Age of Ultron Teaser?

courtesy Marvel

How does this teaser image compute for you?

My geek hard drive tells me it’s the Age of Ultron by Brian Michael Bendis in 2013.

The Avengers’ greatest enemy becomes a threat to the entire Marvel Now in March 2013.

The answer revealed Monday.

By Editor

AVENGERS! New Member Revealed


Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel

  When a writer with a resume like Jonathan Hickman (Fantastic Four, SHIELD, Manhattan Projects) takes on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes you know they won’t be staying on our big blue marble for long!

  The Marvel solicitations for February 2013 reveal another member of Hickman’s growing roster for his era. In Avengers #5 the team travels across the galaxy to fight off an invading enemy. Smasher, a member of the Imperial Guard, joins the team. The solicitation reveals that Smasher is the first human member of the Imperial Guard who appear to suffer a major defeat on an alien moon.

 The Imperial Guard are a collection of alien warriors from the universe who serve the Shi’ar Empire. The X-Men have clashed and fought with them over the years. Imperial Guard leader Gladiator is now the Emperor and is currently recovering after a beating by the Phoenix Five in AvX

The cosmic month continues in Avengers #6 with the guest appearance of Captain Universe!

Thanks to Comic Book Resources for the image.

Avengers Assemble Spider-Woman

Avengers Assemble courtesy

A new creative team launches an amazing race between the biggest brains in the Marvel Universe in this week’s Avengers Assemble #9!

Writer Kelly Sue DeConnick (Captain Marvel) and Artist Stefano Caselli welcome Spider-Woman and the new Captain Marvel are joining up too. Bruce Banner and Tony Stark will form two teams in a race to find a missing scientist.

DeConnick and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort talked with about new members and tone of the movie-friendly title.

“These are the AC/DC Avengers. When I saw the movie, I managed to keep in together until Iron Man came onscreen and Back in Black blared. I bounced up and down in my chair. That’s the moment I’m writing for,” Kelly Sue DeConnick said.

“These will be tight ‘get in, get out’ adventures, focused mostly on the classic, ‘public’ Avengers from the movie, drawing in other characters as it demands. Big impact.” – Tom Brevoort added.

The inclusion of Spider-Woman on the teaser image sparked excitement for a bigger role…movie role…for Jessica in the Avengers sequel.

“I really really like Jessica Drew. I like how crazy and broken she is. She’s a character I really wanted to write,” DeConnick revealed.

“I don’t ever want to be in direct competition with Brian Michael Bendis. I might be able to beat him up, that’s possible. We’re different writers with different takes. We do have a similar sense of humor and love for banter-y dialogue. I have been a fan of Brian’s for many years long before I knew him. But I’m writing my Avengers book,” DeConnick said of following Bendis.

“The first arc is kind of an Amazing Race thing where the Avengers are teaming up and competing with each other. Spider-Woman is with Hulk and Thor with Iron Man,” DeConnick said of her initial story.

DeConnick just relaunched Ms. Marvel as the new Captain Marvel and now becomes the first female writer on an Avengers title.

“I’m very interested in making sure women knowing that wanting to work in this industry is not peculiar. There is not anything in heroism or sci-fi that is exclusively masculine. The hero ideal is as important to my daughter as it is to my son. But I don’t want to represent all women in comics…particularly because I blow things sometimes!” DeConnick said.

“If Cap or Thor or Hulk are there, you can have Quasar or Machine Man or Triathlon standing next to them in context. They may not be in the movies now, but wait until Avengers 9!” – Tom Brevoort said of upcoming guest stars.

For the entire livelog here’s the link.


Could this be a sign that Spider-Woman may join the lineup in the Avengers 2 sequel or series being developed by Joss Whedon?

Editor in Chief Axel Alonso did say Spider-Woman will remain part of the Avengers and may turn up in Avengers Assemble. And this fuels my hope that Mila Kunis play Jessica Drew on the big screen!

By Editor

AvX Aftermath! The Future of Cyclops

Spoiler Warning:


This review/post reveals key elements of AvX: Consequences #4 and #5.




