Hulk Smash! Mark Ruffalo Gets 6 Picture Deal?

Marvel's Avengers The Hulk courtesy Marvel Studios

  When the Hulk leaps into action to save Iron Man in the Avengers trailer – the screams from the crowd huddled around my computer were filled with joy! The Hulk must really be awesome in Earth’s Mightiest Movie because Mark Ruffalo revealed he’s signed a 6 picture deal with Marvel Films to Collider.

  (Ruffalo also reveals there’s a deleted scene with the great Harry Dean Stanton.)

  So Avengers 2 is a given but how about a Hulk solo movie? What comic book story would you want to see on the big screen?

  I love Peter David’s run on The Incredible Hulk. I especially enjoyed when the merged Hulk – Banner’s mind in control of the monster body – was allied with a group of heroes called the Pantheon. This organization answered to no government and their missions often brought them into conflict with other heroes. I could see a great Pantheon-SHIELD conflict orchestrated by The Leader, a scientist mutated by gamma radiation in a very different way. While the members of the Pantheon took names inspired by Greek mythology, their leader Agamemnon, was half-Asgardian. See the Thor cameo?


Planet Hulk image courtesy

 Greg Pak’s Planet Hulk would be an out of this world – literally – adventure for the Green Goliath. It’s already an animated movie.   The Illumanati (Tony Stark, Reed Richard, Doctor Strange, Professor X, Namor) decide the rampaging Hulk has done enough damage and blast him off to an uninhabited planet to live in peace. The thing about programmed spaceships with a Hulk on board – they can go off course. The Hulk goes through a wormhole and lands on a barbaric world, is forced to become a gladiator, becomes a hero and leads a revolution against the planet’s cruel leader. In the sequel World War Hulk, the Hulk and his Warbound (allies from the arena) come back to Earth to lay down some serious vengeance on the Illumanati. Hulk doesn’t realize until later that he fathered a son on Sakaar until Skaar arrives on Earth ready to resolve his daddy issues with some serious fighting!

By Editor

Avengers Movie Characters Move to Comics!


Scarlet Spider #5 courtesy

Movie fans know Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) as SHIELD operatives from previous Marvel films and the upcoming Avengers movie.

 Now Fury (Jr) and Coulson are in the Marvel Universe after Battle Scars #5 and now a terrorist threat will send the SHIELD agents into action in Scarlet Spider #5 on May 9th.

 “There’s a dirty nuke loose in Houston, and everybody from the Houston PD, the F.B.I., S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers get pulled in,” Battle Scars and Scarlet Spider writer Christopher Yost tells “Fury and Coulson are the face of S.H.I.E.L.D. in this case, and Coulson actually runs point with Iron Man, Scarlet Spider’s the one on the ground.”

 “In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Coulson somewhat became the face of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” adds Yost. “So when S.H.I.E.L.D. shows up in the comics, Fury and Coulson can now serve that function.

“Fury’s not the director, not the head of S.H.I.E.L.D.—he’s an agent. He and Coulson aren’t going to be sitting in meetings; they’re going to be out there on big S.H.I.E.L.D. adventures.”


Avengers vs X-Men “Let’s Talk Mutant to Mutant”

I’me enjoying Avengers vs X-Men but I think I’m liking the tie-in issues even more.



Spoiler Ahead


If you have NOT Avengers vs X-Men #3 then you may NOT want to keep reading.




Here it comes…


Wolverine and the X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel

  In Wolverine and the X-Men #10 Cyclops arrives at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning after escaping near capture by the Avengers on Utopia. Scott “just wants to talk.” Cyclops makes a plea for Logan to join him against the Avengers but was that really his endgame?

  Jason Aaron weaves several compelling stories about identity in this issue. Cyclops asking Logan to decide if he’s really an X-Man, Warren’s belief that he’s really an Angel or something else, and Genesis coping with who he hopes to be versus what we fear he could become…Apocalypse.

 From issue #1 this book has been a pure joy to read because of the great mix of action and humor. Aaron and Chris Bachalo pack plenty of action but this an issue that delves into the hearts and minds of these characters.

  The action will definitely kick in next issue as Gladiator is headed to Earth to get his son out of Logan’s school and off the planet before the Phoenix arrives. And the Emperor has ordered his Shiar Death Commandos to eradicate Hope and anyone standing in their way.

By Editor


Avengers Assemble & The Collectibles Cut Up


Stars of The Collectibles at SIFF Cinema's Avengers Assemble Week, photo by

  Seattle’s real life super heroes are welcoming fans to catch up with Marvel’s cinematic heroes at SIFF Cinema. Citizen Heroes & The Collectibles co-present SIFF’s Avengers Assemble Week as we count down to Marvel’s The Avengers.


Stars of The Collectibles at SIFF Cinema's Avengers Assemble Week, photo by

  The Collectibles is a hilarious super comedy web series creators Dan Heinrich and Todd Downing describe as The Avengers meets The Office. Citizen Heroes is a documentary about the real life super hero movement in the Pacific Northwest.

  Death Wish & Aguaman of The Collectibles were suited up and shared the trailer for their series before introducing The Incredible Hulk – the first in this week’s series of Marvel solo movies.

  Before greeting the crowd in the theater I asked Death Wish (Joe Downing) & Aguaman (Frank Aye) about their characters, making the web series and their favorite Avengers.

