Armor Wars #1 courtesy Marvel
Armor Wars #1 courtesy Marvel

Armor Wars erupt again in Marvel’s big summer event.

To Iron Man fans this may be the definitive Tony Stark story.

James Robinson (Fantastic Four) takes us to the futuristic Technopolis, a Secret Wars Warzone, in a new book inspired by the classic epic.

In the original story, Tony Stark tracks down the villains using his stolen designs and tech.

In this Warzone, a disease erupts and a murder shocks the citizens of Technopolis. Continue reading IRON MAN in SECRET ARMOR WARS

ARMOR HUNTERS & HARBINGER Milestone In July Previews

Armor Hunters #2 courtesy Valiant
Armor Hunters #2 courtesy Valiant

The Armor Hunters are coming for X-O Manowar this summer but everyone on earth is in jeopardy from the cosmic showdown in Valiant’s big summer event.  The war between the Hunters and Aric will crossover into most of the publisher’s marquee heroes.


But that’s not the only big story from the Valiant July previews.


Death of a Renegade began in this week’s Harbinger and in July it’s the fallout and future of the teen team in the milestone Harbinger #25. Continue reading ARMOR HUNTERS & HARBINGER Milestone In July Previews


courtesy Valiant
courtesy Valiant

Valiant reveals a huge initiative launching several brand new one series and team-ups. The VALIANT FIRST Initiative launched with RAI #1. The new publishing initiative will unleash a major #1 new series debut monthly throughout 2014, beginning this May with RAI #1. The all-new ongoing series from writer Matt Kindt will have fully painted interiors by artist Clayton Crain.


“The defining goal of VALIANT FIRST is to give readers clear and accessible jumping-on points into Valiant’s award-winning publishing line,” said Valiant Executive Editor Warren Simons. “Over the past two years, Valiant’s approach to the craft and business of comics has been widely imitated throughout the industry. Continue reading VALIANT FIRST Includes RAI, DR. MIRAGE, ARMOR HUNTERS

14 Characters to Watch in 2014 Part Two

FF #6 courtesy Marvel
FF #6 courtesy Marvel

Let’s continue our look at the 14 characters to watch in 2014.


8. Medusa

The Inhumans are Marvel’s next big thing after years of playing supporting roles in Avengers and Fantastic Four sagas. Black Bolt and Medusa have always been one of Marvel’s greatest power couples. With her King missing, the Royal Family homeless and an outbreak of new Inhumans popping up around the globe – how will the regal Queen cope? Continue reading 14 Characters to Watch in 2014 Part Two

First Official Iron Man 3 Set Photo

Iron Man 3 courtesy Marvel Studios

  The Avengers is still soaring and breaking records but Robert Downey Jr is back on the job. Marvel Studios revealed the first official set photo of Iron Man 3. Tony Stark is looking at his many versions of the Iron Man armor. Shane Black is directing this time but Jon Favreau is back on camera as Happy Hogan. Gwyneth Paltrow and Don Cheadle are back too.

  Guy Pearce, James Badge Dale, Ashley Hamilton, Rebecca Hall and Ben Kingsley (is he or isn’t he the Mandarin?) are new to the series. The film is said to be based on Iron Man Extremis. Dale is playing Coldblood but sporting the Iron Patriot armor and Hamilton is playing Firepower.


Iron Man Armor Wars courtesy

Seeing the photo above and all those heavy metal bad guys make me wonder if the classic Armor Wars story may play a part in this new film. The Iron Man armor had been stolen to create weaponry for various super villains. The David Micheline penned storyline saw Tony Stark go after the foes using his stolen tech.

  For the entire press release here’s the link.

By Editor