Here is comes.


AvX: Consequences #5 courtesy Marvel

Kieron Gillen wrapped the second volume of Uncanny X-Men but he has more mutant stories to tell that propelling fan favorites into the Marvel Now. Gillen’s Extinction Team have been the stars of AvX: Consequences. This 5-part epilogue to Avengers vs. X-Men reveals how the Phoenix Five are facing the consequences of their actions while possessed by the cosmic entity.

In Chapter 4 Cyclops submits himself to Tony Stark as a cosmic lab rat. Scott has been playing the martyr but is he really playing possum to outwit the genius?

Abigail Brand of S.W.O.R.D. has been keeping secrets. She’s hiding fugitive members of the Phoenix Five and she reveals that she’s more than a green haired alien. I really hope Brand might pop up in Gillen’s upcoming Iron Man run.

If you’re wondering about Hope and Namor’s roles in the Marvel Now this is the issue! Hope and the King of Atlantis share an exchange in the underwater ruins of Utopia. In one line Gillen captures the personality of Namor and why I love him so much.

Storm and Colossus fought it out in Brian Wood’s final issue of X-Men but here Peter and Ororo share a bitter reunion. Colossus may be free of his demons but his former little snowflake left him filled with hate. I know that Peter will be part of Cable and X-Force and I can’t help but think of when Nathan recruited a rage filled Warpath to join his first incarnation of the team.

Wolverine comes back to prison to deliver sad news to Cyclops. I really enjoyed this encounter. After the bitter fallout of Schism and AvX I think Gillen is setting the stage for a reconcilation between Scott and Logan. (I wrote this part of the post before I read issue #5)

I think the most exciting plot springboard is when the fugitive Magneto finally makes his appearance. Erik is back playing the role we all know he can do best: the villain.

This week’s final chapter picks right up with a new mutant unholy trinity: Magneto, Magik and Danger. The clues have been there the entire series but I wanted to believe Scott Summers was accepting his role as the martyr and on the road to redemption.

Logan said it best when he tells the Avengers, “Scott is gone.”

Magneto, Magik and Danger stage a daring jailbreak and execute Cyclops’s severe punishment on his prison tormentors. Scott leaves a note for Logan. The letter sums up what Kieron Gillen has pulled off: the role reversal of Wolverine and Cyclops. The bad boy who did the dirty work to keep mutants safe is now the heir to Professor Xavier’s legacy of teaching young mutants. The former golden boy is now the self-appointed and ruthless defender, protector and avenger for the mutant race.

All-New X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

From the preview art for All-New X-Men #1 we know Cyclops, Emma Frost, Magneto and Magik will be part of Brian Michael Bendis’s Marvel Now X-Men era. Marvel has teased another Bendis book (with Chris Bachalo on art) with the simple word: Uncanny.

From the finale of AvX: Consequences #5 it looks like my theory of an Avenging X-Men may not be that far off! You may have read my earlier op/ed about how AvX should have been called Operation Hate Cyclops. This week’s finale may cement the hate for some of you.


All-New X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

  All-New X-Men #1 is out November 14th. Maybe we’ll find out then?

By Editor

New Mutants Finale

New Mutants #50 courtesy Marvel

I will always hold a special place in my geeky heart for the New Mutants. This extended family of mutants is reaching a milestone again. The latest volume ends with this week’s New Mutants #50. Dani Moonstar, Magma, Sunspot, Warlock and Cypher welcomed X-Man in this latest version of the team based on San Francisco. They sided with Cyclops in the Schism event, chose to live in a San Francisco neighborhood in an effort to integrate better with normal humans.

I consider the New Mutants and the Teen Titans  the comic book kids who never get to grow up. In some ways I would love to see Sam, Dani, Roberto and Shan become the X-Men. In the real world these young heroes would already taken the leadership role. But this is comics and I’m also a guy who would cry if Wolverine, Storm and Cyke really did retire to a mutant retirement center.

What will happen to the New Mutants in the Marvel Now?

Sunspot and Cannonball are becoming part of Jonathan Hickman’s huge roster for The Avengers.

