Joss Whedon, Avengers Sequel and Television Series

Marvel’s The Avengers courtesy Marvel

  Marvel’s The Avengers director Joss Whedon will be back to write and direct the sequel and develop a new Marvel Universe themed, live-action television series for ABC according to Variety.

  No word on which characters will appear in the television series. I’m betting on the agents of SHIELD. Disney/ABC is already developing a Hulk series with Giullermo Del Toro.

  By Editor


Top 10 Comic Book Picks for 8/8/12

Archer & Armstrong #1 The Valiant comeback continues as Obadiah Archer begins a quest to wipe out the ultimate evil. His target: the immortal Armstrong. The new origin of this unlikely heroic duo and their journey to uncover the dark history of the relaunched Valiant universe.

Batgirl #12 courtesy DC Comics

Batgirl #12 Batgirl vs Batwoman!

Batman #12 The aftermath of the Court of Owls epic. Guest artist Becky Cloonan joins Scott Snyder for a stand-alone story of the girl who saved the Batman.

Before Watchmen: Ozymandias #2 Inside the secret life of the world’s smartest man. Comic legend Len Wein returns to the epic he edited with Jae Lee at the top of his artistic game.

Daredevil Annual #1 The Man Without Fear, Doctor Strange and Marvel’s strangest cosmic clan. Legendary Alan Davis brings back the ClanDestine to cross paths with Matt Murdock

Gambit #1 The fan favorite X-Man is back to his criminal ways! Marvel’s ultimate thief and smooth talker is after a big score but it may end up biting him.

Kevin Keller #4 Romantic hopes and hijinks at the London Olympics. Kevin reconnects with an old friend but will Veronica’s “help” hurt his chances?

The Massive #3 How can peace-loving pacifists hold on to their beliefs in dark new world where pirates rule the oceans and the civilized world is in ruins? The crew is on the run

The Mighty Thor #18 courtesy Marvel

The Mighty Thor #18 Can the God of Thunder and Kid Loki save the Nine Realms from a dark war? Everything Burns is Matt Fraction’s final Thor story with the legendary Alan Davis on art and crossing over into Journey Into Mystery.

 New Avengers #29 The Illuminati are back! Some of the most powerful players in the Marvel Universe gathered in secret for years on covert missions – sometimes with dire results. In this Avengers vs X-Men tie-in the group gathers once again to see if they can defeat the Phoenix.

By Editor

Updated: Daredevil for Galactus & Silver Surfer?

Daredevil #17 courtesy

  Update: Deadline is reporting that Fox denies is interested in a character rights swap.

Original story:

A street level vigilante in exchange for a massive alien and his cosmic herald? Daredevil for Galactus & Silver Surfer doesn’t sound like a fair trade if your role-playing but we’re talking film franchises here. Fox and Marvel are talking swap according to Variety.

  Fox’s rights to Daredevil are ticking away. The studio has until October 10th to reboot Matt Murdock on the big screen or the rights to back to Marvel. Variety also reports Fox is talking with Joe Carnahan about directing a Daredevil reboot based on the Frank Miller era. According to the story Marvel will extend the deadline if Fox gives up two characters from the Fantastic Four universe: Galactus and Silver Surfer. Fox is working on a Fantastic Four reboot with Josh Trank (Chronicle.)

Fantastic Four #72 courtesy Marvel

  What could this mean? Marvel wants to use cosmic level threats like Galactus and Silver Surfer in their upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy film or Avengers sequel.

  Geek Question: What about Annilius? The Fantastic Four villain wasn’t used in previous FF films and plays a key role in the formation of the modern Guardians of the Galaxy? Time will tell.

  Op/Ed: I still dream of a Daredevil/Iron Fist/Luke Cage team up against the Hand on the big screen after three solo smashes. Kind of a Marvel Knights movie if you will.

By Editor

Iron Man: New Team, New Cover


Invincible Iron Man #518 courtesy

  Kieron Gillen and Greg Land leave Uncanny X-Men for Iron Man when Marvel NOW! relaunches the Armored Avenger. The writer tells why he left Utopia and Asgard (Journey Into Mystery) for the high-tech, globe-trotting world of playboy genius Tony Stark.

  “It just seemed like an interesting way to mix things up a bit. It wasn’t just the fact that [Tony Stark is] such a tech hero, because beneath some of the stuff I’m doing in UNCANNY X-MEN there is a modicum of science even though I often fire it through quite a few filters. This is actually the first solo hero I’ve ever written. The THOR run really doesn’t count because it was a bit strange; every book I’ve written has been a sort of team book. Loki, abstractly, is the lead [of JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY] but in practice he isn’t and, on a larger scale, has gone 23 issues and hasn’t hit anybody. That’s not a traditional Marvel super hero. This is different, this is the iconic Avenger.”

