Top 5 Comic Book Picks for April 24, 2013

New Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel
New Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel

Avengers #10 Omega Flight is back only to be lost in a Garden Origin site! What happens when Earth’s Mightiest attempt to rescue them? New Avengers #5 Jonathan Hickman continues to weave story threads from both books as we get closer to the big Infinity event! This issue focuses on the secret history of Black Swan! Will members of the Illuminati do the unthinkable in the search for answers to save the planet?

Batman Incorporated #10 The vengeance of Bruce Wayne continues! Damian is dead. Will Bruce sacrifice his soul for revenge against Talia and Leviathan? The march to Grant Morrison’s final Batman monthly issue continues.

East of West #2 Jonathan Hickman’s supernatural, science fiction epic of a broken America and Four Horsemen in an apocalyptic future continues.

Jupiter’s Legacy #1 Mark Millar. Frank Quitely. What else do you need to know? OK, here’s more: “The world’s greatest heroes have grown old and their legacy is a poisonous one to the children who will never live up to their remarkable parents.” Just go ahead and declare this the comic book game-changer of the year!

The Massive #11 Mutiny on the Kapital! After losing crew members, Callum and his remaining shipmates face an aggressive school of great white sharks! High seas adventure in a post apocalyptic world with pacifists trying hold their moral ground in a ruthless new world with no rules.

By Editor



Omega Flight Lost in AVENGERS

Avengers #10 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #10 courtesy Marvel

After covering Fan Expo Vancouver we come back home anticipating the return of Canadian super group in Avengers #10 this week! Omega Flight is back on duty investigating a Garden Origin Site in their homeland. The mysterious alien on Mars introduced in the Jonathan Hickman’s first Avengers arc have caused the world to mutate.

Avengers #10 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #10 courtesy Marvel

Continue reading Omega Flight Lost in AVENGERS

Robert Downey Jr on IRON MAN Future

photo by Peggy Sirota, courtesy GQ
photo by Peggy Sirota, courtesy GQ

Robert Downey Jr. kicks off the Summer movie season in Iron Man 3.  The Armored Avenger finally faces the classic comic book foe – the Mandarin (played by Oscar winner Ben Kingsley) in the Shane Black helmed sequel.

In May’s GQ Downey talks about the time when he may give up the armor:

“This period of time, this shall pass,” he says. “Fortunately I’ve been around the block enough—I’m not ill-prepared. And I love change. I love it when a lightning bolt hits the genny and you’re down for two hours on the set. Now, this isn’t a lightning strike, this is like the warning of a gathering storm.”

The actor talks about an accident on the set of Iron Man 3 that shut down production for weeks.

“It got me thinking about how big the message from your cosmic sponsor needs to be before you pick it up. How many genre movies can I do? How many follow-ups to a successful follow-up are actually fun? Because, as quiet as it’s kept, I come from a family of very innovative writers and directors and actors and artists, and the circle of friends they were in were the people I heard having pun-offs playing poker at two in the morning, and it was just the most comforting aspect of my childhood. So there’s this kind of legacy of souls from what I consider to be a very particular time in entertainment, and I’m sensing a return to that—it’s what me and the missus are doing next. It’s not unlike: I heard Brady signed on for three more years with New England, and then he’s done being a QB, because he’ll be 40. I’m 47, and I’ll be 50.”

courtesy Yahoo Movies
courtesy Yahoo Movies

Downey is not contracted to play Tony Stark again. When asked what if Marvel made him an offer for Avengers 2, Iron Man 4, Iron Man 5?

“Here’s the thing. At whatever point I’m done with this, I’m going to have a bit of a crisis, because I probably haven’t even fully ingested how much I’ve enjoyed it, how much it’s meant. It so came out of kind of relative obscurity as this second-tier character from the Marvel universe, and I feel I was part of making it something more. But it also to me was just good filmmaking. It’s funny, people will come up to me and go, ‘Dude, how do you do it? How do you dress up and play these…?’ While whatsisname is shooting the next David O. Russell or whatever, I’m, ‘Here’s the thing, you’re either having a good time or a bad time, and you’re either doing a good movie or a bad movie.’ And I know one thing, which is that there is no guarantee that doing a movie you think is ‘important’ “—Downey enunciates the word important in a wonderfully withering way—”isn’t going to be the worst piece of tripe I’ve ever had to sit through. Or that this kind of two-dimensional genre movie I’m doing isn’t actually going to be thoroughly entertaining. Isn’t that why you went to the movies to begin with? Whatever.”

For now we can cheer for Downey as Tony Stark in Iron Man 3!

For more of the story here’s a link to GQ and pick up May issue on April 28th.

Iron Man 3 opens May 3.

By Editor

Robert Downey Jr. on Winning IRON MAN

photo by Peggy Sirota, courtesy GQ
photo by Peggy Sirota, courtesy GQ

Robert Downey Jr. will blast off as the Armored Avenger in Iron Man 3. Tony Stark will fall victim to the relentless attack of the Mandarin (Ben Kingsley) in the Shane Black directed sequel.

Downey’s career is a story of downfalls and soaring success after rising again. In May’s GQ Downey Jr. reflects on his campaign to win the role of Tony Stark.

“I don’t know why,” he says. “I do like a bit of Jung, and it was just this kind of numinous thing.”

Downey persisted even after director Jon Favreau passed on the idea. Downey finally won a screen test.

“The missus says she could’ve woken me Continue reading Robert Downey Jr. on Winning IRON MAN

Hawkeye in Age of Ultron


Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel

Age of Ultron #1 kicked off with an absolutely driven and relentless Clint Barton on a mission to save a kidnapped Spider-Man before he could be turned over to the Avengers greatest enemy. After Age of Ultron #5 the surviving heroes have divided with one team taking the fight to the human hating android and Wolverine going rogue. Hawkeye was the breakout character of the first issue. Brian Michael Bendis tells why Clint was chosen to show the world in the aftermath of Ultron’s victory.

“It was more about picking a character who would not thrive, but do well in this situation. We imagined that [Hawkeye] was exactly Continue reading Hawkeye in Age of Ultron


The Avengers courtesy
The Avengers courtesy

Scarlett Johannson will have a major role in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Black Widow was introduced in Iron Man 2, kicked butt in Marvel’s The Avengers and will now join the action in the Cap sequel! Writer Christopher Markus told Collider how the SHIELD operative makes a foil for Steve Rogers:

“[Black Widow is] a great—both in attitude Continue reading Black Widow in CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER

Winter Soldier Solo Book Ends

Winter Soldier #19 courtesy Marvel
Winter Soldier #19 courtesy Marvel

Winter Soldier has been cancelled. The title was missing from Marvel’s July previews. Writer Jason Latour confirmed the book ends with issue 19.

“Well, I won’t lie, after spending the last 9 months or so living in Bucky Barnes’s skin, I’m a little heart broken,” he wrote on his blog. “He’s grown to be a very special character to me, maybe my favorite Marvel character ever, and I felt I could’ve written his story for years. The opportunity to do so came at a very trying time in my life and really helped me through some tough stuff, so in it’s way it’s very personal work. I hope that shows. That said though, really, enough cryin’ in my beer. I’m VERY grateful to everyone involved with the book all along the line for making it such a worthwhile experience.”

LaTour thanked artist Nic Klein and editor Lauren Sankaovitch.

Thanks to Robot 6.

Winter Soldier #7 courtesy Marvel
Winter Soldier #7 courtesy Marvel

Ed Brubaker brought Bucky Barnes back from the dead in his first Captain America arc. Barnes has been transformed Continue reading Winter Soldier Solo Book Ends