A New Kind of AVENGERS

Avengers A.I. #1 courtesy Marvel
Avengers A.I. #1 courtesy Marvel

Ultron gave artificial intelligence a bad name! The villain’s creator is leading a new team of robots and cyborgs in Avengers A.I. #1 out tomorrow.


In the aftermath of Age of Ultron, Hank Pym is on the road to redemption and leading a team of Marvel’s mightiest artificial intelligences. Writer Sam Humphries explains Pym’s new role and the team’s mission with Marvel.com.


“As for the new team, it’s just a blast of excitement and nerves for Hank. Remember, Hank was there on day one of the Avengers, and he was a member of West Coast Avengers as well. I think the opportunity to assemble—sorry—a new team is like another chance to get it right, another chance to be a force for good in the world. It’s like that Continue reading A New Kind of AVENGERS

AGE OF ULTRON – Hank Pym Aftermath

Age of Ultron #10AI
Age of Ultron #10AI

One of Marvel’s most classic heroes stars in Age of Ultron #10AI by Mark Waid this week.


The Marvel Universe is recovering from the final battle with Ultron and is not prepared for what’s been unleashed across the multiverse but a founding Avenger has a new purpose.


The Age of Ultron began way back when Hank Pym invented the artificial intelligence. The redemption of Hank Pym begins.


“The aftermath focuses heavily on Hank Pym,” said Brevoort at C2E2 earlier this year, “He goes through a fairly transformative experience… given that he’s dead. Age of Ultron #10 AI is a deep dive into Continue reading AGE OF ULTRON – Hank Pym Aftermath

Galactus Has Ultimate HUNGER

Hunger #1 courtesy Marvel
Hunger #1 courtesy Marvel

Multiple universes will suffer the consequences of Wolverine’s actions in Age of Ultron! Earth’s Mightiest Heroes found a way to stop Ultron but Logan’s time jumps have ruptured the continuum! Angela has been pulled into the Marvel Universe. Galactus was transported into the Ultimate Universe – and he’s hungry!


Age of Ultron writer Brian Michael Bendis, new Ultimate Comics Ultimates writer Joshua Fialkov, Executive Editor Tom Brevoort and Ultimate Comics Editor Mark Panicca previewed the aftermath of Age of Ultron #10 in Marvel liveblog.


HUNGER will be a four-part series kicking off in July in which the Ultimate Universe faces the threat of Galactus! Bendis explains how the events of AoU inspired ideas of how it could impact the Marvel multiverse:


“For a lot of Age of Ultron, it was me and Tom Brevoort planning alone. When we put it out to everybody at Marvel that we were doing this crazy time travel story, we told them we wanted there to be ramifications. We asked ‘What’s the craziest thing that could fall into the Marvel Universe?’ A lot of ideas were something dropping on the Ultimate Universe that would be insane. Then Joe Quesada called me out of the blue and told me we could have Angela. That was about the craziest thing I ever heard. Then Neil Gaiman wanting Continue reading Galactus Has Ultimate HUNGER


Age of Ultron #10AI
Age of Ultron #10AI

One of the great elements of Age of Ultron is the focus on Hank Pym. In a world of super soldiers and Gods it’s easy to think of Pym as a minor character. Brian Michael Bendis has reminded us of the Pym’s genius and importance in Marvel history and now Marvel’s immediate future. I wanted to share part of this Bendis interview about the themes of the event.

“One of the themes of the piece is that everybody’s important. Hank Pym would be perceived by some — not all — to be a minor cog in the Marvel Universe. But then you see, if you pull out that minor cog, the whole thing unravels,” Bendis tells Comics Newsarama, “Now he didn’t get to see it, but he certainly gets to feel, “I have an importance here that maybe I’ve been neglecting, and maybe Continue reading AGE OF HANK PYM!

Bendis AGE OF ULTRON Aftermath

Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel

Brian Michael Bendis took a classic Avengers villain to write an epic story that creates new directions for the Marvel Universe. With Age of Ultron #10 out now, I wanted to shared part of this interview in which Bendis talks about his goals for the story and consequences for the Marvel Now:


“I wanted to do two things: I wanted a story that starts in one genre, but then turns into another. I like that mainstream comics are all different sub-genres all going on at once, and I thought two of them clashing into each other would be kind of fantastic,” he tells Comics Newsarama.


“The story starts off: “What if this villain fulfills their promise?” You wake up one day, and it’s happened. Obviously the real-world allegory is you wake up and the terrorists have done something that we’ve heard could happen on the news every day for like 10 years — you wake up, and they’ve done it.


And then at the end, that the heroes, Wolverine in particular, have to go to great lengths to solve this, and the responsibility of using the space-time continuum — which Reed Richards Continue reading Bendis AGE OF ULTRON Aftermath

Angela In the Marvel Now

Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel

ANGELA arrives! Neil Gaiman brings the warrior angel from the Spawn mythos into the Marvel Now. Angela makes her debut in Age of Ultron #10 today and her story will continue in Guardians of the Galaxy #5 by Gaiman and Brian Michael Bendis. Joe Quesada redesigned the iconic character for her Marvel debut. How will Angela affect the Marvel Universe and who will encounter her after the Guardians?

Here are 3 Marvel heroes who should be on the top of Angela’s Marvel dance card: Continue reading Angela In the Marvel Now

Comic Book Picks for June 19, 2013

New Avengers #7 courtesy Marvel
New Avengers #7 courtesy Marvel

Age of Ultron #10 The finale to time twisting tragedy filled, action packed mega series! Wolverine’s brutal action to stop the creation of Ultron created a harsh new reality for the embattled heroes. Can Hank Pym make things right again? Brian Michael Bendis and an all-star roster of artists deliver the shocking ending that will change the Marvel Universe!

Batman and Batgirl #21 Can Barbara stop Batman from making a horrific decision? Will Bruce attempt to bring Damian back to life? What’s the price for Robin’s resurrection?

Indestructible Hulk #9 Writer Mark Waid is the best thing to happen to Matt Murdock and Bruce Banner in a long time! Daredevil Continue reading Comic Book Picks for June 19, 2013