Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Season 3 cast courtesy Marvel
Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD Season 3 cast courtesy Marvel

Showdown on Planet Death and Castle Death On the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. midseason finale.

The episode Maveth delivered massive payoff with action, emotional peaks and heartstopping dives, mythological intrigue plus smart snappy humor that hits sharp as a knife from Agent May at a Hydra bad guy.

Loose ends tied like noose, arcs came to slam bang and emotional resolutions and what a cliffhanger and shocking new status for an original cast member! Continue reading AGENTS OF SHIELD: MAVETH Burning Questions

LOKI, Hero of AXIS?

Loki: Agent of Asgard #1 courtesy Marvel
Loki: Agent of Asgard #1 courtesy Marvel


Villain. Trickster. Prince of Lies. God of Mischief.



In Loki, Agent of Asgard – Thor’s half-brother isn’t the evil madman he once was. Loki has been on missions for the All-Mother but is he ready to assume the role of super hero?


Mutants and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes unite against the evil of the Red Skull in Avengers and X-Men: AXIS.


Could Loki embrace the good side of him, join the heroes and help stop the Skull? Continue reading LOKI, Hero of AXIS?



Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel
Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel faced the fans at the Avengers Now panel at San Diego Comic Con following last week’s triple shot of announcements with big changes for the big three Avengers.


Sam Wilson will become the All-New Captain America #1 by Rick Remender and Stuart Immonen. A woman will wield the hammer in a brand new Thor #1 by Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman. Tony Stark will get a change of armor and attitude in Superior Iron Man #1 by Tom Taylor and Yildiray Cinar.


Rick Remender said Wilson will “earn the mantle” in Captain America #25. A new Nomad (Ian, the son of Armin Zola from Dimension Z) will be new sidekick and Steve Rogers, now in his 90’s and without the Super Soldier Serum, will be an advisor.


Marvel announced Captain America and The Mighty Avengers by Al Ewing & Luke Ross coming in November. No word on if this is a brand new series or a renaming of the current Mighty Avengers by Ewing. Continue reading Marvel AVENGERS NOW! SDCC Panel

LOKI’S New Mission Begins

Loki: Agent of Asgard #1 courtesy Marvel
Loki: Agent of Asgard #1 courtesy Marvel

Fans have petitioned for Loki (Tom Hiddleston) to star in his own solo movie. The trickster is getting his own comic book series this week. In Loki: Agent of Asgard imagine the God of Lies as the James Bond of the Nine Realms!


Kid Loki was leading Young Avengers (the story behind Loki’s transformation to adulthood can be found there) but in the new series he’s all grown up and working for the All-Mother. Continue reading LOKI’S New Mission Begins

Marvel Gods Worthy of Movies

Incredible Hercules #126 courtesy Marvel
Incredible Hercules #126 courtesy Marvel

After the box-office success of Thor I’m hoping Marvel will dive into its other mythological heroes and villains for future movies and television shows.


Here are 3 more God-like heroes WORTHY of consideration:


Hercules  Marvel’s Herc, Prince of Power was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in the pages of Journey Into Mystery. Continue reading Marvel Gods Worthy of Movies


courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

THOR: THE DARK WORLD opens Friday. Chris Hemsworth reprises his role as the Avenger from Asgard for third time. If this big movie is your third or first time seeing the Thunder God in action here’s a guide for Thor virgins or hammer wielding fans who want to get a refresher. Given the response to my Avengers for Virgins post I wanted to give an update of fun Thor basics and what to watch for in the sequel!


Comic Book Origin: Thor was co-created by the legendary Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby in Journey Into Mystery in 1963 and based on Norse mythology. The hammer wielding God of Thunder was a founding member of the Avengers as they assembled against the threat of his brother, Loki.


Where: Asgard is one of the Nine Realms. Earth is one of them but it’s called Midgard. Continue reading THOR: THE DARK WORLD for Virgins