The WONDER WOMAN comic book is getting a new writer. G. Willow Wilson of the Emerald City is taking on Diana of Themyscira.

courtesy DC Comics

DC Comics revealed  Wilson will be the new WONDER WOMAN writer. DC publisher Dan DiDio’s surprised fans on DC All Access. The celebrated writer starts chronicling the Amazon warrior’s adventures beginning in November with a story arc called, “The Just War.” Continue reading G. WILLOW WILSON Becomes New WONDER WOMAN Writer

WONDER WOMAN Lost Love And War

Wonder Woman #12 courtesy DC Comics

Two big moments in Wonder Woman: Year One by Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott.

The Wonder Woman DC Rebirth began with two stories alternating each issue: this origin story by Rucka and Scott and a modern day story The Lies by Rucka and Liam Sharp.

In Year One, Diana joined Steve Trevor in the world of man. Diana used her super powers to help stop a terrorist attack. Fans saw Diana deflect bullets, lift a tank and communicate with animals.

In this week’s issue a classic villain makes its DC Rebirth debut and Rucka gives a clue about Diana’s life with the Amazons after clarifying her sexual orientation earlier this year. Continue reading WONDER WOMAN Lost Love And War


AXIS #5 courtesy Marvel
AXIS #5 courtesy Marvel

Marvel will turn its heroes and villains upside down in AXIS. Avengers and X-Men will unite against the threat of the Red Skull. In a preview for Act Two: Inversion, classic villains fight for redemption and some heroes appear to have gone to the dark side.


Characters playing the role of hero, villain and every shade in between make for compelling stories that make us cheer, swoon and declare, “Nooooooo!”


Inspired by Rick Remender’s “recalibration of the moral compass” of our favorite icons in the upcoming event here are mighty Marvel heroes who went from villain to hero.


Let’s start with the Avengers: Continue reading VILLAINS Turned AVENGERS

Marvel Gods Worthy of Movies

Incredible Hercules #126 courtesy Marvel
Incredible Hercules #126 courtesy Marvel

After the box-office success of Thor I’m hoping Marvel will dive into its other mythological heroes and villains for future movies and television shows.


Here are 3 more God-like heroes WORTHY of consideration:


Hercules  Marvel’s Herc, Prince of Power was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in the pages of Journey Into Mystery. Continue reading Marvel Gods Worthy of Movies