New “Prometheus” Trailer: New Alien, New Theory?

Prometheus still of Noomi Rapace courtesy 20th Century Fox

 “Is there an agenda that you’re not telling us about?” asks the scientist to the Weyland Corp officer. I love that line in this new trailer and it lets you know you’re back in the Alien universe!

 A new international trailer for Ridley Scott’s Prometheus launched featuring new footage. More of the ship! More of Charlize Theron as Meredith Vickers – who seems as robotic as Michael Fassbender’s David. A new alien life form! More of the Space Jockey! And I have a new theory – see below but warning you may consider it a spoiler! 

Thanks to Comic Book Resources Comic Reel.

This Geek’s Theory!  Warning – you may consider it a spoiler!

I think the aliens from the earlier films we all love and fear were the Space Jockey’s cargo. But after seeing this trailer, I wonder if the humans of Prometheus are part of the DNA of what will become the aliens of Alien? There’s definitely a new parasitic life form in this film. What if the Space Jockey’s cargo merged with the humans to give us what we will come to know as Alien?

By Editor

“Prometheus” R Rating Impact & No “Alien” Title

Prometheus still of Noomi Rapace courtesy 20th Century Fox

The man who knows the fate of many sci-fi and superhero franchise near and dear to geek hearts gave many updates at CinemaCon in Las Vegas this week.

Fox Studio Chief Tom Rothman told MTV News that Prometheus has not been rated yet.

“The rating board has not opined yet and it will go in to the board soon,” Rothman told us on the press line for the studio’s CinemaCon panel. “This I can tell you and I can tell all the fans, not one frame will be cut. The movie will be what it should be. We will not cut a frame of the film,” he promised. “We will stand behind it 100 percent and if that means it’s an R, then so be it, because not an ounce, not a percentage are we going to compromise the film.”

Rothman confirmed it was hit call to not include Alien in the title. Here’s why they went with the new title.



Thanks to Dark Horizons and MTV News. And after seeing this – Thank you Mr. Rothman!

New Prometheus Featurette Video “A Superior Species, No Doubt”

image courtesy 20th Century Fox

 A new Prometheus featurette is burning up the geek net! The cast is praising Sir Ridley Scott and we hear from the acclaimed director himself on his return to science fiction. The look in Michael Fassbender’s eyes as David the android is fascinating and chilling as he appears to sit the pilot seat of the “Space Jockey” and discovers the starmap. We’ve seen the scene in the trailer before but in this featurette we see Noomi Rapace in the white bikini looking outfit before what looks like a nasty fate with an alien of some kind.

I particularly enjoyed David’s quote “a superior species, no doubt.”

Thanks to Screen Rant.

New “Prometheus” Viral Video with Michael Fassbender’s Android

Michael Fassbender in Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox

A truly chilling performance by Michael Fassbender as the android David in a new faux commercial from Weyland Industries, the sinister company in Prometheus and the Alien films. Take a look – even if you think you’ve seen this, keep watching – especially the Rorschach looking symbols peppered in the spot.


Thanks to Digital Spy. Prometheus opens June 8. As I watch this I can’t help but think of Ian Holm telling the crew of the Nostromo the company’s orders in Alien.

 As I watch this – I can’t help but also think of how perfect Michael Fassbender would be at the Vision in The Avengers.

Ridley Scott on Prometheus Cut and Rating


image courtesy 20th Century Fox

  No rating yet but Director Ridley Scott says he shot Prometheus with an R rating in mind. At a Paris press conference the director says the film that ends up in theaters will be his cut.

“The cut that you’re gonna see in cinemas…it’s always the director’s cut, really… In this instance, you got a pretty good version here, pretty good cut. We’re running at about — I think without the end titles, which normally run about four to five minutes — we’re running one hour, fifty-nine minutes and change. It’s very tight, it’s what it should be” he told the media.

Thanks to Dark Horizons for the story.

Michael Fassbender’s Android Inspiration for “Prometheus”

Michael Fassbender in Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox

  Michael Fassbender plays an android named David in Ridley Scott’s (it has Alien DNA) Prometheus. Viral marketing (under the guise of a commercial from Weyland Industries) revealed David is a product of Weyland, the company that connects Alien and Prometheus.

  Pocket-lint makes a great point: You might assume that Fassbender based his performance on Ash (played by Ian Holm) in Alien or Bishop (Lance Henricksen) in Aliens. But the actor says he looked to another Ridley Scott directed sci-fi classic and…Olympic medalist Greg Louganis?

“I watched Blade Runner,” said Fassbender during a Q&A in London that Pocket-lint attended. “I watched The Servant with Dirk Bogarde. Laurence of Arabia. The Man Who Fell to Earth. And Greg Louganis.

“It’s the way he moved. When I was younger, his weird walk made me laugh.”

“It’s very centred,” he continued. “There’s an economy of movement. I thought that would work out.”

Thanks to for the story. I just discovered this site – very cool, great layout!

This story makes me picture Fassbender uttering that famous line, “If you could see what I’ve seen with your eyes.”

“Equivalent of Chest Bursting Scene” in Prometheus

image courtesy 20th Century Fox

  Director Ridley Scott astonished critics in London with a preview of Prometheus and a tease that will be sending fanboys like me geeking out.

  Scott teases that Prometheus does have indeed have “the equivalent of Alien‘s famous chest-bursting scene,” according to the NY Daily News.

 For the entire story here’s the NY Daily News link.

Company Man TED Viral Video in “Prometheus”

Prometheus still of Noomi Rapace courtesy 20th Century Fox

  The chilling TED viral video starring Guy Pearce as Peter Weyland burned up the internet revealing the connection between Alien and Prometheus. The video was not just brilliant viral marketing, you’ll see it on the big screen.

  “You’ve seen everything you’re going to see out of [the TED Talk], but there were some sections of the speech that were trimmed out, just for economics,” Pearce told MTV News about shooting the viral video. “But there are other viral videos that are going to come out that involve the other characters from the film, with Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender. Mine was just the entrée to bigger and better things.”

  Pearce talked about feeling the pressure while playing the character that connects the films.

  “To a certain extent I’m feeling it more and more now! Every time I do an interview, and someone goes, ‘Sooo… Peter Weyland!’ And I go, ‘Oh god!'” he laughed. “Yeah, there’s a bit of pressure. But look, you’re standing there in front of Ridley, and you’re offering up whatever you can offer up. If it’s not right, Ridley would say. So I just have to trust Mr. Scott there.”

 For the entire interview here’s the MTV News link.

By Editor