All-New X-Men Beast Preview

All-New X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

  The Children of the Atom will mutate as new creative team Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen launch All-New X-Men #1.

  The five original X-Men are yanked from the past and into the Marvel Now. Can you imagine young Henry McCoy’s reaction when he meets his future self? Immonen’s depiction of the furry blue Beast is seen in this new interior art courtesy . This preview includes an except from Bendis’ script.



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1- Ext. Jean Grey School for Higher Learning- day

Wide shot of the mansion from the front gate looking in.
It is a gorgeous day and it’s a calm day at the mansion.

Reads: the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning
I am mutating.  
And it is [REDACTED].

  This popped in my head – could the arrival of the younger X-Men trigger the end of their future and current counterparts? What would Doctor Who say? Hang with me – you know what they always say in sci-fi movies about the impact to the timestream if you actually meet your other self? Could the young McCoy’s arrival trigger Hank to completely evolve to a Beast or hold the key to curing him?

  There’s a definitely long-term reason Bendis brought the original five into the Marvel NOW. I have to imagine the shock of the young X-Men as they witness what’s happened to their dream and to their leader. Maybe the kids will have a dark agenda when it comes to their current selves. This blast from the past may want to blast away the status quo and start new? 

By Editor

All-New X-Men Reveals Emma Frost, Cyclops, Magneto, Magik!

All-New X-Men courtesy Marvel

  Marvel revealed a third variant by Stuart Immonen for the upcoming All-New X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis. The third cover image revealed at Fan Expo Canada shows Cyclops, Emma Frost, Magneto, Magik and a young man in glasses (no idea here). 

  All-New X-Men will see the original five X-Men from the past suddenly in our present day. A second cover revealed Storm, Wolverine, Kitty Pryde, Beast, Iceman and a mystery woman Bendis say is not Rachel Summers.

All-New X-Men courtesy Marvel

  This new cover makes us assume Scott, Emma, Erik and Illyana will survive Avengers vs. X-Men and be part of the new Marvel NOW! X-Men relaunch. AvX#11 has teases a death: there can be only one. Scott and Emma are currently the only host of the Phoenix Force.

  I still hold on to my theory that if you have an Uncanny Avengers…there can be a team of Avenging X-Men. I hope this cover means Emma (good or evil) will live on in the Marvel Now!

 All-New X-Men debuts with 2 issues this November.

Thanks to Comics Newsarama for the images.

By Editor

Mystery Woman of All-New X-Men?

All-New X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  All-New X-Men features the original five students of Professor X in the here and now.

 The cover of All-New X-Men #2 revealed this week features Storm, Wolverine, Kitty Pryde and Lockheed, furry Beast and Bobby – now at his full Omega level potential. It’s assumed that the girl with the short red hair was Rachel Summers, daughter of Scott and Jean from an alternate future.

 Writer Brian Michael Bendis revealed on his message board that this mystery woman is not Rachel.

     “The mystery woman is not Jessica Jones OR rachel summers. hmmm…”

Any thougths? Thanks for the careful eye Comics Newsarama.

By Editor