Karma is the center of Marjorie Liu’s Astonishing X-Men arc.

New Mutants #47 courtesy Marvel

Dani Moonstar may have lost her mutant ability to cast illusions but she always has been in touch with her Asgardian connection as a former Valkyrie. Dani made a deal with Hela that turned the tide of Siege. Even without powers, Dani has proved herself to be a born leader and teacher. Dani has even infiltrated the Mutant Liberation Front. Dani would make an excellent S.H.I.E.L.D. agent or Secret Avenger at some point.

Warlock and Cypher would be perfect as rookie agents for S.W.O.R.D. Doug’s abilities and Warlock’s background could make them good resources for Abigail Brand’s mission to protect earth from alien invaders.

Magma – the fiery female may need to consult with Doctor Strange after her recent romantic encounters with Mephisto. Dating the Devil can be hazardous to more than your heart!

In the aftermath of AvX new mutants are being born so we could expect a new volume of the New Mutants starring brand new mutants.

By Editore

X-Men Legacy Finale

X-Men #275 courtesy Marvel

  Rogue is moving on “sugah.”

  X-Men Legacy #275 is the final issue of the series. X-Men became Legacy with issue #208 and picked up after Messiah Complex with Professor X’s road to recovery after being shot. Rogue, Gambit, Magneto and Danger were key supporting characters.

  In X-Men Legacy #226 Rogue became the lead character of the series. Cyclops made Rogue mentor to a team of young mutants. Mike Carey was the writer during the transition and he continued to expertly write Rogue picking up from the storylines (Supernovas, Blinded By The Light) he established when the book was just X-Men.  

 Carey’s Rogue is one of the best runs on the character. Rogue learned to control her mutant power, quit crying over Gambit and became a strong team leader. Carey took the book into the Age of X, explored the inner demons of Legion and outer space to rescue Havok and Polaris. Carey left after a stellar run. Christos Gage took over as they team became part of the Jean Grey School and involved with Avengers vs. X-Men war.

  This week Rogue moves on after Magneto’s offer (I was never a fan of the Rogue/Magneto romance) in the previous issue. X-Men Legacy will relaunch with a new number one, new creative team and Legion as the lead character. Rogue will be part of Rick Remender’s Uncanny Avengers. I have to salute Carey and Gage for building Rogue into the strong character she is in the Marvel Now. I loved Rogue as the star of her own book but I look forward to seeing as part of his dynamic new team concept. She’s free of Magneto and Gambit, more in control of her powers and ready to kick ass in the Marvel Now as an Avenger.

By Editor

Captain America Goes Sci-Fi

Captain America #1 courtesy Marvel

  The Star-Spangled Avenger embarks on a brand new chapter with a new creative team in the Marvel Now. Writer Rick Remender and Artist John Romita Jr. hurl Steve Rogers into Dimension Z in Captain America #1 on November 21.

  “At the core of this book is Steve Rogers. Even though tonally you can expect a bit of a shift, the character still shines true. We’re taking a drift into science fiction. Visually it will be pretty crazy. John is plugging away on issue #3 and it looks gorgeous,” Remender said on

  Ed Brubaker’s final Cap issue came this week after an eight year run and a focus on the spy game. Remender is shifting Steve in the new series.

  “It’s a large step away from the espionage spy stuff Ed Brubaker has been doing, but it’s the same core character dropped in a new situation,” he explained.

  The Red Skull, HYDRA and AIM were big elements of the Brubaker era. Remender is making the bizarre scientist Arnim Zola (played in human form by Toby Jones in Captain America: The First Avenger) into a more formidable enemy.

 “Rick asked for a scene with a human Arnim Zola walking into his lab and then it’s 1960’s horror movie gore. I had a moment of thinking I was drawing Kick-Ass and had gotten my books confused,” Romita revealed, “There are human heads on other things and so on. It gave me the willies. That doesn’t happen a lot.” –

“We’re establishing Zola and who he was in his early days in one page. You can do it visually with the right artist. John does it,” Remender said,””Arnim Zola is established as terrible in one scene.”


