Thor vs Apocalypse in Uncanny Avengers

Uncanny Avengers #9 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #9 courtesy Marvel

Thor versus Apocalypse in the 11th century! The battle between the Thunder God and the classic X-Men villain will rock the timestream in a brand new arc of Uncanny Avengers kicking off this week.

The Apocalypse Twins were born in the last issue and Kang the Conqueror made his move! What could this mean for the team and future of the Marvel Universe?

Daniel Acuna gives the Apocalypse a new look as the new artist on the series. The immortal mutant played a huge role in Rick Remender’s Uncanny X-Force run even though he didn’t appear in his most iconic form. Remender tells how Apocalypse factors into the next arc:

“Well the important thing was to find a way to mix the A and the X. And that was a lot of work. So I threw out most of my outline for the sequel to the Dark Angel Saga. And I kept the four most important things that I was excited about and the things that most closely tie in to characters like Wolverine or Sunfire, characters that have been tainted by this and manipulated by [Apocalypse]. So as I was building [the story], it was important to find how it was an X-Men story and also Continue reading Thor vs Apocalypse in Uncanny Avengers