  When I started writing Wolverine in UNCANNY X-MEN, I called my mom once and told her what I do for a living and she said “Ohh, I fancy that Wolverine.” When you’re writing characters that members of your family fancy you’re in an interesting place and, in the case of Iron Man, that’s totally it.

  When Marvel NOW! came around, I had reached a suitable place in UNCANNY X-MEN to move off of, and there were a variety of options with Iron Man [which sounded] really interesting. Of the major Marvel characters he’s the one most aligned to me philosophically, as in he’s a very straightforward person, and in terms of the heroes, there are none more forward than Tony; that’s what attracted me to [him].”


Invincible Iron Man #1 Extremis courtesy Marvel

  Gillen reveals his grand scale plans for Tony Stark involve the women of Tony’s complicated life.

  “Oh hell yeah. It’s actually a key part of my second theme. I’m going to explore Tony and his relationship with women. I’m interested in Tony’s selection of women in everything, from his mom, to Pepper, to the random people he’s sleeping with and everything that relates to them. He’s a complicated guy and he does bad things occasionally without thinking. Well, not [without] thinking exactly but he’s not always thinking about the right thing. He’s not the distracted genius but he always has something else going on.

  Matt Fraction did a brilliant take on the corporate figure and his run is a defining arc, so I’m staying away from it. Tony is still a scientist and will still be working on the armor but it’s all about him going out into the world and the whole grail-knight comparison. All the traditional corporate motifs are there but they’re not the primary drive of the book. Tony will be in the armor a lot, he’ll be going out into the world.

Iron Man #1 by Greg Land, courtesy Marvel

  The first five issues will be single stories that will share [both] a defining motif and a plot but it will be Iron Man facing new instances of technology and each is basically a new villain. Each issue will illuminate something about Tony and they’re all very different. Issue two is a lot like the Bruce Lee Kung-Fu Island story; it’s like a joust, it’s all about the knight imagery, essentially going to a tournament. Issue three is like a ninja story, Tony Stark trying to be a full-on stealth master, issue four is a horror story and issue five is something a little more romantic and scientific but I’m going to keep that one under wraps.

  I really want to mix it up with single issue stories because I think that quite a few people are feeling the same way.Single issues are an exciting place to go and anyone can jump on with any of the first five issues, not just issue #1. [In] each of those issues I introduce Iron Man; I say something meaningful about a character that you may know already and I want it to be accessible and to pop. That’s the thing with Greg Land: his photorealistic style really pops and it’s a glamorous book in that way.

  Gillen revealed he will be using Extremis, the creation of Warren Ellis, early in his run on Iron Man. The Extremis storyline is part of the basis for Iron Man 3 currently in production.

 The new Iron Man team debuts this November. Matt Fraction is ending his long run on Invincible Iron Man with Salvador Larroca to take on the Fantastic Four.

For the entire interview here’s the link. By Editor

Black Panther in the Marvel NOW!


Black Panther in Fantastic Four #607 courtesy Marvel

  Black Panther will survive and apparently thrive after Avengers vs X-Men!

  “Black Panther is hugely important to Marvel NOW!” said Marvel Editor in Chief Axel Alonso,” and you’ll find out where in days to come!”

    That’s was Alonso told a fan on this week’s Axel-in-Charge column on Comic Book Resources.

   T’Challa recently returned to Wakanda in the pages of Fantastic Four and FF to reclaim his throne. The King gave refuge his fellow Avengers refuge in Wakanda and his nation and marriage is in shambles.

  This declaration from Alonso is great news for Black Panther fans and fuels the excitement for a potential solo movie or having him join an Avengers movie. 

By Editor

Spider-Woman In the Marvel NOW!

Avengers Women of Marvel variant featuring Spider-Woman courtesy

  One of my favorite elements of the Brian Michael Bendis Avengers era is how he brought the original Spider-Woman back in the spotlight and made her an Avenger. Sure the Spider-Woman who joined New Avengers #1 was actually a Skrull but the real Jessica Drew finally came back.

  Jonathan Hickman is taking over Avengers and New Avengers in 2013 as part of the Marvel NOW! relaunch. Hickman revealed his Avengers will start with 18 cast members. Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso now confirms Spider-Woman will be part of the relaunched team.

  In today’s Axel-in-Charge column on Comic Book Resources a fan asked if more female characters like Spider-Woman will have a place the Marvel NOW! world.

 “Spider-Woman will remain part of the Avengers, and may turn up in Avengers Assemble,” Alonso responded.

Spider-Woman on New Avengers #15 courtesy Marvel

 “As for Black Widow, while she won’t have a new Marvel NOW! title, she’s currently appearing Secret Avengers, Avengers Assemble and Winter Soldier,” he added.

  This is just speculation on my part but could Spider-Woman appearing in Avengers Assemble mean Marvel Films could be considering have Jessica join an Avengers sequel or star in her own movie? Given Joss Whedon’s stunning track record of writing and directing female heroes can you imagine how Whedon would translate the tragic and triumphant life of Jessica Drew!?

