Paul Rudd as ANT-MAN


Paul Rudd will star in Marvel’s Ant-Man for director Edgar Wright. A big name for a scientist who can shrink down to become Marvel’s smallest hero.


“When Edgar Wright came to us with the idea of Paul Rudd, we felt a huge sense of relief because the first step in creating any Marvel Studios film is finding the right star,” Continue reading Paul Rudd as ANT-MAN

Top 5 Comic Book Picks for December 18, 2013

All-New X-Men #20 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #20 courtesy Marvel

All-New X-Men #20 What could make the ferocious, fearless daughter of Wolverine afraid? The young X-Men face the hate of the Purifiers but is it love between X-23 and Cyclops?


Black Science #2 After a world of freaky frog warriors what does Rick Remender and Matteo Scalera have in store next for our lost team of heroic scientists? A trippy sci-fi multi-dimensional attack on your senses.


Harley Quinn #1 A whole new life for Gotham City’s craziest femme fatale in her own brand new solo series by Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti and Chad Hardin. Will Harley kill her competition, literally, in her new career? Continue reading Top 5 Comic Book Picks for December 18, 2013

BLACK WIDOW Solo Preview

Black Widow #2 courtesy Marvel
Black Widow #2 courtesy Marvel

One of my most anticipated All-New Marvel Now books is Black Widow by writer Nathan Edmonson and artist Phil Noto.


The new series explores the dark past of the fan-favorite Avenger and super spy. I want to share part of Edmondson’s new interview giving insight on the Natasha’s new solo series.


“About all I can tell you is that the shadows in her past are dark and deep and they are reaching out for her. We will learn some things about them eventually, but keep in mind she’s a master spy: her secrets stay in the dark. When the book opens, though, we’ll be plenty busy with her present and all the action that entails,” Edmondson teases. Continue reading BLACK WIDOW Solo Preview

X-Men Join Marvel Universe Live

courtesy Marvel and Feld Entertainment
courtesy Marvel and Feld Entertainment

Marvel and Feld Entertainment revealed Storm and Cyclops will be part of Marvel Universe Live, the live action touring show coming Summer 2014. The two X-Men leaders join Wolverine, Spider Man and members of the Avengers in the live action show.


The Marvel Universe Live Facebook page revealed the mistress of weather manipulation.


“Storm’s look has evolved in many directions. I mixed her flair with hints of Egyptian royalty. Continue reading X-Men Join Marvel Universe Live

All-New Marvel Now Preview

All-New Marvel Now Point One: Avengers World courtesy Marvel
All-New Marvel Now Point One: Avengers World courtesy Marvel

All-New Marvel Now means new books, new heroes, new creative teams and a whole lot of new number ones!


The All-New Marvel Now Point One (following in the Marvel Now Point One tradition) is an all-star, jam-packed issue of stories showing you a first look at the all-new titles.



Continue reading All-New Marvel Now Preview


Infinity Gauntlet #1 courtesy Marvel
Infinity Gauntlet #1 courtesy Marvel

As you reel from this week’s epic conclusion to Marvel’s Infinity event I’m inspired to have as our Friday Flashback an earlier classic clash between Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Thanos.


Writer Jim Starling, artists George Perez and Ron Lim gave us The Infinity Gauntlet back in 1991 in which the entire Marvel Universe took on the Mad God of Titan.


Thanos seized the Infinity Gems (also known as the Soul Gems) and assembled them on a gauntlet – this cosmic weapon gave him the power of  God. As a gift to Death (who Thanos worships) he wipes out half the lives in the universe with a snap of a finger including many Marvel heroes. Continue reading INFINITY GAUNTLET Flashback

INFINITY #6 Review

Infinity #6 courtesy Marvel
Infinity #6 courtesy Marvel

INFINITY #6 arrives like a cosmic level Hulk smashing right into your senses, reshaping the entire Marvel Universe and showing why Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are the greatest champions of any universe.


Jonathan Hickman takes multiple massive storylines, a staggering cast of heroes and villains with big themes and weaves them into an ambitious epic that works on every level. Artists Jim Cheung and Dustin Weaver are at the top of game taking Hickman’s action-packed and universe expanding script and making spectacular scenes on every page.


The Avengers saved the universe from the Builders but come home to find their world under the grip of Thanos. Captain America proves he a master strategist with a bold plan to bust the alien blockade and take down the Black Order. Continue reading INFINITY #6 Review

Elizabeth Olsen Excited To Play Scarlet Witch in AVENGERS Sequel

House of M cover courtesy
House of M cover courtesy

Elizabeth Olsen is expressing her excitement about playing Scarlet Witch in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Marvel made it official: Olsen as Wanda Maximoff and Aaron Taylor-Johnson is her brother Pietro aka Quicksilver.


Olsen talks about learning geek speak for the upcoming sequel and confesses she’s not a comic book reader but has a source:


“I hung out with Mr. Whedon recently. I’m really excited about this movie. I’m so excited about Scarlet Witch. I have had so much fun reading all about her and I am like learning new words Continue reading Elizabeth Olsen Excited To Play Scarlet Witch in AVENGERS Sequel