  Dan Heinrich and Todd Downing are the creative forces behind The Collectibles. If you’re job gets you down you might want to sneak a peek at the office comedy on the web. The story has costumed heroes with a twist that everybody can connect with. I asked them what inspired their series.

  “The Collectibles” are co-presenting this week’s series of Avengers solo movie so I has to ask the guys behind these comic heroes about their favorite Avengers.

  Avengers Assemble continues this week! It’s a double feature Tuesday night. Hey it’s for Tony Stark – big ego deserves  a big night with multiple hosts! Knight Owl of Citizen Heroes will introduce Iron Man. Shield Maiden & Ennui of The Collectibles will introduce Iron Man II.

 Wednesday you can travel back to Asgard with Thor in 3D with Citizen Heroes director Matt Harrison and Knight Owl. Thursday celebrate Captain America: The First Avenger with an introduction by Sky Man, the Tri-Colored Crusader from Citizen Heroes.

Stars of The Collectibles at SIFF Cinema's Avengers Assemble Week, photo by

 Stay tune for more stories with Matt Harrison, the director who just spent a year on patrol with the real life heroes of Seattle for his upcoming documentary Citizen Heroes.

By Editor

Top 5 for 5/2/12

Avengers Vs. X-Men #3 courtesy

Avengers vs X-Men #3 Hope flares up as the Phoenix force speeds towards Earth. With the Avengers and X-Men at war, the mutant messiah sets out on her own agenda. Wolverine switches sides.

Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha & Omega #5 Logan and Armor escape Kid Omega’s mental prison but the war isn’t over yet. Wolverine faces the Berserker and what will happen to Quentin when one of them wins

X-O Manowar #1 A Visigoth hero has an alien encounter. Aric escapes with the strange invaders’ high tech suit of armor to liberate his people from the Roman Empire but learns hundreds of years have passed. He’s a man out of time with the universe’s most powerful weapon trapped in our age. This marks the relaunch of the Valiant Universe of characters and the first talking comic book cover.

Earth 2 #1 courtesy DC Comics

Action Comics #9 Move over Clark Kent, make room for President Superman. The tale of an African-America Superman from an alternative reality taking on the new villain, SuperDoom!

Earth 2 #1 Who are the heroes of this alternative world? Old school favorites like Jay Garrick (the first Flash) and Alan Scott (the first Green Lantern) star in this brand new as DC Comics The New 52 launches a Second Wave where anything can happen. 

  Don’t forget this Saturday is FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! Go get a freebie, pick up something new and support your local comic book shop!

AvX Phoenix Rising in New Avengers


New Avengers #26 courtesy Marvel

What is the connection between Danny Rand and the Phoenix Force? New Avengers #25 revealed an ancient secret: X-Man Jean Grey was NOT the first vessel for the entity.

  Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato continue their beautiful tale of another red-haired girl, the prophecy of an approaching firebird, and how the Phoenix was once in Kun Lun issue 26.

  Fans of Jonathan Hickman’s SHIELD series (like me) will be pleasantly surprised by a guest star who aids Master Yu Ti in the search for answers to the girl and his dream. My only qualm is the misleading cover but I’m confident this tale of the past will tie into the meeting of Danny Rand and Hope as the Phoenix approaches Earth.


Iron Man Can Be Like James Bond?

Iron Man from

  Robert Downey Jr is suiting up for Iron Man 3 and I’m sure he’d be back for an Avengers 2 but how many times would the star play Tony Stark. What would Marvel do if Downey quits.

 According to Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige compares Iron Man to 007 – you can recast.

 “I think Bond is a good example. Let’s put it this way: I hope Downey makes a lot of movies for us as Stark. If and when he doesn’t, and I’m still here making these movies, we don’t take him to Afghanistan and have him wounded again. I think we James Bond it.” 

For more of Devin’s interview with Feige here’s the link to – I love this site name-

Downey Jr responded to MTV News about the potential of being recast and the co-stars lining up for Iron Man 3. Here’s Downey in his own words.




  This Geek’s Opinion: I love James Bond. I love Iron Man. I freaking love Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark – it was perfect casting and I can’t imagine another actor in the role just like Jackman owns Wolverine. I would hope there are enough Marvel characters to develop and give Iron Man a break. But you have to have a little faith in Feige, he’s got a track record that’s hard to argue with.

By Editor

Thanks to Dark Horizons.

Seattle Super Heroes: Fact & X-Men Fiction

X-Factor #235 courtesy Marvel

 Seattle’s real and fictional super heroes take the spotlight this week. 

 Fiction: Someone or something is carving up Seattle’s super heroes. Marvel’s mutant detectives (including former X-Men) head to the Emerald City to investigate in this week’s X-Factor #235 by Peter David.

 Seattle’s Litterbug and The Insignia were introduced briefly only to be seemingly attacked in last month’s issue. In this week chapter a new villain named Scattershot is introduced. Given the cover – this new foe looks like a hybrid of two X-Factor members.

  Fact: The Pacific Northwest is the home of a real super hero movement. Phoenix Jones and his patrols of Seattle generated big new coverage. Here’s a link to the KOMONEWS.COM stories about his impact and the controversy. Citizen Heroes is a new documentary project exploring the real life superhero movement in Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon.

 Some of the real life heroes will be introducing Marvel movies this week when Avengers Assemble! at  SIFF Cinema takes over the Uptown Theater in Seattle. You can meet the local pop heroes before watching a different Marvel movie (Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger) each night before Earth’s Mightiest Movie arrives.