 And I still say if Mila Kunis wants to play a superhero – write a Spider-Woman script for her!

By Editor

The Avengers: Jonathan Hickman Reveals Themes

Avengers by Jerome Opena courtesy Marvel

  Jonathan Hickman is leaving Marvel’s First Family for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. The Marvel NOW! relaunch will see a new Avengers series premiering this December and a New Avengers title in January by Hickman. The visionary creator (Fantastic Four, SHIELD, Manhattan Projects) is revealing his new vision for the team in the aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men and an 8 year run by Brian Michael Bendis.

  Hickman tells how the Avengers came his way.

 “I did not actively go after it. There was a retreat where we were trying to figure out what was going to happen after Avengers Vs.X-Men. This is before we really got into writing AvX. One of the things that we talked about was changing creative teams across the board, and that, later on, turned into something that we decided to do. I was one of the ones that popped up and said “Well that’s fine. Whatever we need to do. Whatever we think is going to work, whatever we think is going to be exciting, whatever is going to be new and fresh.” You know, we all need new experiences. So I volunteered to quit FANTASTIC FOUR on the spot. I said, “You know, I’ll go first. Whatever. I’ll quit FANTASTIC FOUR and I’ll go write Squadron Supreme or something, right?” And I don’t think I got the ball rolling or anything like that, but it certainly let everybody know that I was more than happy to jump around and try new things.


  Then when it came time to do roster shake ups, I didn’t solicit for any gig. I think they just sort of started talking about it around the office. And we had done the ULTIMATE COMICS ULTIMATES launch, and even though that launch did not go as well as we wanted because of the New 52 kind of swallowing it over at DC, everybody thought I did a pretty good job. And I thought it was pretty solid. It showed that I can do work with what is essentially an Avengers team and I started getting phone calls about it.

  But at the same time, I’m pretty sure that [Avengers editor Tom] Brevoort was on vacation when all of this kind of came to a head. So when Brevoort got back from vacation one of the first conversations I had to have was “You know, some of the management types, some of the brass are talking about me doing this and it’s your book, Tom, I’m not interested in doing it if you don’t want me on there.” And Tom said, “I’m the Avengers guy. I’m the one who’s going to have the final say-so.” I replied, “I love working with you and all that kind of stuff, but let me know and if you don’t want me on the book, obviously I’m not interested in doing it if you don’t want to do that but I would love to do anything with you again.” And anyway, it all worked out. We talked about what we wanted the book to be and I was asked to take the job and once I had Tom’s blessing I said yes. And then we got into what the book was going to be. That’s really convoluted, but that’s kind of what happened.”

  Fantastic Four’s theme was family. The Avengers themes are bigger and more ominous.

  “Yeah, very much so. AVENGERS and NEW AVENGERS are really just two sides of the same book, of the same story. Thematically, they’re aligned too. AVENGERS is about life and NEW AVENGERS is about death. That’s what the two books are. It’s a big book. In the AVENGERS, we tackle the biggest things.”

  Hickman confirmed his Avengers will start with 18 members. Jerome Opena (Uncanny X-Force) will be the artist on Avengers. Steve Epting will be the artist on New Avengers.

For his entire interview here’s the link.

By Editor

AvX #9: Nature of the Phoenix, Heart of a Hero

Avengers vs X-Men #9 courtesy

  Avengers vs. X-Men #9 is a dramatic, action packed epic with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes on the run, heroes switching sides, chilling hints of what’s to come and….heart and humor?

  The truth nature of the Phoenix Force is being revealed…and it’s scary as hell. But the true nature of a hero is what makes this issue a standout and a testament to why I love comic books. Jason Aaron successfully balances personal drama with big screen spectacle.

  The Phoenix Four are more powerful than ever after last issue’s shocking battle. Tony Stark’s genius is stalled. Thor’s might is crushed. It’s hard for the remaining Avengers to be inspired by Captain America’s leadership. Who knew your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man could be a crucial factor in a cosmic level clash?

  Peter Parker takes on the Phoenix fueled Colossus and Magik! Spidey sacrifices himself to save his fellow heroes. Peter takes a beating and uses his wit…and that may drive a wedge that may be lead to the final undoing of the Phoenix Four.  Jason Aaron nails Peter Parker as the “everyman on the ground” in this epic conflict.

Avengers vs. X-Men #11 courtesy

  As that bloody battle plays out two of Marvel’s signature couples are being shattered. Black Panther and Storm stop fighting long enough to finally talk in the aftermath of the devastating battle in Wakanda but is may be too late. Emma Frost is trying to warn Cyclops about the danger from within but it maybe too late. Emma Frost may on the way to causing a cosmic carnage worse than the Dark Phoenix Saga. The seeds may be planted for an Avenging Emma and for the final act: there can be only one!

By Editor