Monsters & Dames 2014 courtesy Emerald City Comicon
Monsters & Dames 2014 courtesy Emerald City Comicon

Emerald City Comicon 2014 is just 1 month away.

Getting bigger like the Hulk while staying cool like Martian Manhunter, the Seattle pop culture celebration just keeps growing.

ECCC is a full three days and taking over the entire Washington State Convention Center this year.

It’s three days of geek thrills for locals like yours truly but the Seattle con is now a major destination for fans across the country. Continue reading EMERALD CITY COMICON 1 Month Away

EMERALD CITY COMICON 2014 Seattle Geek’s Preview

Arthur Darvill, Matt Smith and Karen Gillan of Doctor Who courtesy BBC
Arthur Darvill, Matt Smith and Karen Gillan of Doctor Who courtesy BBC

The stars are aligning and heading north to Seattle for Emerald City Comicon 2014. With just 2 months and counting and tickets going fast as The Flash here’s a quick geek guide of my top 14 reasons to go to Emerald City Comicon 2014.


Yes, it’s hard to pick with such a great roster but let’s start with these 7 celebrity guests:


Karen Gillan Yes, Whovians you are being rewarded! Continue reading EMERALD CITY COMICON 2014 Seattle Geek’s Preview


xmen battle of the atom art adams  Marvel’s X-Men C2E2 panel was packed with news including details of the X-Men 50th Anniversary event!

  X-Men: Battle of the Atom will kick off in September with a special issue by Brian Michael Bendis and Frank Cho then run through the core titles (All-New X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, Wolverine and the X-Men and Brian Wood’s X-Men) then wrap in a final bookend by Jason Aaron and a “mystery artist.”

X-Men from the future including Kate Bishop, Deadpool, Lady Xorn, Ice Beast and more all designed by the legendary Arthur Adams arrive in the present. This Future Team’s mission is a direct response to the Beast bringing the original X-Men from the past in the present. These future X-Men will target the teens (now at the Jean Grey and Charles Xavier Schools) and the objective is to send them back by any means necessary.

“The story itself hinges on the All-New X-Men and whether or not they need to  be sent back to their home time,” X-Men Senior Editor Nick Lowe tells Marvel.com.  “This causes the X-Men of the past, present and future to pick sides.”

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

“Jason Aaron came to us with this [idea],” said Brian Michael Bendis, “Jason pitched big and he scored. Jason came to everyone with the  bare essentials of this idea and everybody got really excited about it because  it was all the things we liked about the X-Men. It spoke to the legacy of the  entire franchise while at the same time focusing on the future.”

“This event really Continue reading X-MEN: BATTLE OF THE ATOM