Black Canary #1 courtesy DC Comics
Black Canary #1 courtesy DC Comics

A Convergence of Secret Wars lead to an onslaught of new number ones and new beginnings.

How do you pick favorite comics of the year? We kept it down to new number ones issues.

Here’s we go with a screaming fresh start for a DC icon:

Black Canary

You can call it “Batgirling” but we call it rock and roll, kung fu kick-ass fun. Brenden Fletcher and Annie Wu reinvigorated the classic character with a wild road trip as Dinah becomes the front woman for Black Canary – the band – and goes on an odyssey to save a child and find the mysterious force behind her new mission. Continue reading FAVORITE COMICS OF 2015


Archie vs Sharknado courtesy Archie Comics
Archie vs Sharknado courtesy Archie Comics

The Sharknado is back!

The unstoppable phenomenon strikes comic book shops on new comic book day.

But sharks aren’t the only monsters terrorizing the Riverdale Gang!

Two big issues. Two big monster mash-ups.

Both from Archie Comics this week.

First up: pop culture collides in Archie vs. Sharknado Continue reading ARCHIE VS SHARKNADO

Top New Comics For May 20, 2015

A-Force #1 courtesy Marvel
A-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

A-Force #1

An all-new Avengers emerges on Battleworld! A squad of female heroes from across different times assembles in this Secret Wars tie-in by writers G. Willow Wilson and Marguerite Bennett. In a bizarre new world where Doctor Doom is god with Doctor Strange and Sue Storm at his command, where do the women of A-Force stand? Can She-Hulk, Medusa, Dazzler,  Nico and a new mystery heroine save their realm, keep the peace or will they challenge Doom?


Archie vs. Predator #2

Horror follows the Riverdale gang home! They survived the Spring Break carnage in Costa Rica. Now the alien hunter is tracking Betty and Veronica! How can Jughead help them escape and catch the killer extraterrestrial. Alex De Campi’s bring the iconic monster to Riverdale in chapter two of this Dark Horse and Archie Comics. Continue reading Top New Comics For May 20, 2015

Top Comics Picks for April 15, 2015

Archie Meets Predator courtesy Archie Comics
Archie Meets Predator courtesy Archie Comics

Archie vs. Predator #1

It’s a Spring Break horror when the Riverdale Gang becomes prey of the universe’s most ruthless hunter. Alex De Campi writes an unexpected crossover that’s give a comic twist to AvP.

Bloodshot Reborn #1

Nanites gave him enhanced abilities. Project Rising Spirit made him the ultimate killer. Bloodshot is drawn out of exile in this brand new Valiant series by Jeff Lemire and Mico Suayan. Who are the Bloodshot dead ringers and can he stop them? Continue reading Top Comics Picks for April 15, 2015


Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War courtesy IDW
Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War courtesy IDW

Hal Jordan is boldly going on an adventure with Captain Kirk, Spock and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise. IDW Publishing and DC Comics announced Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War four-part event this July. This cosmic crossover joins Archie vs. Predator from Archie Comics and Dark Horse Comics this summer in the arena of most unlikely crossovers in comics history.

Stranger things have happened in the comics world. Here are our top picks for the unlikely but true comics crossovers: Continue reading COMICS CROSSOVERS Did That Happen?


Archie Meets Predator courtesy Archie Comics
Archie Meets Predator courtesy Archie Comics

A crazy new twist on AVP announced at New York City Comic Con.

Move over Aliens and Ar-nuld! America’s favorite teenager will face the galaxy’s ultimate hunter.

Archie Comics and Dark Horse Comics team up to bring fans an out of this world crossover: ARCHIE MEETS PREDATOR.

Writer Alex de Campi (Grindhouse, Lady Zorro, Smoke/Ashes) joins artist Fernando Ruiz brings the tale of Riverdale teens on a scary vacation. Continue reading ARCHIE Meets PREDATOR At NYCC