Top 10 Comics for June 25, 2014

Batman #32 courtesy DC Comics
Batman #32 courtesy DC Comics

Batman #32  The Dark Knight vs. the Riddler for control of Gotham City. The fight that shaped the future of Batman, Jim Gordon and their crusade. The next to the last chapter of Bruce Wayne’s Zero Year by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo.


C.O.W.L. #2 A union of fallen super heroes fights to recapture their power, status and love of the public. What are they willing to sacrifice to win back their glory. A retro tale of 1960’s heroes with edge, guts and themes right out of our world today by  Kyle Higgins, Alec Siegel and Rod Reis


New Avengers #30 & New Avengers Annual #1 Marvel is conjuring a Dr. Strange movie and here are two intertwined tales of the Master of the Mystic Arts. How far is Dr. Strange willing to go to stop the heroes of a rival universe to save our Earth? Then in the Annual, Strange must return to the Himalayas to settle a debt with a sect of monks unlike any you’ve seen.  The Sorcerer Supreme already bargained in Hell for the power to save the planet -but will he lose his soul? Continue reading Top 10 Comics for June 25, 2014


Savage Hulk #1 courtesy Marvel
Savage Hulk #1 courtesy Marvel

It’s a blast into the past as a brand new Hulk  series ongoing smashes into comic book shops this week. Living legend Alan Davis will unleash the Green Goliatch in Savage Hulk #1 in a tale with the original X-Men.


“We wanted big names, super stars and break out talent to tell their unique Hulk stories within continuity,” says series editor Mark Paniccia told “That might be now, or using elements of the past and perhaps even glimpses of the future. It all comes back to the current Hulk mythos while letting the talent cut loose with that Hulk story that they’ve been dying to tell.” Continue reading SAVAGE HULK & X-MEN By ALAN DAVIS

SAVAGE HULK Superstar Anthology Book

Savage Hulk #1 courtesy Marvel
Savage Hulk #1 courtesy Marvel

Living legends Alan Davis and Jim Starlin unleash the best in Savage Hulk #1. Marvel announced a brand new anthology series starring Bruce Banner and his alter ego starting this June.


“We wanted big names, super stars and break out talent to tell their unique Hulk stories within continuity,” says series editor Mark Paniccia. “That might be now, or using elements of the past and perhaps even glimpses of the future. It all comes back to the current Hulk mythos while letting the talent cut loose with that Hulk story that they’ve been dying to tell.” Continue reading SAVAGE HULK Superstar Anthology Book

Wolverine’s Avenging Friends

Wolverine #3 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine #3 courtesy Marvel

How can Logan defeat an enemy he can’t punch, hack or slash? Writer Paul Cornell and artist Alan David kicked off Wolverine’s new solo book with a deadly trail of alien carnage ripping through New York City in the first two issues. Can Nick Fury Jr. help Logan beat this impossible new foe in this week’s Wolverine #3.

Borrowing the words of a famous songwriter can Logan “get by with a little help from his friends?”

Wolverine is an X-Man, an Avenger, a Headmaster. Logan may have a reputation as a loner but this hero may actually be a super “people” person. Paul Cornell explains how Logan’s friends and allies will play a role as the series moves forward:

“He likes people. He’s actually a very strange creature. He chooses to keep himself grounded and involved with human beings, to be both an effectively immortal mutant with additional military implants, and this guy who likes bars and beer,” Cornell tells,

I think [he sees] them as fellow professionals, people who do the same job he does. “Hero” would be a difficult word for most of them. He takes responsibility, I think, and he likes the company of others who do the same, particularly Continue reading Wolverine’s Avenging Friends

Wolverine #2 Preview

Wolverine #2 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine #2 courtesy Marvel

It’s Hunting Season in New York City! Logan is tracking dangerous prey: a child?

Paul Cornell and Alan Davis launched a brand new Wolverine series last month.

A young boy is running around New York City in possession of a powerful weapon and the child may be possessed. What will Logan do to stop the kid?

Here’s what Cornell says about this first arc:

James is involved in a hostage situation in the heart of New York, which spirals into an action-movie chase with him pursuing…he has no idea, and neither do we. It’s something absolutely disciplined, ruthless, and absolutely unconcerned with harming innocents. James has to do something not very nice in front of one such innocent. He’s damned if he’s going to let it happen again.”

Wolverine’s adventures have taken him around the world, into space and across timestreams but Cornell told he plans to keep the X-Man grounded in the new series.

“I like him at street level, but the rather startling guest star that shows up at the end of issue #2 should indicate we’ve got our eye on the wider Marvel Universe too. Street is an interesting place for him to be, because it’s not quite the default, which is surely forest. We’re aiming for a title which actually does introduce him to new readers, while touching only very lightly on his history for those Continue reading Wolverine #2 Preview

Testing Wolverine’s Powers

Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel

Paul Cornell and Alan Davis launch a brand new Wolverine #1 this week meaning new ways to punish the fan favorite hero.

Logan has been burned down to his skeleton, ripped apart and mutilated over and over in the past. The X-Man’s mutant healing factor has inspired writers to dream up some bizarre acts of violence. I wanted so share some of Cornell’s interview in which the writer aims to make the un-killable hero “vulnerable in other ways: human ways, emotional ways.”

As I said before Wolverine has been put through the ringer because of his healing factor but Cornell says not to expect Continue reading Testing Wolverine’s Powers

WOLVERINE Man of the People?

Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel

Wolverine is a:

X-Man, Avenger, Mentor, Headmaster, Lover, Killer…Man of the People?

Wolverine is a man with many titles and star of many comic book titles! The new volume of Wolverine kicks off this week by Paul Cornell and the legendary Alan Davis. This is Cornell’s return to the House of Ideas and he talked with about his take on the fan favorite X-Man.

“This is the series that gets into what makes James Logan tick, that shows him Continue reading WOLVERINE Man of the People?

WOLVERINE and His Avenging Friends!

Wolverine #3 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine #3 courtesy Marvel

Paul Cornell comes back to Marvel in a big way! Cornell and legendary artist Alan Davis launch a brand new Wolverine #1.

Logan is an X-Man, Avenger, Headmaster. For his reputation as a loner the hero may actually be a super “people” person.

How will Wolverine’s friends and allies play roles in the series

“He likes people. He’s actually a very strange creature. He chooses to keep himself grounded and involved with human beings, to be both an effectively immortal mutant with additional military implants, and this guy who likes bars and beer,” Cornell tells,

I think [he sees] them as fellow professionals, people who do the same job he does. “Hero” would be a difficult word for most of them. He takes responsibility, I think, and he likes the company of others who do the same, particularly Continue reading WOLVERINE and His Avenging Friends!