Uncanny X-Men, it’s that. So it’s a case that there are so many things happening, the Avengers and X-men talk to each other [and decide] ‘If we mobilize and act together, we can pull this off.’”

Uncanny X-Men #9 courtesy

  “It’s all about saving the world,” Gillen declares. “That’s all that matters. Generally speaking, Captain America seems entirely on the X-Men’s side. Cyclops is a little more cautious, but that’s just in his personality. The team-up works spectacularly. And then something changes, which, even if it doesn’t go to blows, really does show that the teams are in different places.

  “There’s obvious tension in Cyclops having to be even vaguely in the same area as Wolverine,” he notes. “It’s at the level of a glance. The story’s mostly about the team in action and throwing them against the threats, and seeing what they can do. Do several people not like Magneto? Sure. But that takes a back seat. This is them all pulling together.

“Until they don’t.”

Uncanny X-Men #9 is out April 11th. It looks like Terminus was on board the Peak. I don’t think he’s been seen since The Evolutionary Wars back in the 90’s Marvel Annuals.
For the entire interview and more preview pages by Carlos Pacheco here’s the link.

AVX Scarlet Witch Vs Phoenix

Avengers Vs X-Men #6 variant courtesy Marvel

   Marvel revealed a variant cover to Avengers Vs X-Men #6 by Nick Bradshaw showing an angry Scarlet Witch at full power with the Phoenix claws ready to grab the mutant.

  This week in Avengers The Children’s Crusade #9 Scarlet Witch was redeemed and ready to make up for M-Day. Looks like Wanda may be on the edge of losing control of her powers again or losing her life to the Phoenix Force.


AvX Avengers Seize The Jean Grey School

X-Men Legacy #266 courtesy Marvel

  Marvel’s ladies in green are about to throw down as Avengers Vs X-Men hits the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning. She-Hulk and a team of Avengers arrive to “secure” the school in X-Men Legacy #266.

Christos Gage says knowing AvX was coming affected his direction for the book in a new Comics Newsarama interview.

 “I have certainly been aware that AvX was coming, and been preparing for it, but it’s not as if we’ve been solely focusing on that. I think in Uncanny, there was more of a continuity of purpose… the roster was smaller, and there was some change of focus, but the Utopia X-Men are doing more or less what they did before.

It’s been a bigger shake-up for the Grey School X-Men, and I wanted to examine that, as well as the Schism‘s effects on the characters. Over in Avengers Academy, I’ve been continuing with ongoing stories for the kids, and having a blast with the Runaways guest appearance in #27 and 28. So I think each story is its own thing, but with an awareness of where we were headed, and the character journeys will continue during AvX.”

The Avengers task force coming to the school includes She-Hulk, Falcon and Moon Knight. Gage revealed how he picked these heroes.

 “I’ll be honest, it was partly to do with who I could use in a way that made sense given where else they’re showing up and who’s off in space and so on. But of those who were available I picked these three because they work well in the context of the story. I can’t get too much into why without venturing into spoiler territory. But it’s a fun mix! She-Hulk and Frenzy have battled before… and Moon Knight vs. Gambit just sounded cool to me. I hope people enjoy reading it as much as I’m digging writing it!”

For the entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.

I’m ready for Rogue to whip She-Hulk!

Joss Whedon on Hulk in Avengers

Marvel's Avengers The Hulk courtesy Marvel Studios

  Will the third time be the charm for the big screen version of Marvel’s Green Goliath in The Avengers? Director Joss Whedon talked with SFX magazine about what he need to get right to make the Hulk work.

  “So much. A Bruce Banner who’s not obsessed with his own problems. A Hulk who not only feels flesh and blood, but is clearly an extension of Banner himself and not just a CGI thing that roars. A Hulk who feels dangerous, who might actually hurt someone we care about, who belongs in a classic horror film. And much more. He’s the hardest character by far, and ended up being the most fun.”

  Whedon revealed what Mark Ruffalo brings to the team as the new Bruce Banner.

  “Mark is such a delightful mensch it’s stupid. His Banner is a bunch of contradictions: graceful and awkward, meek and confident, erudite and working class, funny and sad. And contradictions are what the Banner/Hulk dynamic are all about. Also, Mark kinda looks like the Hulk. So we got to build our Hulk from him.”

The entire interview is in SFX #220 out today.

This Geek’s Opinion: Based on the awesome trailer I still wonder if Banner is on control of the Hulk since he’s working with the Avengers. I’m hoping we see Betty – at least in a cameo.