Top 5 Comic Book Picks for July 31, 2013

Batman, Incorporated #13 courtesy DC Comics
Batman, Incorporated #13 courtesy DC Comics

What a week! Milestone issues! Creators at the the top of their game on exciting new projects or reaching major finales! It was extremely hard to pick this week but….here we go:


Batman, Incorporated #13 Bruce vs. Talia – one final battle! Will Batman’s obsession with revenge for Damian’s murder make him kill the woman he once loved? Grant Morrison’s Batman finale is sure to be controversial, game-changing and gripping!


Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #7 All of the Time Lord’s companions are kidnapped. The Seventh Doctor makes a strange house call in a Scottish castle and all 11 Doctors appear in this latest chapter celebrating the Time Lord’s 50th Anniversary. Continue reading Top 5 Comic Book Picks for July 31, 2013


Guardians of the Galaxy #5 courtesy Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy #5 courtesy Marvel

Heaven’s most fearsome Angel vs. the Guardians of the Galaxy!


The Age of Ultron finale unleashed a powerful new force into the Marvel Universe. Angela (a co-creation of Neil Gaiman in Todd McFarlane’s Spawn series) was pulled in the Marvel 616 in Age of Ultron #10… and she’s not happy about it!


Gaiman joins Brian Michael Bendis on Guardians of the Galaxy #5 which picks up Angela’s adventures in the Marvel Universe with art by Sara Pichelli.


Earlier Bendis talked about the consequences of Age of Ultron and how Angela came into the Marvel Universe: Continue reading ANGELA In GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY

Bendis AGE OF ULTRON Aftermath

Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel

Brian Michael Bendis took a classic Avengers villain to write an epic story that creates new directions for the Marvel Universe. With Age of Ultron #10 out now, I wanted to shared part of this interview in which Bendis talks about his goals for the story and consequences for the Marvel Now:


“I wanted to do two things: I wanted a story that starts in one genre, but then turns into another. I like that mainstream comics are all different sub-genres all going on at once, and I thought two of them clashing into each other would be kind of fantastic,” he tells Comics Newsarama.


“The story starts off: “What if this villain fulfills their promise?” You wake up one day, and it’s happened. Obviously the real-world allegory is you wake up and the terrorists have done something that we’ve heard could happen on the news every day for like 10 years — you wake up, and they’ve done it.


And then at the end, that the heroes, Wolverine in particular, have to go to great lengths to solve this, and the responsibility of using the space-time continuum — which Reed Richards Continue reading Bendis AGE OF ULTRON Aftermath

Angela In the Marvel Now

Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel

ANGELA arrives! Neil Gaiman brings the warrior angel from the Spawn mythos into the Marvel Now. Angela makes her debut in Age of Ultron #10 today and her story will continue in Guardians of the Galaxy #5 by Gaiman and Brian Michael Bendis. Joe Quesada redesigned the iconic character for her Marvel debut. How will Angela affect the Marvel Universe and who will encounter her after the Guardians?

Here are 3 Marvel heroes who should be on the top of Angela’s Marvel dance card: Continue reading Angela In the Marvel Now

AGE OF ULTRON Finale “Angela” Cover by Joe Quesada

Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel

Will “Angela” right the wronged Marvel Universe? Wolverine’s decision to kill Hank Pym before he could create Ultron resulted in a bizarre new reality with Earth’s strange new heroes fighting a war against mystical forces.

Can Neil Gaiman and Todd McFarlane’s warrior angel end the war and set things right?

Marvel revealed this wraparound variant cover of Age of Ultron #10 by Marvel Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada. The finale Continue reading AGE OF ULTRON Finale “Angela” Cover by Joe Quesada

Angela Powers Up Guardians of the Galaxy #5

Guardians of the Galaxy #5 courtesy Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy #5 courtesy Marvel

The Age of Ultron finale will unleash a powerful new force into the Marvel Universe. Angela (a co-creation of Neil Gaiman in Todd McFarlane’s Spawn series) will be introduced in Age of Ultron #10.

Gaiman joins Brian Michael Bendis on Guardians of the Galaxy #5 which picks up Angela’s adventures in the Marvel Universe. Earlier we saw Joe Quesada’s redesign of Angela and now Marvel is sharing Sara Pichelli’s cover to Guardians of the Galaxy #5 which arrives July 24th.

Will Angela be an ally or enemy of Star-Lord and his crew? Will Angela have a role in Infinity?

Stay tuned!

By Editor

ANGELA by Joe Quesada

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Big changes are coming to the Marvel Universe in the aftermath of Age of Ultron! The biggest surprise is the Marvel debut of a classic character from the Image mythos. Now we see her!

Marvel unveiled the new look of Angela by Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada. Created by Neil Gaiman and Todd McFarlane of Spawn, this warrior angel makes her Marvel debut in Age of Ultron #10 this June. Quesada is among the all-star roster of artists contributing to the AoU finale.

“Angela is going to make her mark rather quickly. She’s going to hit the ground running and cut a large swath through the Marvel Universe, both literally and metaphorically,” explained Joe Quesada, Chief Creative Officer, Marvel Entertainment. “We have huge plans for her, and the mystery of Continue reading ANGELA by Joe Quesada

Neil Gaiman and “Angela” Join Marvel!

Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel

Neil Gaiman returns to Marvel! It’s part of the star-studded Age of Ultron finale! Legendary Joe Quesada returns to pencil the final pages of Age of Ultron #10. Marvel revealed Quesada will create art for a special epilogue written by Brian Michael Bendis that features the introduction of Gaiman’s Angela into the Marvel Universe! Angela will have a new look created by Quesada and have “an immediate impact” that continues in Guardians of the Galaxy #5 which will be written by Bendis and Gaiman.

Angela is a warrior angel Gaiman created by Gaiman and artist Todd McFarlane during their run on Spawn published by Image Comics.

Preparing the way for Continue reading Neil Gaiman and “Angela” Join Marvel!