Captain America #1 courtesy Marvel

  “Mainstream books can be the best ones to take a turn into horror or science fiction because it’s unexpected. It meets its rating, but it’s very inspired by EC Comics from the 50’s or Bernie Wrightson on Frankenstein,” added Remender

   “It’s an action book. It’s high adventure. Cap throws some fists. The villain is villainous. A hero is only as good as his villain, and wait until you see what John and Dean (White) have done with Zola,” adds Remender. 

   “Arnim Zola is one of those characters who because he was such a bizarre design and because people who weren’t Jack Kirby drew him, he became almost a comical figure. That’s all going to go away,” said Editor Tom Brevoort.

  “Zola doesn’t come out of this with anybody ever thinking he’s a joke again. He’s a high level madman, the top boss and the focus. But as always, there are henchmen. We’ve got Dough Boy, who is Jabba the Hutt as designed by Jack Kirby. When you see what John does with Zola’s mutates and their weapons, it’s wonderful, incredible big and exciting,” said Remender, “Zola is the villain for the long haul. We will get to know his plight.”


Captain America #1 courtesy Marvel

  Brevoort revealed how the upcoming change to the Sentinel of Liberty was inspired by The Man Without Fear.

 “When Rick and I first started talking about doing Cap stuff, for all the high adventure and sci fi, there was an element of what Frank Miller did to Daredevil in Born Again, tearing him down and taking everything away to build him back up. We’re throwing Cap down into a place where he’s completely out of his element, where the idea of America has no relevance. We’re stranding him on a metaphoric desert island and getting to the core of what drives this character. We’ll learn one new thing about him that really drives the first year.”

  The new book will take Steve into Dimension Z but also dives into his past.

  “Running parallel will be the story of Steve Rogers’ early days. We’ve always said he was Captain America without the physique before the super soldier serum, now we’ll see that. We’ll see the things that made him the guy he is today,” Brevoort continued. 

  “It was important to show Steve earning the tenacity and heart, because you’re not born with that. What you learn from your parents and the people around you informs your decisions and choices that define who you become,” Remender said. 

  “Back then, you had to be a lot tougher than the average human being. I think Steve Rogers would have become a cop, gone into the military–somehow been more than the guy on the street even without the super soldier serum. He would never have been just the average joe,” said Romita.

  “The scene in ‘Captain America: The First Avenger’ where he jumps on the grenade nails it,” added Remender.


Captain America #2 courtesy Marvel

A fan asked about Cap’s popular cast of supporting characters.

  “I don’t want to give away too much of our hand, but Sharon Carter is involved. Hank Pym will give Steve his gadgets. I do think the important thing here is for the new characters to define this era of Cap. When we get into the second year…nothing you see is as it seems,” Remender answered, “When I pick up a book, I always try to take the relationships and move them to the next stage. There will be a big Steve-Sharon progression in issue #1.”

  One of the fan favorite elements of the Brubaker run was the return and redemption of Bucky Barnes.

  “Bucky is a conversation for the third or fourth arc. Once we get a better idea of the landscape of Marvel NOW! and Winter Soldier’s role in it, I’m excited to have these two in each others’ lives,” said Remender. 

  Remender said not to expect Falcon in the series because Sam Wilson is a “full-fledged in Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers.”

  Here’s the link for the entire liveblog.

  Captain America #1 arrives November 21st.

By Editor

HULK in Avengers #1 Sneak Peek!

Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Earth’s Mightiest Heroes get even bigger this December when Jonathan Hickman and Jerome Opena launch a brand new Avengers #1.

  He’s Incredible. He’s Indestructible. What do the Avengers have planned for the Hulk?

  Here’s an first look at art by Opena and a script page from Hickman courtesy

Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  From previews of Mark Waid’s Indestructible Hulk we know Bruce Banner will sign up for missions with S.H.I.E.L.D.

 Will Captain America try to recruit the tortured genius and his alter ego for the Avengers too?

 Just don’t make Bruce angry, then again, he’s always angry!

Avengers #1 arrives December 5th.

By Editor