MUTANTS For THE GIFTED For Your Consideration

Fox’s X-Men franchise evolves with a new television series featuring characters from comics canon.

The Gifted will feature the adventures of a family on the run after the parents learn their children are mutants. Lauren and Andy Strucker and their parents will encounter some familiar characters from comics: Lorna Dane/Polaris, Blink and John Proudstar/Thunderbird/Warpath and a new character called Eclipse.

Uncanny X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel

What other mutants from the X-Men canon could appear in the upcoming show?

The Struckers and other mutants “don’t know if the X-Men of Brotherhood still exist” as they run from Sentinel Services. Who else could join the adventure?

Here are mutants for your consideration: Continue reading MUTANTS For THE GIFTED For Your Consideration

How About ARMOR in All-Female X-MEN

Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #3 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #3 courtesy Marvel

With the announcement of Brian Wood’s all-female X-Men book I started thinking of a favorite female mutant who has kind of fallen on the back burner. Jubilee will be the center of the new series that will feature Storm, Psylocke, Rogue, Kitty Pryde and Rachel Grey.

What about Armor? Hisako Ichiki was created by Joss Whedon and John Cassaday during their Astonishing X-Men run. I recently “watched” the entire Whedon/Cassaday era now on motion comics.

Brian Wood used Armor in his excellent limited series: Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega. Hisako and Logan were trapped in a world created by Quentin Quire. Armor’s power is similar to many other Marvel women (Susan Storm, Cecelia Reyes) but Hisako in the right writer’s hands is magic. Here’s hoping Hisako may Armor up in a future arc of Wood’s or Jason Aaaron’s X-Men series.

By Editor


New Armor for Iron Man!


Iron Man #3 courtesy Marvel

  Kieron Gillen and Greg Land leave Utopia and Uncanny X-Men to steer Tony Stark into the Marvel Now. Stark has all the best toys. Gillen shared some armor Stark will sport in the upcoming relaunch. The writer tells Tony will debut two new suits in December’s Iron Man #3 and #4.

  “In the first and second issues, we go and see the modular nature of the suit,” explains Gillen. “The ultra-high tech joust of the second issue is especially a showcase for the ‘Ooh, I think I’ll have that arm, with the fancy UV Laser’ style of storytelling.

 “But sometimes you can’t just fiddle with the details. Sometimes you have to commit to a problem, and that’s what the suits in issues three and four are showcasing.”

 Vibro, Firebrand and Living Laser attack Tony. Stark faces these old foes with his new stealth armor.



“The stealth suit [is] shown here in tasteful black, though its chameleonic tendencies can move that in any direction he wants,” shares Gillen. “It maxes out its light-bender, includes lots of holograms, lots of hacking and still keeps a little repulsor and strength if needed.”

Gillen’s keeps up the action with the debut of a brand new heavy-duty battle armor.

Iron Man #4 courtesy Marvel

“[Issue #4] showcases the sort of suit which starts where War Machine leaves off,” Gillen boasts. “Frankly, if I was asked to re-launch Power Pack, I’d somehow manage to work a mini-gun in there, so it’s no surprise that there’s some manner of Gatling device attached to this genuinely brutal piece of machinery.”


Iron Man #3 and #4 blast into comic book shops this December.

By Editor

Wolverine: Grumpy Old X-Man?

Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega preview art by Mark Brooks courtesy

  Marvel had a presser today with Brian Wood about his upcoming Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega limited series.

  While Logan’s team is fighting off the new Hellfire Club to save the school in the new series, this 5-parter will focus on an enemy within. Psychic teen Quentin Quire picks a huge fight with Logan kicking off a showdown between the Headmaster and student.

  “I know people think Quentin is a brat or annoying, that’s why I love him” Wood said.

  In this earlier post I talked about the sudden return of Quentin AKA Kid Omega to the X-Men front burner in Schism and gave you a primer on the rebellious mutant.

Wolverine and The X-Men Alpha and Omega preview art courtesy

  The presser confirmed an earlier post that Armor will be caught in the clash between Logan and Quentin and expect to see Rachel, Toad, and Bling ensnared into Quentin’s agenda.

  On writing Logan,”I find him very intimidating to write, just because everyone on the planet has written Wolverine, ” Wood said and added that he and Jason Aaron see Logan as the “weary old man” but don’t expect Wolverine to be as button down in this 5 parter as he is on the ongoing series. Moderator James Viscardi called Logan the “grumpy old man of the X-Men.”

  When Wolverine and the X-Men #1 debuted I posted how much I enjoyed seeing this side of Logan and the other surprises in this new book.

  This series marks Wood’s return to Marvel after years writing his own creations like DMZ and Northlanders. Wood said it feels totally new and he gravitates to the X-Men.

Wolverine and the X-Men Alpha and Omega preview art courtesy

  This is one of my most anticipated series of 2012. How will such a physical brawler like Wolverine handle matching wits with an Omega level psychic mind like Quentin? Emma Frost proved she can take down Quentin so maybe she’ll make a guest appearance?

  For the full presser and more preview art click here on